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New ICORE club in TN

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I am trying to get a new ICORE club started at Oak Ridge Sportsman's Association in Oak Ridge Tn. The club has a pretty full schedule with IDPA, USPSA, Steel Challenge, 3-gun, and SASS. I have permission from the board to have a trial ICORE match on May 30th as this is the fifth Sat. If we have enough interest hopefully it will become a regular thing on fifth Sat's. If anyone has any helpful info for getting started let me know. Anyone that can make it come on out and shoot.

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A friend and I are coming to ORSA Saturday to try it out. I have shot a wheelgun in IDPA a few times at Tac2 and Kettlefoot but ICORE will new for me. My buddy hasn't shot a revolver in any type of match. Hopefully you guys will take it easy on us...but looking forward to it anyway. :)

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what do you all shoot on the third weekend? I am going to Johnson city that weekened and might beable to swing in for a quick match....

*edit* i looked at the web site looks like USPSA on the third saturday... I hopefully can make that... depending on our travel time...

can an RV get into the range?

Edited by ChrisC
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Chris, You shouldn't have any trouble at all getting an RV into the ranges at ORSA. If you can fit it in your schedule come on by and shoot with us. Hope to see you then, Jason

Edited by bigj45
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