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shooting for M

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Posts posted by shooting for M

  1. I am having a great year, two weeks before L10 Nats last year the bushing proke, yesterday my safety broke. Luckily I scavanged one from a friend that actually fit and functions. I guess it's time for a new gun.


    Jason, I hope your bad luck stops until after the match this weekend!!!!

    We'll see, I'm gonna bring a back-up that I haven't shot since the smith worked on it.

  2. I am having a great year, two weeks before L10 Nats last year the bushing broke, yesterday my safety broke. Luckily I scavanged one from a friend that actually fit and functions. I guess it's time for a new gun.


  3. The replies above are all pretty much right. They sell extra long pipr cleaners for this too, but I've also heard not to use them.

    If you really want to get it off, be prepared to break a punch to get the pin out of the gas block. Use some good oil, probably not CLP, but reglar gun oil. Another suggestion would be to get a gas tube wrench, I think Brownells sells them but I'm not sure.

    Try to twist the tube to break it loose, you might also have to push it in further before you can pull it out.


  4. For over a year I used the Blade-tech double pouches, they worked fine, and for $40 you get 4 mags on your belt. I have dropped mags before while running though, dual pouches are pretty hard to adjust right, one side is always loose. Unless you are a member of the big belly gang like me you'ld be reaching past your spine for a 6th mag, but shooting single stack adn L10 for a year I've never needed more than four spare mags, but I have been worried before.

    I just bought a few of the Blackhawk CQC pouches , JasMap turned me on to them, and I think they are much better, they were like $18 each. They hold the mag away from your body a bit more, hold much better and a little higher. They are also not much longer on your belt than a mag. I use them with a CR Speed belt and put a little velcro on the inside of the clip to keep the pouch from coming off the belt with the mag. I don't think you would have any problems running a regular belt. One little thing about the CQC pouches is that if you seat them all the way they are pretty tight, I use witness hole #5 as a reference for the depth. The magazine only being half in it still holds plenty tight, but not tight enough to worry about your reload speeds.


  5. I used them once with clays nice soft shooting load. I don't remember how much powder to get major, same OAL as 230 ball worked well in one of my guns, unfortunately it wasn't the one I was using for the match I was shooting. It chrono'd about 172-173 in like three different guns, but after being loaded for a few weeks I barely made major. Really neat idea for a light bullet for .45 though.


  6. Here's what I know. I am a firearms instructor and am on the range 3-6 days a week. My lead levels are OK, a little high, because I'm stupid and smoke. We shoot at an outdoor range so it's not so bad. I'm sure most members here know that most of the lead that you ingest is from the primers, not the actual bullets, esp. if you are using JHP ammo. I just had my first child a few months ago, and them being more susceptible, I asked his doctor about it.

    The doctor of course didn't know anything, but he did a ton of research for me, he was curious too. His suggestions were this:

    -Take a shower as soon as you get home, boots off before going inside, clothes too if possible.

    -He also suggested changing at work so I don't get lead in my car, not a problem, my son will never ride in my POS.

    -Wash work/range clothes separately, for added insurance we wash another load of our clothes before the baby's.

    -don't smoke, eat, and drink without washing your hands and face (esp. around nose and mouth) well

    -Blow your nose often, leads will build up in your nostrils from breathing, something a lot of people don't think about

    -wear a hat, good idea for more than just lead exposure i.e. ricochets, brass etc

    A couple of my things are to make sure you do these things after reloading and cleaning your gun too, I'm lucky enough to have a separate workshop for my reloading room. Also remember to wash your face and hands after picking up brass; this is probably where you get your most exposure to lead dust except for an indoor range.


  7. I have used thousands of the Bear Creek bullets, they are sometimes cheaper than lubed lead. The lead they use is pretty soft, but with the moly, you don't get very much leading. You do get a good layer of moly in your barrel, if you are really that picky about it, give it a decent cleaning, and shoot a box of jacketed through it. Even when the barrel looks pretty nasty it has never affected accuracy that I have been able to tell.

    About the smoke: I used the 230 45 ball with 231, and got very little smoke. I tried the 185 .45's with clays and they got a little smoky, but not near as bad as the lasercast with clays. I have also used lots and lots of the 185 .429 for cowboy action, for cowboy action I won't use anything else.

    The weight isn't all that consisitent, but I wouldn't use them for anything but practice and the local matches anyway. One thing you have to be careful of with any moly bullet is to open the case mouth a little more than you would for a jacketed bullet to not cut the moly or the bullet.

    These are my experiences, I haven't used any other moly bullets, so take it for what it's worth.


  8. I am in a pretty unique situation. I have the opportunity to live fire just about five days a week at a range, but my wife hates that "stupid clicking noise" in the house but wants me to spend time with the family. The question is if I have five 1-1 1/2 hour segments a week either dry or live fire, should I dry fire instead of live fire a couple days a week? If so how many? I have been doing all my drills dry a couple times before I LAMR, but should I add more, maybe as many dry or more as I do live?

    One reason I am asking is that a lot of people are making Master in 2 years from D class. I was C class, well still am in SS, but I shot in the mid 70% at WSSS, and my goal was to try to make Master by May of '09. Maybe I am not practicing enough? I have a range Diary, but I use the time I would use to make entries as a little dry fire practice on the weekend, maybe 30 minutes one day a week.

    Whats YHO?

    Thanks in adavance for your help,


  9. Everyone is talking about calling the shot. I understand what calling the shot is, but how do you work on it? Really, are there specific drills, or are you just checking your hit placement on all drills when you are pasting, which is what I have been doing. I have been doing more slow fire, but my movement has started to suffer some, the last match I shot was like a boat in 20' seas.



  10. OK, I've been shooting my STI for the last couple weeks. Here were the problems:

    I had to take a bit of material off the rear of the magazine catch.

    That wasn't enough so I borrowed a "tuned" mag and found out my mags were too long front to back, vice fixed that.

    Then I noticed that I could actually rotate the mag catch to cach the mag, so I rounded the corners on it a little more.

    No more problems-so far. :cheers:

    I can still bind the grip a bit but not as pronounced as before. But I think Like Boz1911 said I'l should get used to it and it might make me stop "death gripping" the gun with my strong hand. (I really have a problem with this, I need to dry fire more.)

    Thank you all for all your help in this thread and the others that I searched. This forum is great for info for just about everything, shooting related anyway.

    Thanks Again,


  11. I've been using WOLF to my great saticfaction. They are running about 10-15 FPS faster than with WLP, but more consistent, I think my SD was like 12. I just sarted using the WOLF Small rifle for 40 and I might have to change something, out of about 200 I've had 5 failures to fire, all but 1 has gone off the second time. but that's the risk of rifle primers in a pistol. BTW in bulk the savings is pretty good.


    What's the weight of your mainspring?

    I don't know, I just satrted shooting it, it was used, and Derrick at Millenium did the trigger work for the previous owner (very nice). I am going to buy a couple different weights and try them, the primers seem to work fine in my other .40, so I'm sure that's what it is. Thanks for the help.


  12. I've been using WOLF to my great saticfaction. They are running about 10-15 FPS faster than with WLP, but more consistent, I think my SD was like 12. I just sarted using the WOLF Small rifle for 40 and I might have to change something, out of about 200 I've had 5 failures to fire, all but 1 has gone off the second time. but that's the risk of rifle primers in a pistol. BTW in bulk the savings is pretty good.


  13. My $.02

    Single Stacks ROCK!!! Just started shooting my Limited gun, got about 1000 rounds through it in the last couple weeks, and I'll tell ya, reloads are like cheating, till your untuned mag sticks. :angry2: Limited was definately more pricey to get into, but practicing is sure diferent when you can carry 97 rounds on your belt. ;)

    As for shooting, I still prefer the SS for my sausage fingers, short and fat, so I'd have to say if I had to pick I'd stay with a SS. Also it seems like wide bodies tend to take a bit more tuning to run right.

    As for the competition umm the guy that won L10 last year was using a SS, what was his name again? give ya hint TGO.

    But the best part of this whole thing is you don't really have to choose, one to start, the other for later.


  14. I voted for selling them. I do have some guns that I won't sell, not ever! But I just sold 3 guns to get into limited class, 2 of the three were pretty sentimental. One was the first handgun I ever bought, my 21st B-day present to myself, a Desert Eagle in .44, I know thier kinda goofy but hey I wanted one since I first saw Robocob when I was like 11 or something. A Winchester model 42 that has been passed down, that thing was worth some bucks, and I'd never shot it, probably never would shoot it, and you can get a better shooting .410 for half that if my son decides he wants one.

    But like I said, I didn't just sell them to get something else I'm not going to shoot, I got something that if all goes well should be getting like 10K rounds through it a year, but we'll see.


  15. IMO price and AW ban aside, I think for 3-gun the ergonomics of the AR platform are the deciding factor. I think that accuracy is also a big one, I'm sure there are people that can get a mini-14 or an AK just as accurate for the price of a decent AR, but an AR is easier to get accurate the availability of parts, competition, tactical and tacticool is also astounding in comparison to ather platforms.

    Again, the ergonomics, i.e. saftety and mag release, and the availability of different parts make the AR platform the winner over price, especially in a sport where people are spending 2-5K on a pistol and 1000 or more on a shotgun, the difference of a couple hundred for a different rifle is negligible.

    Just my $.02


  16. Been practicing and working too much to write much here lately. Practice sessions are going OK, some days better than others.

    Had my first great match. took 3rd overall shooting SS at the local match, but only 3 stages, for a change my worst finish was the stand and shoot classifier, but still 5th overall on that one.

    Here's some average times from my practice sessions over the last couple weeks.

    -Draw times are averaging about 1.0 from 7

    -reloads about 1.6 with single stack

    -Got the bill drill under 2 with all A's pretty consistant

    -transition drills are getting better, but the left target is still getting more C's than I'd like, times are the same left to right or right to left, guess I need to slow down a bit right to left.

    -receding bullseyes are getting better, to 25yds well within upper A/B

    -hits are mostly A's on the Barnhart 4 box drill, still rushing too much on some of the further shots

    -Trigger control is getting better, but still needs major work

  17. Thanks for the advise and comments. After a bit of playing around it's definately me flexing the grip that's catching. if I just drop the mag with a loose grip it never happens, but when I start squeezing to reach the mag release it happens about 1 in every 5. I did number the mags and they all stick if I am squeezing too hard. I guess I'm back to flipping the gun. We'll see how it goes in April, SS 'till then.


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