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Loads for .38 Short Colt & .38 Super in a 627 ?


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I'm looking for a load for my 627 shooting .38 Short Colt & .38 Super ...

I have an abundance of Win. SuperTarget, Win. SuperField, and 700X Powders

and bunches of 135 gr. RN Billy-Bullets in .357" diameter.

I would like to be consistently near 125 pf (not shooting any serious stuff).

Thanks in advance for your input.

Edited by AultGM
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3.5 - 3.7 grains solo1000 with the Billy Bullets 135 in the super is a fantastic load and bullet. i am also working on the 38 SC load with the same bullet and hope to use the same powder as well. have put it on the back burner for now, got too many things going at once. looks like 700x would be your best bet for the powders you have. the WST and WSF are too slow in my opinion. never used 700x but its in the ballpark by burn rate.


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