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Better get a little bit more movement in them stages when you get folks up to speed.. (I can tell by the results posted...lol.)

Nice...very nice...Hey you got a revo you can borrow? I figure if we can take out an M class shooter, the next logical progression would be to whack a GM!!! Come on in, the waters fine!!! <said the sharks> :roflol:

BTW...that match was in Taylor...not Jake's club. I had to drive down to HIM (T. Moore) to deliver the whoopin'!!! Too bad I didn't see sci layin' in the weeds...bastard jumped up and bit me in the a$$. Oh well, at least now Tom has to come to Jake's place to regain his honor.

Edited by Barrettone
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Nice...very nice...Hey you got a revo you can borrow? I figure if we can take out an M class shooter, the next logical progression would be to whack a GM!!! Come on in, the waters fine!!! <said the sharks> :roflol:

Careful. I am Ohio's only Master class Revolver shooter (and we have 3 revolver shooters that have won Area matches). You don't want none of this. (and thank you for the opportunity to smack talk my local wheelies)

Besides...ain't no way you can get thru two matches with a gun that runs.

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Nice...very nice...Hey you got a revo you can borrow? I figure if we can take out an M class shooter, the next logical progression would be to whack a GM!!! Come on in, the waters fine!!! <said the sharks> :roflol:

Careful. I am Ohio's only Master class Revolver shooter (and we have 3 revolver shooters that have won Area matches). You don't want none of this.

Bring it bitch. :ph34r:

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Hey guys, so everyone knows from now on, our last squad starts at 7:30. This way we should be able to get everyone done and out of there by 8:20 - 8:30.

Scores will be posted as soon as I have EZWinScore in my hands.

Has the donkey brought the mail from Sedro yet, or did they send it via first-class carrier pigeon? If it was by donkey, I figure he's glue by now, and if it was by pigeon, I think someone shot the poor bastard over a marsh in Iowa. Either way, I 'd call the Section Coordinator to see if he could get you an EZWINSCORE copy temporarily so you can at least get the results posted here in a text format or email them out to the competitors. Just a thought... :rolleyes:

Edited by Barrettone
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I'm doin what I can with what I got. Jeff, feel free to bring a copy of EZWS with you next time you come to the range.

I know dude...I feel ya. I'll check and see if our club copy is laying around anywhere, or if I can get one for you from Sedro. It sucks that you, as a volunteer, are being put in this type of situation. <_<

Later Bud,


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