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Shooter Grrl

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Posts posted by Shooter Grrl

  1. Holy shit - I'm not sure I want to share my results, don't hate me, kay - this thang says I'm a LIBERAL!!!!

    LIBERALS usually embrace freedom of choice in personal

    matters, but tend to support significant government control of the

    economy. They generally support a government-funded "safety net"

    to help the disadvantaged, and advocate strict regulation

    of business. Liberals tend to favor environmental regulations,

    defend civil liberties and free expression, support government action

    to promote equality, and tolerate diverse lifestyles.

    The RED DOT on the Chart shows where you fit on the political map.

    Your PERSONAL issues Score is 60%.

    Your ECONOMIC issues Score is 10%.

    (Please note: Scores falling on the Centrist border are counted as Centrist.)

  2. Anyone know what is the most powerful sinus decongestant you can get over the counter?


    Erik - buy anything with Guifanesen in it. I take prescription antihistamines, but in the spring I add Sudafed non-drying to the mix.

  3. Dammit - I shot a really great stage this weekend, checked my scoresheet - all was written down properly - the scores get posted and it's not my score attached to my name - WTF? I email the stats/md and he sends me back exactly what MY score sheet says - that's what he entered. Then it dawns on me that we were shooting 2 stages on one bay, alternating shooters. I checked the scores were right, but neglected to make sure it was written ON MY SCORESHEET! Someone named "bob" got a GREAT open score and I got a .46 Hit Factor for a stage I probably won!!!!!!

    Lesson learned - when using book style scoresheets and alternating shooters on a single bay, check the name too dumbshit! :wacko:

  4. Ok kids...here's the answer straight from JA himself (thread teaser: Gary Stevens won't be surprised!!! :rolleyes: )

    JA--10.5.2 relalates to breaking the 90 rule, it stipulates rearward if there should be a back stop, if there is no back stop, then it clearly states uprange. A competitor should never be allowed to face uprange with a gun in their hand, it should be an automatic DQ.

    SZ_Note...I think John probably means break the 180 with their muzzle. As others have pointed out...it doesn't matter what direction we face...it matter what direction our muzzles pointing. So there you have it. Facing up range, drawing before breaking the 180 (or more specifically allowing the muzzle to break the 180) is a MDQ. End of Story.

    JA--Question 2 is a two part, part one is answered above, part two is

    10.5.6 applies to shooters facing downrange, the 1 meter radius was put in for those with the FBI cant or similar holsters, this gives a safety area for the muzzle pointing uprange during the draw, it also allows the RO to clear the area of the draw from competitors, so should the gun go off, no major accidents should occurr.

    My guess is when we get the new rule book...you won't be seeing the word "uprange" anywhere in 10.5.6!!

    So there's the answer for all of you. I hope we all learned something on this one...I know I did!


  5. Way to go ShooterGrl! You should drive down to Louisiana and come shoot the Lady Smith with us Saturday.


    Ohhhh - that sounds like FUN! I'll check into how long the drive is - ya'll may just see me saturday!

  6. Sheesh Gary - you're killing me today!

    Exceptional circumstances would be along the lines of shooting steel at 10yds isn't unsafe :P And hell yes, the shooter better come up with them on his own - the arb committee sure doesn't have to!

  7. Your confusion is unnecessary young grasshopper. Our US rule is very clear - 10.5.6 says REARWARD.

    well then using the same logic...any one facing down range...while drawing allow their muzzle to point uprange...will be DQ'ed too....hell yeah!

    BTW, I 100% agree with that statement Steve. The problem is, with the introduction of Production Division, many new shooters bring their rearward cant holster with them to shoot from. I was under the impression that 10.5.6 is only there to allow them to continue to play. I personally, before it was added, sent people home for breaking the 180 while drawing from one of those bad boys.

  8. I'd like to hear your thoughts on this one. I've got some thoughts on my own but would like to hear others ideas if they were RO'ing and a competitor did the following:

    If at the start signal, a competitor (while facing uprange)

    draws...keeps the muzzle of their firearm pointed within 1 meter and

    THEN turns, are they DQ'ed under 10.5.2 or is 10.5.6 an exception to

    10.5.2 during the draw/holster process (even if the shooter is facing

    uprange when they draw)?

    10.5.2 is the dq rule you use if someone draws before turning. Use logic, if I'm facing uprange, and I draw my gun, is my muzzle past the 90 degree mark or uprange? Hell yeah.

    10.5.2 If at any time during the course of fire, a competitor allows the muzzle of his handgun to point rearwards, that is further than 90 degrees from the median intercept of the backstop, or in the case of no backstop, allows the muzzle to point up range, whether the firearm is loaded or not.

  9. Way to go Kathy, that was an awesome time on that stage. I hope you will return.

    We'll be back... someday! May is Area 6, June is KY and July is a trip to Palm Springs to see family :( I, thankfully, haven't checked August yet - I really really really don't want to be booked that far out!!!!

    Thanks everyone for the kind words. I guess I'll have to get lost and in a fight with Mr. Shooter Grrl about getting us lost on the way to matches more often :wub:

  10. We're here now :) Walked the stages - all I can say is WOW! Berry is evil :wacko:

    Oh - and the Lexington guys have no idea what I look like in person - I hope they're just shy - otherwise I'm gonna have to believe that they're <gasp> snobs!

    Oh yeah, the official verdict is that half of them are shy and the other half are snobs - but they ALL know who I am now <VBEG> :rolleyes::ph34r:

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