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Jake Di Vita

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Everything posted by Jake Di Vita

  1. I always thought that Nationals should be placed at the end of the season. As long as there is enough lead time, the vast majority of people who want to go will find a way to go - regardless of when it is scheduled.
  2. One could also argue that just because Limited and Open are the biggest divisions doesn't really matter because there is a cap on the number of entries allowed anyway.
  3. What Flex said is pretty much exactly what I was logging on to post.
  4. Man with these being back to back I really want to go...hopefully I'll be able to earn some money this year. haha.
  5. 30 Muscle-Ups for time. As Rx'd in 5:17. Was still breathing hard a half hour after I was done....that was rough.
  6. I gotcha. If it were a debilitating or permanent injury or was a case of extreme negligence (if he were drunk or otherwise impaired) I'd think differently...but as far as just an accident....they happen as I'm sure you know...and there's no permanent damage. I personally would just leave it be.
  7. I extremely dislike the idea of suing somebody for temporary discomfort.
  8. Wow...my response in this thread was dated nearly 5 years ago. Jesus... I have actually changed my mind a bit about how shooters lose time in a stage. From worst to least. Extra Shots / Not making your shots count (A Delta instead of an Alpha is literally just giving time to your competition) Entering and Exiting positions Movement Transitions Splits If your skill level is up to par and you are still having these problems....than chances are the problem is in your visualization.
  9. You should definitely list all Division and Category winners (even though I despise categories to begin with) of the Nationals. I don't think there needs to be a big write up about it, but listing them is a pretty basic concept of match reporting.
  10. Believe it or not you've uncovered one of my secrets Jane. I stumbled upon agility ladders in rehab for my knee.
  11. There is one thing I would like to add about the pull ups. When I kip I only go to chin above the bar strictly for time and power output concerns, however I also work extensively doing pull ups at the full range of motion. Full range of motion means arms straight at the bottom (with active shoulder position) and pulling up until your elbows pass the centerline of your body. If you do this it opens your chest up at the top of the movement. You get almost an extra foot of elevation. Whenever possible, exercises should be done through the full range of motion.
  12. I think 12 weeks is very doable if you do everything right and work your ass off. You'd be amazed at the transformation your body can go through in 3 months. If I had my own place I'd turn my garage into a gym in a second...but since I'm pretty limited in what I can do, the door frame version of the pull up bar works fine for me.
  13. I know who the guy is that runs away with it every year. Seriously though...add up the winning margins from every other division and they still don't equal the 16% that Jerry won by this year.
  14. No weight. Put a medicine ball behind you and make sure you touch it for every rep to ensure proper depth. If a WOD calls for weight they will usually specify a weight or specify back squat, front squat, overhead squat, etc.
  15. Most likely they would. Check in the "Fitness" department. Getting a heavy bag and boxing would be great to supplement your workouts with and will definitely help, but don't forget that boxers work their asses off outside of the ring too with endless push ups, jump roping, and tons of other exercises. Not to mention a usually phenomenal diet. Check out http://www.rosstraining.com for some good info.
  16. I got my pull up bar at Sports Authority for like $20. Just drills into either side of a doorway.
  17. Criminals thrive on society's "understanding."
  18. I agree...although I would compare a 5 second El Pres with 2 or 3 down with around a 1.5 - 1.7 bill drill instead of 2.0. But yeah, those guys are normal. They have just put the work in required to get there...which may make them not normal after all.
  19. I always start by dry firing (which I do at a match too) and then shoot a group. After that I'll start working on drills and recording them immediately.
  20. Trust me my friend...I'm paying for it now and probably for the next 2 days.
  21. Just did Barbara. Round 1 - 2:23 Round 2 - 2:17 Round 3 - 2:17 Round 4 - 2:24 Round 5 - 2:48 Didn't have to break up sets until the 5th round. Man this one killed me.
  22. Probably just for Open. I haven't done a bill drill with a Limited gun in I don't know how long so I have no idea where I stand there.
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