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I was looking on midway usa and saw that RCBS 38 super dies are $70, RCBS 9mm dies are $40. It is my understanding you can use 9mm dies to reload 38 super with the execption of the sizer die. I am I correct?


I use Hornady Die for my 38 Supers. I started out reloading with the Lee Dies but found the Hornady so superior I sold all the Lee's and Dillon dies and replaced them with Hornady. I use RCBS on 223 and they are very good dies.

The best thing about a Lee Die other than being inexpensive is the decapping pin, it is almost impossible to break. They do work but take more physical effort to size the case, which is bad for you and it has to be bad for the brass. A little one shot of course will eliminate most physical effort. The lee die are a little shorter than Hornady and you have to take the O'ring off and turn the jam nut upside down to get them to go far enough into the press to size correctly.

Other than the Sizing Die 9 and 38 are the same. The 9 mm die is a little larger at the base than the 38 Super so if you load the Super in the 9 mm die it is a litte fat at the end of the case and may not feed. The famous EGW undersize die is a reworked Lee Die and sell for about $36.00, a lot of people use them.


The Hornady set has a very good seating die set-up , but I like the Dillon sizer the best. with some of the dies the mouth is small and when the shell comes up into the die it can catch on the side and bend the brass / stopping the press.

not much fun when its late and your in Auto load mode.

The all Dillon is the most cost effective

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