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Steel must fall before engaging Paper? Rule


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+1 to the above two posts. Engage means "shoot at the damned thing" with the required number of rounds... that's normally two for paper and only one for steel... "neutralized" is what the scorekeeper tells you ya done after they count the holes. If every "engaged" target had to be "neutralized" before a shooter could advance through the COF, then matches would really take a long time.... and if the scorekeeper is down range scoring my targets to see if they were "neutralized" while I'm sitting at the last shooting position.. waiting to run to the next one...on the clock..., I'm gonna yell " Score faster!". Engage a target is what you do during the COF. Neutralize it is what the scorekeeper says you did, or didn't do. The two are not the same. The Rules say ya have to engage... they don't say ya have to hit it. The "hitting" is determined during scoring... and you pay a severe penalty should you fail to hit.

Chris Christian

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I thought Steve's point was that you gotta go with flow ?

I think the Nesbitt's call that the ROT'D (Rules Of The Day...depending on where you are shooting).

(I don't think they meant that to be IDPA specific...lots of various matches out and about.)

[whew...I might be done thinking for the day. lol :) ]

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So Robert Ray's clarification is that in general you can fire the required number of shots at steel and then move on (like paper). I agree this is the simplest and clearest. I'll cry uncle. However, I reserve the right of the COF designer to clearly state otherwise, and the SO/MD to enforce it.

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I see you haven't changed much, Roger. Yeah... sometimes the COF description doen't 'xactly do the rules... but is it the COF... so just shoot the danged things and have fun. Besides... the rules are so ambiguous that if you went totally by the Rule Book we'd never get a match finished before midnight... too many SO/MD/competitor "discussions". Would like to shoot with you again... but in IDPA ya gotta leave your red dot at the house. Of course, at my age, I'm sure you can still whup me with iron sights... unless you're shooting a revolver... might have a chance there. Ancient shooters like me seem to have an affinity for ancient gun designs.

Chris Christian

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I'm just waiting for the day that I can shoot a match in Fl and have it called the same way a match in VA is called. When I attend other shooting sports( which ever ones they maybe) there is a common theme that gets followed( the rules) I just don't always wait patiently. Maybe I'll come down to Bunnell and see how they are. I'll knock the rust off the M&P iron sights and see how it goes.

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P Pres?

Who dat? I thought he stopped shooting IDPA in 2005. What are you slumming around here for? You want to go to Parma in 3 weeks? I still have two slots in the Suburban!!!

Would love to but then I would have to join and get a # and stuff .. :o

Besides, I'm going to the "USPSA" Nationals in three weeks !! ;) a

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I think the Nesbitt's call that the ROT'D (Rules Of The Day...depending on where you are shooting).

(I don't think they meant that to be IDPA specific...lots of various matches out and about.)

No it's not IDPA specific. :roflol:

We now just call what we do "going to a shooting match". That way no matter how bad the rules are screwed up, we have a good time shooting and visiting with friends. :cheers:

Shooting is too much fun to take seriously. ;)


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