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Advantages and disadvantages of female body in practical shooting

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One more thing I am thinking about.

I stopped shooting because the judges were stealing results.

What happened: we have one lady that was "the best" for years. We have never seen her shoot as she always shot on Saturdays with the judges and we shot on Sundays. She was a judge too and a person who works on results on the computer.

Last competition I shot, one girl from my shooting club and I went to the competition on Saturday to see how can she shoot so much better than us. We could not believe because she was so much better then all of us, but when she goes to European she gets lousy results.

We watched one stage, she had 2 charlies, 2 deltas and 2 misses. Tomorrow on the result board, her result on that stage was 1 delta!!!!!!

I shot a stage in 6,16 seconds, on the result board they put 16,16!!!!!!

So we told all this to the president of the judge organization. He almost told us he didnt care and to f... off. She came all smiling and said, omg, anyone can make a mistake. Still, they never corrected it!!

So I just gave up. It costs too much money to do it here, to let someone steal all that from you.

I am sure everything is more legally set up in USA and other countries but I am wondering if you see any difference how judges treat you compared to men. Judges are often softer to ladies here because there are only a few and they don't want to push the girls away from the sprots.

Thanks for the feedback about my reserach and keep it coming :)

To think that you were forced out of a sport because of some really bad apples is a shame. If it meant that this would mean that I would have to stop shooting majors, and just shoot local matches, then so be it. Match fees are just too pricy to pay for people to not be honest, about the scoring system. Plain and simple, not only handing out wrong score for the "lady", but adding time to ANOTHER shooters scores as well, is just WRONG. I myself, would have hoped that taking it to the IPSC BOD with proof, would have been sufficient evidence, to put this to a stop. In fact, I would STILL continue to try, before ANYBODY tried to push me out of a sport, that I have learned to love, and rely upon, to get me back into life and out on the range! Never give up, never surrender! If not for yourself, do it for ALL of the other ladies, that are suffering at the hands, of these unscrupulous people. If they don't get stopped, they only gain more control, and power, thus pushing out, even MORE ladies from the sport! This is something that we simply DO NOT NEED, neither here or overseas, in our shooting sports!

We too, spend a LOT of our hard earned money, on matches in the states. Too much, (I for one think), match fees are getting WAY out of hand. Especially when you are shooting as a couple, where the costs are double, or add a child to the mix! Anyway, something like you are mentioning above, I would HOPE and pray, that this would NEVER happen here, in the US at our matches. Our ladies, FIGHT for every "A", that they hit! I would like to believe that, our matches are ALWAYS run fair and square, with each lady shooting , and getting, the score that she shot.

As far as the RO's, I really think that it's the RO, that you get. Some of the RO's, are MUCH tougher than others. BUT, they are EQUALLY TOUGH, on both men and women! Many of them, [the RO's], do not have any problems with a lady shooter. I think that, as long as a shooter shows that, they KNOW what they are doing, and is PROFICIENT and CONFIDENT, with [his or her], pistol, the RO will treat them, just like ANY shooter, out there. The ONLY problem that I can see, from watching a tape, is that, because I'm so small, keeping an eye on me while crouched down shooting, is probably a difficult task. Often since we are smaller, it is a bit more difficult to keep an eye on us, as we run a stage.

I honestly believe that, ANY RO that is or will question you on a stage, is going to be the EXACT same RO, that will question any MAN on the stage, as well. But, like I said, if you prove that you are proficient with your firearm, and KNOW what you are doing, the RO will treat you like ANY other shooter. But, if you get up there and fumble around, [man or women], around with your firearm, then, they are GOING to scrutinize EVERY move that you make, while running that stage. Often, that will then follow that shooter, to the next stage, thru word of mouth. Word travels quickly if somebody is not acting the way that they are supposed to be acting! There simply is NO SUBSTITUTE for SAFETY. And, there is not an RO that I know, that will give you a break, if you are not acting safely with your firearm. And, here in the US,(as I would imagine the same in IPSC), that we have a ZERO tolerance policy for non safe shooters, woman or man - PERIOD.

Edited by NJGlockGirl
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Well, I wouldn't say the completely pushed me out :) As soon as I graduate I will probably come back to it.

I just decided not to shoot in my country, but today I was invited to shoot a competition in a neighboring country, and although I havent been training for a looooong time, I will probably go and do it.

To show respect to people that invited me and their efforts to do it the right way.

I also might be spending a few months in USA soon so I will have to look into the rules and everything and maybe try a match there. I am sure I will embarass myself compared to ladies there as I would go with out training but sometimes its just about having fun :)

Anyway, I am dead tired after spending the whole day at the European Handgun Championship and looking at those ladies do it, really made realize how much I love this sport :) Just look at my avatar and everything is very clear. The stages were interesting but I believe they are more about precision than speed (running). I can't wait to see the results tomorrow.

All the best and thanks to everyone that is taking part in this research.

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Hi everyone, I am happy to say I passed all the exams and now have only this thesis to finish.

I got two interviews by now so I would ask if anyone else is in the mood to do it.

I would also like to ask guys (sorry for thinking about you so late) to fill it if they are willing to help. I need more data to compare.

Thanks everyone!

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Hi everyone, I am happy to say I passed all the exams and now have only this thesis to finish.

I got two interviews by now so I would ask if anyone else is in the mood to do it.

I would also like to ask guys (sorry for thinking about you so late) to fill it if they are willing to help. I need more data to compare.

Thanks everyone!

did you get mine?

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Hi everyone, I am happy to say I passed all the exams and now have only this thesis to finish.

I got two interviews by now so I would ask if anyone else is in the mood to do it.

I would also like to ask guys (sorry for thinking about you so late) to fill it if they are willing to help. I need more data to compare.

Thanks everyone!

You might want to put an email along with the "interview," so people know where to send it when they complete it for you.

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Cool, glad that you got it. Ask Julie to possibly post it again in the WOUSPSA site.

Julie is at the IDPA Nationals through the weekend. Now that the Women of USPSA Blog is back up, I'm wondering if there's a way to put a link for the interview directly on the Blog.

Stand by ....

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Cool, glad that you got it. Ask Julie to possibly post it again in the WOUSPSA site.

Julie is at the IDPA Nationals through the weekend. Now that the Women of USPSA Blog is back up, I'm wondering if there's a way to put a link for the interview directly on the Blog.

Stand by ....

I'm sure that she could work something out for you.

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