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Infinity Open Stage 4


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I got a kick out of the Infinity Open's Stage 4. (Sixteen-second timed fire with disappearing targets; start at 50 yards, forward fault line at 15 yards.)

Before it was thrown out, I saw Don G. and Travis T. at the top of Open with 106 and 100 points, respectively, way above the next person. Did anybody see how they shot it? How about JoJo?

I was pretty adamant about shooting T1-T3 from the start position with an Open gun. That's the way I did it, then I ran to the forward carpet to engage the next two arrays, getting the last target just as it turned. I did drop 3 D hits on the 50 yard array, though, for 87 points, which turned out to be above average.

I saw some people run directly from the start to the forward carpet, like Matt B. (89 points). I don't know how he saw T3 from there. Most of the people using this method just skipped T3. I saw Taran shoot 94 points this way with a Limited gun and a dropped magazine on a reload. :o:blink:

How did you shoot it? Why?

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I didn't see them, but I talked to Max, and he said they shot at 2 targets and ran to the carpet. Don shot it all from 50 I was told.

I ran to the 20 yard line (tweaked my calf on the 1st step, took two extra seconds once I got their to deal with the pain and got 74 points limited, 5th on the stage.) I figured I could get 60 easy on the 1st string if I ran up (I got in a hurry and saw my mike on the last target before the reload and I miked one on the last target on the second string.) I figured to get 24 on the second string, and since 72 was the high score at the time my 60 and 24 would net me 84, but with 2 mikes 74 was still ok (10 A's 6 c's.) Had I not tweaked my calf I was hoping to put 2 shots on the left target on the left array since it was visable at the 20 yard line. So I was thinking if it went right I could have gotten 94, the way Taran did.

I went to the 20 because it only took 1 second more to get there, and my splits at 20 are much faster than 30.

I didn't shoot at 50 because the math didn't work. 6-7 seconds for draws and reloads plus 2-3 seconds to move into position on the right hand arrays. .85-1 second splits to get A's (maybe) and with 10 shots you get 50 points if you get all A's. So it was no brainer limited for me. Open, well that depends on how you shoot at 50, I would have done the run up to, because I know I could have gotten 90 easy doing it open, and that would have factored well.

You could see the far left target at 20, I don't know for sure, but I was told from someone I trust, that he saw Matt shoot one target through a barrel.

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I figured Don shot it from the start position because he's a Bianchi Cup ace.

I guesstimated the start position at 40 yards but I was told it was 50. Would that make the forward carpets 25 yards? And the forward fault line 15? I watched a couple people run past the mid-range carpets and they ran out of time.

I don't think I would've engaged T1-T3 from the long position with a Limited gun. Too much time, too much chance of dropping points.

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The ranges: Start -50 yards, Carpet 36 yards, charge line 20 yards.

I had tons of time from 20.

It took me 5.5 to run to the carpet and 6.5 to the charge line. I ran them both 3 times. 15 yards was worth the extra second.

Even if we "had to" engage at 50, I would have drawn and threw 3 rounds in about 1.25 and ran to 20 to finish it off.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I shot 3 targets from 50 and then ran forward to the carpet for the next 6, I was scored at I think 105 points, funny thing was my 50 yard target were all a's I dropped a shot close to and a few c's.

if I had to do it again I would shot all from 50, well maybe adavnce untill the first load was done.

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I shot 3 targets from 50 and then ran forward to the carpet for the next 6, I was scored at I think 105 points, funny thing was my 50 yard target were all a's I dropped a shot close to and a few c's.

if I had to do it again I would shot all from 50, well maybe adavnce untill the first load was done.

Open or Limited?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, I ran for it. Found out my scope mount was loose right before the stage. Went over to the test fire area, locked it down and tried to get it close as I could.

That was the main reason I ran. :-)

BTW I had about 2" of T3 over the top of the barrel and got one shot off at it. Got a B on it though at 36 yards. That was pretty cool. Rushed the shots on the first targets and that cost a lot of points.

Was an interesting stage.

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