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I guess it's time for me to start a diary. I've started to take IDPA/USPSA more seriously and really want to go as far as I can.

I've been doing some dry firing off and on for the past couple of months working out the basics. Although I have both of Steve Anderson's books and bought a timer, I've decided not to try to push myself on time, but to concentrate on consistency, I can work on speed later. At my current skill level a few tenths that I may gain or loose here or there doesn't make too much of a difference. What I really want to eliminate are the fumbles as they happen way too often.

So for now I've put Steve's books aside and have four 1/2 size IDPA targets that I use for indexing in my basement. I practice draws and reloads without the pressure of a timer. I think more about technique and what I need to do to be more consistent.

I'm also in the process of changing my body shape, with weight being my current primary means of measuring my progress. So far I've lost 15 lbs and will continue to shed another 15. Once I get to that point I shall re-evaluate where I am and see if I need to change it again.

So tonight I did 45 mins of dry fire, just doing draws and reloads, indexing on 1 target. On my draws I focused on grip strength and on my reloads I'm trying hard to positively seat the mag, since I recently added a S&A mag guide.

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1 hour of dry fire doing draws and reloads. I found that when doing reloads, if I keep my body still and stop shifting my shoulders around that the reload goes a lot smoother.

After that I watched 30 mins of the military channel while on the exercise bike.

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Primers arrived today, so I loaded up a few at 1.265 and 1.260. First rounds on the new 650 so I was taking my time and double checking dimensions. Going to have an early night tonight so I can leave work early and head to the range to test these out. Oh, I'm also going to pick up some new prescription glasses tomorrow morning. I'll try them this weekend at Cville and Mburg, perhaps it will help if I can see the front sight more clearly.

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Hit the New Albany range tonight after work to test the new ammo. It functioned really well and was very soft shooting compared to what I was using before (4.6gr titegroup) . It almost feels like I'm shooting a smaller caliber. I'm curious to throw these through a chrono to see where they are. I'm also wondering if I can get away with an 11lb or 10lb recoil spring now.

Still having mag problems, on two of them, the slide is now locking back on the penultimate round. The last round is actually pushed forwards a little. Not sure what's going on with these mags. I'm really considering pitching them and buying some mec-gars.

I tried using my new glasses with plastic side shields and it's not really working for me. The front sight is more blurry, mainly because I think the top rim of the glasses is starting to come into view and I also get a double image, perhaps because of the angle of my head, since I'm cross eye dominant. At some point I guess I may need to look into Rx shooting glasses.

Range time was spent doing accuracy work and learning where these new loads print. I also did a few strong hand, support hand only strings. I found that for some reason, my support hand has better trigger control. I seem to be able to isolate the trigger finger better, but my dominant hand has a stronger grip.

I got back, had dinner, played with the kids, put them to bed and loaded another 500 rounds. I'll probably load another 500 tomorrow night to make sure I have enough for this weekend.

I also signed up for Bob Vogel's class in May - really looking forward to that. The previous (my first) class I took was in April 2008 with Scott Warren.

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Just got back from the Circleville USPSA match. Weather was gorgeous and I had a really good time. It was great to see a couple of familiar faces and meet some new people.

I had a small faux pas, I went to the safe area holstered my gun and did a couple of practice draws, but then left with the (gun unloaded and) hammer cocked. Thanks to the guy in the chair that pointed that out to me as I was registering. I went to the safe area and dropped the hammer. I guess that's a habit from dry firing that I need to watch in future.

I shot really well today and even though my mags are still giving me problems, I felt that my plan for each stage was good, my sight picture was good and moving between positions was fast. I really enjoyed stage 1, with all the tricky hidden targets and plates and stage 3 (?) with the shakey bridge.

I also got my first official double, thanks for calling that Pat.

My new load of 4.2 clays was really working well and it felt great to shoot. For some reason my mags were locking the slide back with 1 round still left in the mag... not sure what's going on there. It surprised me the first time, but I remember seeing the round in the mag as it was dropping during the reload. I feel like I'm starting to see more.

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Shot a bunch of classifiers at Miamisburg today, which went well overall. Although my concentration slipped a couple of times, I was happy with how I was shooting. When the scores are revealed, It'll be interesting to see how my times/scores compared to the rest of the field.

Before most of the stages the little voice inside my head kept telling me: "shoot A's as fast as you can" - thanks Mr Anderson.

This is the second time I'm using the new clays load and I still like it a lot. One of the stages had 2 close targets where you had to do 5 shots on the first, reload, then put 5 on the second. I think the softer shooting clays load helped my split times as the gun seems quicker to recover.

Since I drove 2 hrs there, I should probably have done the reshoot to get in some more trigger time, another thing I'll have to remember to do for ranges further afield.

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45 minutes of DF.

1) draw on 1 target

2) draw on 1 target, reload

3) draw on 1 target, 1 transition, reload

I focused again on hand position on the mag, less upper body movement during reloads and driving the gun on the draw.

I'm still keeping the timer in my bag because I feel that I'm still working on basic technique and want to concentrate on the "feeling" without the distraction of a timer. I feel that if I don't have the basic technique down, then rushing to beat the timer will either ingrain bad habits, sloppiness or get me frustrated with inconsistencies.

When I do a transition, I index on the first target, drop the hammer then transition to the second and press again. I don't simulate 2 shots per target because I can't simulate recoil and I don't want to preprogram a specific pause.

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Shot a bunch of classifiers at Miamisburg today, which went well overall. Although my concentration slipped a couple of times, I was happy with how I was shooting. When the scores are revealed, It'll be interesting to see how my times/scores compared to the rest of the field.

Before most of the stages the little voice inside my head kept telling me: "shoot A's as fast as you can" - thanks Mr Anderson.

This is the second time I'm using the new clays load and I still like it a lot. One of the stages had 2 close targets where you had to do 5 shots on the first, reload, then put 5 on the second. I think the softer shooting clays load helped my split times as the gun seems quicker to recover.

Since I drove 2 hrs there, I should probably have done the reshoot to get in some more trigger time, another thing I'll have to remember to do for ranges further afield.

I didn't realize who you were at the match and we were shooting on the same squad. :surprise:

Here's a link to the match I mentioned in 2 weeks...looks like I'll be there.


See you on the line...


ps...up late optimizing?

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I didn't realize who you were at the match and we were shooting on the same squad. :surprise:

Here's a link to the match I mentioned in 2 weeks...looks like I'll be there.


See you on the line...


ps...up late optimizing?

Hey Joel

I don't think I'll be able to make that match. I have some painting and stuff I need to get done to the house and I don't get much done during the week, so I've had to carve out a few weekends to get it done. It was great shooting with you, I'll see you again at another match.

Maybe I need to start wearing a name tag :)

My smallest (9months) decided that last night was the night to be wired and completely crazy instead of being calm and going to sleep....

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45 mins of DF, just concentrating on draws and reloads. Part way through I remembered that I had read a post by Johnathan about rounding the square grip safety with a dremel, since it's cutting into the web of my hand right now. Wow, what an improvement. I didn't have to remove much, but it's definitely a lot easier to shift the grip and reach the mag release. I think I may also try melting the end of the frame there, I'm positive that'll also help. I also got out my new engraving tip and used the dremel to mark my mags.

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45 mins DF.

I got an email tonight announcing the IDPA match at big darby creek on the 28th this month. That motivated me to do some DF practice. Since I've been shooting USPSA exclusively for the past 3 months and dry firing, I'm eager to see how I compare against some of my IDPA buddies. I also saw that in August there'll be a classifier run. I'm really expecting to do a lot better this time and qualify as expert in CDP.

I started to incorporate some simple transition drills as part of the routine.

The reloads are really improving now. Some of them felt like I was throwing the mag into the magwell because I had gotten the alignment and timing just right. Overall my reloads are becoming a lot more consistent and after inserting the mag, the support hand getting the grip and getting the sights back on target have also really improved. I put this down to 2 things: rounding off the grip safety and DF.

Continued to focus on driving the gun forwards once it's cleared the holster and a good grip.

A few more weeks like this and I think I'll be ready to restart Steve Anderson's books again and get the timer out.

Last night I also ordered some arredondo followers and one of their tune up kits, (follower, basepad, insert and spring) to try out.

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Did some live fire at New Albany, about 250 rounds, or whatever was left in my folgers ammo can. I concentrated on accuracy and trigger control so most of it was slow fire. I did do some controlled pairs and strong/support hand only strings, because I always do. I finished off using a 1/2 size silhouette with the red center at 50ft and shot the red out of it offhand. I did this to force myself to get a good sight picture and watch the front sight as I broke the shot.

I don't consider myself a good shot, but my goodness, there were people shooting at those goofy zombie targets at maybe 15 or 20 feet and missing. I know I've improved, but I don't think I started off that bad.

Last night I put in a spacer plate to convert the p14 to a series 70 and it lightened the trigger pull a little. Perhaps at some point later this year I may consider dropping in a C&S ultralight trigger group.

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Shot an IDPA match at big darby today and I felt like I was on fire. I was moving fast, getting onto the targets efficiently and reloads were smooth. I'm interested to see how my scores compare to the rest of the guys today.

We also had a great turnout of new shooters and it was great watching and helping them. They did really well and I hope to see them again next month.

Update: Results are in, I won CDP and came 3rd overall.

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Shot the USPSA match at Circleville yesterday. It was beautiful weather and I had a great time. I had spent the previous weeknights working on the house and rebuilding my PC (HD failure) so I could only manage 1 dry fire session. I felt slow and wobbly but I was trying hard to ignore that and concentrate on the front sight.

It was the first time that I'd shot a texas star and while I heard a lot of negative comments from other shooters like "Oh I hate those". I approached it with a level of excitement, it was a new set of targets for me to shoot, I like that. I look forward to new challenges.

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For the past few years I've been a lazy slob, so I've been working up my training in small steps. I'm now at a point where I'm doing 30 mins of dry fire, 30 mins on the exercise bike and 30 mins weights 5 nights a week, Sunday through Thursday. I rest Friday night, since I typically prep for a match the next day, and Saturday night, since I usually have to do chores around the house, yardwork etc. on Sunday.

The Steve Anderson book is still on the shelf, but I think that after another month I'll be ready to start setting up his drills and dry fire routines and work harder at the dry fire. For now I've just been working on the basic techniques. I know that if I try to push the speed without even having the basics, I'll either pick up bad habits or I'll get frustrated.

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Shot an IDPA match at Circleville today. It was great having Chad and Conrad turn up and be squadded together. I think they were a little frustrated by all the rules :D

I shot pretty well, I felt like I was on autopilot after the buzzer went and didn't really think about it much. I remember one of the stages had 9 targets, which all needed headshots. I remember taking a few steps to get into position and seemed to be conscious of my movement, but after the 5th target I sudden realized that I had not even been watching the front sight. I suddenly freaked and scrambled to find the front sight, and used it on the remaining 4 targets.

I fondled Bill's 9mm 1911 and boy is it smooth. The trigger is light and the slide is really smooth. It makes my p14 seem quite uncivilized in comparison. I'm going to have to see if I can replace the trigger components. I also have to reduce sides of the magwell to fit in the box and get busy with the file to shave off a couple of ounces to make CDP. Either that, or as Bill suggested, run it in ESP and just download my ammo from 170 to 130-135. I might give that a go and see what it's like. If it works out, I guess I could run L10 minor with the same setup.

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Loaded 600rnds of ammo and did 45mins DF.

The countdown to 2 events has started. I have a Class with Bob Vogel first weekend of May and an IDPA classifier the weekend after. I've been working on tactical reloads and reloads with retention. I still haven't quite figured out the best way to juggle these doublestack mags. I've tried dropping the mag infront and behind the other in my support hand and both work, if I get the timing right, but both methods have their timing problems. I think I'm favoring dropping the mag infront because then I have a better hold of it to stow it on the move. Still working out some kinks.


I also checked the match results for the April Circleville IDPA match, I won CDP and came in 5th overall, right behind Bill Nesbitt :D

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45 mins of DF

I continued to make progress on reloads, including tactical reloads and reload with retention. I also did some movement, advancing and retreating, gearing up for the classifier next month.

I also just finished an interesting book: The New Rules of Lifting, by Lou Schuler and Alwyn Cosgrove. It doesn't try to break the body down and perfom exercises to isolate certain muscles, but instead looks at the body as a whole and concentrates on 6 basic movements: deadlift, push, pull, lunge, twist, walking/running.

At the end of the book there's a planned routine for the type of person you are, which spans an entire year. So tonight I did my first workout and my legs are like jello. I consumed the compulsory protein shake and am calming down before I hit the shower and sleep.

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I just discovered tape on glasses.

I've seen Conrad, PB and others use it, but always thought that I'd just make do without that extra little fiddly bit. I didn't know how much help it would really provide. I thought it was just an extra gizmo/gadget. BE and others are always talking about "see everything", so it seems counterintuitive to actually block part of your vision.

Well, I found that I'm able to see the front sight much clearer, it seems brighter and sharper. I used to squint my non dominant eye, but the front sight always seemed a little fuzzy to me, although I thought that was normal. It's a whole lot sharper now.

I'm looking forward to trying it out this weekend at the Big Darby Creek IDPA match.

Also, thanks to Scott for verifying the legality with IDPA HQ.

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45 mins of DF, concentrating on draws, transitions and reloads. I have 4 hald sized targets so I was working them in various combinations and sequences to switch it up. Also did some strong/support hand only with transitions.

Then workout B from my new lifting routine. I can't wait for my dumbbells to arrive, adjusting some things to use a barbell or just carrying a 45lb plate is a little awkward. I found on some exercises, such as the close grip lat pull down my forearms/grip are the weak link.

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Shot in the big darby creek IDPA match today. I know I'm not supposed to reinforce the negative side of things, but my game just wasn't there today. I was in a good mood, I just couldn't get a good sight picture and my reloads were really bad. This was the first time shooting a match with the tape on my glasses. It was pretty bright, so perhaps I need a new set of eye protection with some tinted lenses. I don't have the wonga to splurge on some rudys, so it'll be the el cheapo set from walmart or something...

Today was also the first time in a long time that I didn't have a coffee in the morning, not because I'm trying to give up, I just forgot to make some before I left home. So I think next match I'm going to have to go back to starting out the day with coffee again.

It'll be interesting to see the results after what felt like a slow/bad performance.

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