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Posts posted by uscbigdawg

  1. I've only shot 38 Super and never have considered going to the variations like SC, TJ, et. al. As for 9mm, there's SOME merit to it, but since I've got a LOT of 38 Super brass and it's easy to pick up (when the SC guys are fighting for there's, there's a nice pile of my Super waiting) I'll just stick with it. Having a Case Pro setup for 38 Super doesn't hurt either. :D


  2. Ed,

    I'll say this about high dollars and STI frames. I brought a bunch back a couple of years ago and sold them off to friends that "bought in" at cost+$50. Bascially, the $50 paid for the transfer fees both in the state I was living and the declaration fee in California. The left overs I sold for somewhere around cost plus $50-100. I wasn't in it for the money as it's better to help a shooter than charge something just because we can. I've 2 or 3 (can't remember) frames in the safe now and while 1 of them is for a future project, the others are for those that want to get in to our sports and (for whatever reason) do not want to buy a Bar Sto (as they're the exact same thing) or SV.

    I guess all I'm suggesting is instead of looking to cash in on a neighbor's pain, maybe breaking even or cost plus 2 tanks of gas isn't a bad way of taking it either. Maybe I'm getting kindler and gentler in my age. :D


  3. Well according to Bobby, I'm spoiled rotten. Between living in CA where I can get to 4-5 matches per month in about a 30-40 minute drive, Arizona where I can shoot 4-5 matches a week in 20 minutes and North Carolina where heck...we had a USPSA club on Fort Bragg, that driving 1-2 hours for a match is "normal". I suppose it wouldn't be so bad, if I can find a public range or someone's property to shoot/practice on.

    Georgia is definitely in the lead, but we're looking more towards Atlanta than Savannah. Yes...for the shooting. :D Cherokee and South River are just too nice not to consider as home ranges.


  4. Well...don't get locked on to long range shots as there were only 3-4 over 300 last year.

    Depending on which scoring system they use (Horner last year, but I have a feeling it'll be different) will dictate a lot. Like RS, do the lame boring stuff first and it will pay off down the line. Some other "tricks" are what shotgun shells to use. Pattern them and with whatever choke groups slugs the best.

    There's a lot of the boring crap that goes in to a winning 3-Gun skill set. Of course we should do all the normal stuff that we would in a pistol match. However, this is a different animal and if the fundamentals are bypassed then you are just wasting time and ammo.

    After that, work on gun transitions, SAFELY MOVING WITH ANOTHER FIREARM ON YOUR PERSON, and getting in to and out of positions with your long guns. From there, just execute good clean shots and you'll be surprised at how well you'll do.


  5. I would beg to differ. John's rulings, while maybe not favored, have been consistent and allow a basis for comparison.

    The reality is that the pistol, while retaining the same name & number, is different. The grip is different and that's why it has to be re-listed with USPSA. That's the rules. We may not agree with them, heck...some of us don't agree with half the rules in the rule book, but at the same time, they ARE the rules (and procedures) for the game we play.

    There's a pretty simple solution to fix it is to run for office and propose changes. Not criticizing any one in particular. Just saying that it's easy to find fault from the side lines.


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