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Posts posted by uscbigdawg

  1. Well...since your panties are all in a bunch, I'll say this. If Matt can do it, anyone can do it. I personally do not buy in to the idea that only a select few can do specific things.

    As for timing myself, yeah I've done it. The difference was not enough to matter as I rarely run as fast as I can from a position. The majority of times I'm at a good speed and one where I can do other things with little impact. I posted a video a while ago of a stage at a club. Set up something similar where I didn't reload going in to shooting a plate rack on the move (as I did during the match). Time was about .3.

    So as for facts, since we're talking about an individuals decision to run at a speed that they determine, it's hardly substantive. More subjective than factual....speaking scientifically of course.


    ETA: If video of Matt on PSV4 isn't enough, you can take the comment from our host when discussing speed between him and Robbie at the STC. If I recall who was doing what, Brian chose to run full out, where Robbie chose to go at a medium/fast stroll. The time was about the same. Now...if that's possible (meaning covering the same distance and execution of action) then, would it not be just as feasible to say that if you are someone that runs full speed and reloads, you could be just as fast as someone that chooses to go at a medium/fast stroll and doesn't? Maybe some folks (myself included) run faster than their normal movement speed when the stage plan calls for a movement and a reload. Is that possible? If so, then the facts are not facts at all and again are subjective.

  2. You won't lose your moons or your brass at any match that I've RO'ed and it was a lost brass match. Frankly, you're one of what 10 guys on the range that HAVE a demooner and so I'm sure most RO's wouldn't mind you taking everything with you.


  3. Bart - Going to have to agree to disagree.

    chris - Just comes down to how much you want to spend. I played with Taran's single stack gun he was using in L-10 this weekend. That thing was pretty sweet. Sight Tracker barrel and carved up trigger guard. A nice 5" blaster.

    Hell...why not have Benny build you a Fat Free w/ 2 barrels/ejectors using a SV slide. Just food for thought.

    Go with what you want to shoot, not what you "should" shoot. I use a single stack (occasionally) in L-10 and it's just a ton of fun.


  4. You're shooting iron sights so the only concern I'd have are glasses & footing. Footing = cleats. Glasses = My Rudy's with probably an extra spray or two of Rain-X. Oh...have a hat.

    Shoot fast but be safe on the footing. If you don't think about the rain, it won't affect you. :D


    ETA: Translation = Stick with what you can control. Everything else is immaterial.

  5. For a 6" singlestack, I'd go either STI, SV or Springfield. Then, probably outside of the SV, send it to get it tweaked the way I like it. That's if going the "factory" gun route. These guys support the sport and so that's where we should spend our dollars.

    Now, if I'm building a 6" gun, I'd just have a gun completely built up on a STI 2011 frame, from Benny Hill. One of his Fat Free's is it. For the price, you're not much more than the Les Baer. You have the option to go to Limited if you want. As for 40 vs. 45, that's a personal decision. Rarely does the round number difference matter. Get good at reloading and it's not a factor. Proof? We had a lot of stages this weekend where the iron sighted single stacks & Production guns out did MANY Open & Limited guns.

    Being that you're in Arkansas, ask around at some of the local clubs and see if folks will let you shoot their gun. Odds are they will and you can see what you like and don't like. If you're really set on a 6" singlestack...my first turn would be Springfield.


    ETA: 6" SA and then sent to Benny to get lightened up. :D

  6. I'd pass on the carbide 223 dies. An old Dillon friend said while there's nothing wrong with the carbide dies it's just the $$$ that gets you. Definitely provides a margin for error, but we all know that if you're careful and you own a stuck case kit, you'll never get a stuck case.

    I use Dillon dies on my 650 loading 223 for my AR's. No problems at all.


    ETA: Dillon's dies are small base body dies. Just aren't advertised as such.

  7. Looking at BE.com'ers in attendance (at least the ones I know):





    short round


    theo carter


    little kahuna

    big kahuna




    Brian Gonsalves



    I'm sure I missed a few.

    BTW...a HUGE thanks to Bladetech for sponsoring the match. While the vendor area was small, between them and BAM Airsoft, the vendors I think did pretty well. Huge thanks again to them, Brownell's, Shooter's Connection, Dillon Precision and Montana Gold Bullets. I'm sure I missed other match sponsors, but thank you. It's during these hard times that we find out who our supporters are and these are who we need to support when we come out on the other side.


  8. Just 'cause I'm proud of my teammates:

    Norbert Baraoidan - 5th B; 27th Overall Open

    Nick Santiago - 2nd A; 3rd Overall Limited

    Brian Gonsalves - 3rd C; 19th Overall Limited

    The stages were harder than people thought. Looked wide open, lots of full targets, not a lot of hard cover or no-shoots, but they were positioned really well to make it a shooting competition and not a track meet. I'm stoked that this is a Level 3 match and it counts as a classifier. If my math is right, I'll be getting closer to Master. Coming after you Nick!


  9. Trapr,

    When testing cold bore, I do a couple of things:

    1 - I wait about 5-7 minutes between shots.

    2 - I always shoot the cold bore with a fouled barrel, but for analysis, I'll only do test cold bore for like 5-10 rounds before cleaning, fouling and then re-testing. It's the only way I can see getting a fair baseline for comparison.

    3 - Like mentioned above, I try to walk away from the bench, doing something else and not think about the shot. It's not just a cold bore, but "cold brain" is pretty accurate too.


    ETA: Good term Monte. I'm stealin' that one.

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