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Everything posted by Loves2Shoot

  1. How far? My girlfirend Loves2Run so I need to find some places for her to go that are dog friendly.
  2. I find rolling my shoulders forward fixes the whole grip angle thing... The trigger (even fixed up) is more of an issue for me. I have to be more patient with it.
  3. Loves2Shoot


    This thong thing has gotten way out of control...
  4. Then you would have a very competitve Limited gun at about $800 decked out...
  5. If you want to get in on the 1st batch of these, please send me an e-mail at xdpads@springerprecision.com
  6. Ok it isn't 20 rounds, but 16 rounds of .45 for you isn't that bad. Ralph has made an extra effort to get these out quick. I'm sure those folks at Area 2 will get to check it out. Maybe we need a new Divsion, L16 for those guys who want to shoot Limited in .45 I've been using the heck out of the 9mm +5 (21 rounds) in practice and they are working great, I'm sure these will be just as good.
  7. McCarter knows how to get people to come to matches and grow the sport. There is NO ego, just a love for the sport. He would get my vote and support.
  8. Why do a few know-it-alls have to ruin good folks from sharing? Thanks from me Dave. I've read a lot of your postings and hope you will find it worth continuing to post in the future. I agree 100% there is more $ in tweaking and cutting up perfectly good pistols and throwing parts into a bin (that's why I have a Bridgeport in the shop) and building them from the ground up is a loosing proposition $$$ wise, but there is something satisifying about doing it still.
  9. To keep the 1911's out.. open that door and your would have heck to deal with. I don't think they would make the quantity sold part either at 2k+, but that is just a guess.
  10. LOL it was 9 degrees at practice the other morning, 60 sounds AWESOME.
  11. As often as I can. I found out I can't point shoot faster than I can see, so calling my shots have helped my close shooting too. If I could do it 100% of the tim, I would have better scores. This is my main focus right now. I still have bad (for me) habit of thinking I can shoot faster than I can see, and it almost always bites me in the butt when I let myself shot that way.
  12. Leibster, This is by no means a comment on your sights in any way... ...but, the idea of 0.75 seconds to shift focus is waaaay off base in my experience. Flexmoney, Your experience seems to be at odds with both Guyton's Textbook of Medical Physiology--a common medical text--and Dr. Irving Biederman, a professor at the University of Southern California. He is the father of "Geon Theory", and largely considered the world's leading authority on visual shape and object recognition. If memory serves, I first read the .75 seconds figure in a text that quoted from Guyton's, then confirmed it verbally with Dr. Biederman. See my previous post for a plausible explanation as to why you may feel that you were able to "focus" more quickly than this. Hope that helps clear things up. --Leibster Maku Mozo!
  13. Hey folks, I bought a pistola from an AZ resident that I would like to pick up at the match, or have you ship it to me. I am an FFL but need help getting the deal done and he doesn't seem to know anywhere to go. If anyone out there can help. scott@oregonshooting.com 541.480.5546 Thanks
  14. Pat do not mock what you don't understand... Didn't you see the video? Just use the farce. I was hoping to get a mad scientist vision expert to chime in, because I HATE seing people getting ripped off. I know it has to be a made up fact that is irrellevant to how shooting really works. Thanks again!
  15. Well, you answered another question I had without asking it. I've had some problems lately with breaking shots with an unrefined sight picture (12-25) yards and it has been killing me. I've been striving for a "perfect" sight picture and when I keep this high level of focus I know exaclty where the bullets are going and the times are MUCH quicker. My brain tells me I am seeing a the front sight perfectly (serrations and all) and I am spotting the center of the area I am shooting before "pulling" my vision back to the FS. My transitions on USP poppers were .5 ish at 20 yards this am (3 meters apart) and the paper were .35ish (3 meters apart.) When I drop a point on the paper I know it before I score the target and when I break a shot not on the USP poppers I know it instantly (my follow-up shots are consistantly .3ish at 20 yards.) This just doesn't make any sense with what this "expert" is saying because what I'm experiencing is MUCH different. I have a student who has gone from C time to GM times in 6 months when he stay focused and he does the technique BE described. I seen lots of newer shooters go from to .75 transitions at 7 yards (1 meter apart) to .4 transitions in one session, so .75 seems way off to me. Thanks for the input guys!
  16. http://www.xdtalk.com/forums/showthread.ph...7803#post317803 Here you go, let me know what you think.
  17. "the fact that it takes the eyes of even a young fit shooter about three quarters of a second to shift focal lengths, as from the front sight to the target." This seems WRONG and was written by someone claiming to be an expert. I know I can do it in a fraction of that time and I'm not special in that way. Any comments about this "fact?"
  18. Tangfolio tried to build a better mousetrap for IPSC and it got banned, and it seems they were trying to stay within the rules. I would hate for USPSA to reject better mousetraps WHEN they come down the pipe. I personally have XD's, Glocks, CZ, and Sig production guns. Most of the stuff people nitpick about don't really seem to matter much when it comes down to the shooting part, but I'm all for getting better and cheaper gun to the general public. I don't get the DA production mentality, I understand it keeps the 1911/2011's out, but it still doesn't set well with me, especialy with the Triggers you can get on the XD and Glocks. There are several really good guns that meet the production criteria that are SA and not 1911/2011 guns. The Division is a fun challenge and hope people don't get sidetracked about stuff that really doesn't matter and totally mess it up like IPSC did.
  19. If striker fired/SA guns are inherently better (your suggestion by wanting to ban them) AND more popular why restrict them from the Division? It is VERY hard to limit guns by simple descriptions in rules because people will build a better moustrap if they know the rules.
  20. OK, someone please give Yamil a GM card in action photogtaphy already...
  21. Correct, if the gun is not empty and the gun goes bang the DQ goes to the shooter and not the RO But it is the responsibility of the RO to makes sure the rules are followed and everybody is safe to the best of their ablility. Making sure the magazine is out of the gun and the chambler is empty before the hammer falls is part of that job isn't it? If it isn't I think it should be.
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