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Almost shot a bowling pin match


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  • 2 weeks later...

Our pin matches are set up on a 4' x 4' laminated wood table, approximately 2" thick. The pins are set up just like in the bowling alley, pyramid shaped, all ten of 'em, with pin one towards the shooter. Shoot 'em in the wrong order, they just lock together like your fingers in church. A bowling pin at 20 yards, base towards you, is a 2" circle. Doesn't help with your training my butt! Add to that, shooting against the clock AND someone else on the next table, well, if that don't get yer blood pumping, you're dead! Because of richochets, we won't set the table up closer than 20 yards. All pins MUST leave the table to be cleared. We don't shoot 'em with .22's, but other than that, run what ya brung. Oh yeah, we limit EVERYONE to 3 mags, 6 rounds each (we have soem revolver shooters, so we keep it even!).

Edited by GrumpyOne
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  • 5 months later...

First ever pin match I went to when i was stationed in ND(1980's) , bare nuts equipment, 1 sheet of plywood, 4 2x4 legs and a box of pins...got my entry fee back in winnings, aaaand got a 230gr 'trophy' comebacker to the chest as i was sitting spectatin....

fastforward circa 2004??? ish??? attended a 'good ol boy pin shoot' put on by the sherriff's dept and they had the inmates settin pins for us!!!!!!!!!!!!! atthe end they had a team shoot, 5 guys, 30 pins, 3 pistols and 2 shotguns were allowed, we, being newbies atthis hung back tillthe end....and we won it in a time of 7 seconds flat that first yr, and shaved a half second off that then next yr hehehe why am i laughing??? we took basically 12,000 dollars in equipment to win that silly lil piece of wood

would i do it again??? youoooo betcha

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its a lil scary Joe, since my first pin shoot match back in ND, I joined USPSA, and have been doing that style of shooting for 20 yrs, so i go to this shoot, and as I am signing up, I ask 'where is the safe area???' to which i was replied' we dont got one ofthem' and was told there are plenty of tables aboutm just 'try' notto point anything at anyone, i triedto remain optimistic, and calm and not just run screaming back to my car....under the tent was like 5 rows of picnic tables, and people had guns pointed atthe backs oftheir heads all day long....the fun part was the local SRT team coming overto check out our gear, hehehe and walking away shakingtheir heads, and forthe 5 man/30 pin shoot we had 2 shotguns(both held 11) and three raceguns(all held at least 25 per)

i will saythis, standing a lil further than shoulder to shoulder, i gotto seethe cuncussion of a 9x25 shatter the watch crystal of the guy standing to his right....

we were the 5 man/30 pin champs for 3 yrs running

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YIKES!! The club I shoot with is VERY strict about safety, no touching your gun unless you are on the line and have been given the commands to make ready. If you ever make it through Kansas City on a Wed night let me know, we shoot every week unless it is a major holiday or Valentine's Day. :)

Joe W.

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We have a pin match here every two weeks in the summer. Very good accuracy practice, pins must be off the table before the stop plate. I have developed a 200gr .40 load that pops the pins straight off the back of the table. I am also the match director for the steel challenge match every month, very good draw, target transision, shot calling practice. I have become a better shooter by shooting other disiplines. It is also my live fire practice, as I dont have the ammo to practice all the time.

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