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Posts posted by uscbigdawg

  1. In practice, push as hard and as fast as you can, but working your way up to it trying not to sacrifice results for speed. It will happen, but then you just back it down a bit. Later, during the SAME, practice session, push it back up again until you start getting sloppy or compromising results. Basically, you're trying to re-establish YOUR 100% speed/performance.

    Then...at a match, go 85-90% so that you know you're not compromising results, but YOUR speed will be faster than it once was. Trust your speed and you will be fast.


  2. Cardboard box (i.e. about the size of a 6 pack) with a lid. Toss a handful into the box. Spray 2-3 pumps of the Dillon lube (after shaking the bottle liberally, and then close the lid and shake the brass around. Maybe another spray for good measure, repeat shaking it and then toss 'em in the hopper and go.

    Tumble after loading and then case gauge.


  3. I whole heartedly agree with XRe in that you get the standard Trubor. As for caliber, it's about six of one and half dozen of the other. Factory 38 Super is a little tough to find but is manageable. Atlanta Arms & Ammo probably loads the best stuff out there with regards to 38 Super and our game, and it's affordable.

    For the pistol itself, look at purchasing from one of our forum sponsors:

    - CPWSA

    - Freedom Gunworks

    - Triangle Shooting Sports

    - Brazos Custom


  4. i hate that when you are within 6 months of retirement, the big boys start dangling large amounts of coin in front of you.

    Sucker to the Golden Handcuffs!!! ;)

    I hate that my employer, after I do a lot to give them better value for my time, given that I'm back in school now, let's me know on Monday afternoon that they wouldn't be paying for my ARNG time this week (had 2 days of training during the week).

    Long story short, in the ARNG you're required to do AT (annual training). My guard unit let me split it out over the year given that my "real" job needs me here as much as possible. So...a couple of days every couple of months. Not a big deal when I was a salary employee.

    I'm now hourly as when I decided to go back to school, I'm only in the office 30+ hours per week in stead of my normal 40+. I offered that I be switched from salary to hourly so they got a better value for my time. Great right? See above.

    Kicker to all this is that when I went and did my days of training this week, I logged it under sick time since I'm saving vacation time for my wedding (and when I leave this place). I was told I had to use vacation time as I was out for Guard not for sickness. I actually did visit my orthopedist (knee) while there. That counts right? :D

    Just annoying. Working for someone (private sector) is officially old. Every day it makes me miss the Army, when you could look someone straight in their face, tell them they are wrong and their feelings aren't all butt hurt. They fix themselves move on and later that night any "issues" are squelched over a beer. Apparently that's too freakin' difficult in 'modern' society. Heck...I've already been told that I threatened someone because rather than argue in the studio where there's 15 people, I asked the person to, "let's step outside so we can talk about this away from everyone else". Now I can see how it could be construed as 'threatening' but give me a break. We're adults and fighting is the last thing on my mind.

    I have less than 40 days 'til I can leave this place comfortably but am financially stable enough to make it before hand. Just biting my tongue between now and August 1st when I can make them crap their pants over me leaving when I manage about 50% of the projects in the office.


  5. Leaving California is guideline #1. While I have 2-3 schools on the back burner in CA, I'm tired of not having the gun rights and personal freedoms that I've had in AZ, KS, MO and NC. The ONLY thing that we'll miss about CA is our family and the great friends we have here (with that latter being the hardest part).

    Bobby - Good to know about you and the Gater Nation. If I end up there (which is growing on me quick) then we'll just have to bring the Shake 'n' Bake to Susan come time for the World's Largest Cocktail Party!!!


  6. So here's the deal. Y'all have heard my whining over the series of layoffs at my current employer. That instability is annoying and has grown more than old. Add to that getting married in 2 weeks (:D) and the priorities and rules are different.

    The (future) Mrs. is a registered dental assistant which translates to her being able to find work ANYWHERE. I'm working 40+ hours a week still, but also going to school full time this summer, quitting my job in the fall and going to college full time for the next year to satisfy prerequisites before going in to a PA program. The lead candidates for PA school are as follows:

    The Leaders:

    - South University, Savannah, GA

    * Great school, gorgeous city, no IPSC Shooting

    * We'll be near great friends (kgunz11, OpenShooterGirl, et. al.)

    - University of Florida, Gainesville, FL

    * I'm sure Susan (OpenShooterGirl) is going to kill me for being a Gator, but zhunter might like me :D

    * Great school, great city and I'm guessing plenty of shooting

    - Army Interservice Physicians Assistant Program

    * Will transfer/join the GA National Guard and let Uncle Sugar pay for PA School

    * Down side (and not really one) is going back to work for Uncle Sam and not knowing where I'll do clinicals

    Others being considered:

    - UC Davis, Davis, CA

    - Touro University, Henderson, NV

    - Univ. of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM

    - University of Texas, San Antonio (Health Sciences School)

    - Univ. of Utah

    Schools that I need to check more in to:

    - Arizona School of Health Sciences

    So as you can see, we're open to anything. Shooting IS a priority and there's a definite preference to move back to the south.


  7. But Seriously, in this world of virtual B.S. and snotty kids with no focus or guidance, I applaud any an all who pick up a rifle, drive a truck, fly a plane or fill it with fuel in service to this country..I guarantee the Zoomie Academy is still harder that Billy Bob's Community College...LOL

    T-VS :cheers:

    Amen brotha.


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