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I have a couple glocks that I can practice with wolf or any crappy ammo that is out there and they function perfectly. I have a SA 45 1911 that will not extract about once in every 15 rounds. I have since stopped using the wolf in it and so far it seems to be ok with winchester but I don't have too many rounds through it yet to be sure how its gonna act. I naturally have more confidence in the glocks but is it normal for 1911's to be picky and if so do they tend to have to stay really clean to be reliable? I am new to 1911's and don't know how to take them yet. I also don't reload anymore, yet. :rolleyes:

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Factory produced 1911s can be hit or miss. When properly built with well fit parts they run 100% as long as you do your part (i.e. feed them quality ammo from quality magazines). Ammo and magazines are the two weakest links in any 1911.

Failures to extract are usually due to a poorly tensioned extractor. It's easy to do, but factory assemblers often do not do it. Sad, but true.

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Thats one thing I respect about the glocks they make their factory mags reliable and keep the cost low so there is no aftermarket screw ups. In the end protecting their name.And best of all they work. I got a used springfield, and how do you know if the extractor is tensioned correctly. It comes out easily with finger pressure during takedown cleaning.Like I said it uses winchester ok so far but it would be nice for it to eat all loads including wolf. It has a great trigger job and the slide is tight. Would this lead me to believe that I should only go with good ammo or not??Thanks for any help.

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Thats one thing I respect about the glocks they make their factory mags reliable and keep the cost low so there is no aftermarket screw ups. In the end protecting their name.And best of all they work. I got a used springfield, and how do you know if the extractor is tensioned correctly. It comes out easily with finger pressure during takedown cleaning.Like I said it uses winchester ok so far but it would be nice for it to eat all loads including wolf. It has a great trigger job and the slide is tight. Would this lead me to believe that I should only go with good ammo or not??Thanks for any help.

I see plenty of Glocks fail in matches. That's box stock glocks. The one's that users tweak with aftermarket parts fail even more often. A fine semi-custom 1911 (Les Baer, Wilson, Ed Brown) will run 100% of the time. Don't expect that from mass produced factory guns. They're not always put together well. When Colt held the patent their guns were made well and they "protected the name" as you put it. Now the patent is in the public domain and Colt, Springfield, S&W, Tarus, Kimber are turning out guns of various quality with this and that changed to make the lawyers happy. Plus everyone and their dog are making 1911 magazines. There are only two or three that I'd trust. There's only one that I'll buy.

If you want an inexpensive service pistol that runs out of the box and like Glocks then that's your baby. Just realize that it will never be much more than that. If you love 1911s, then learn what makes them tick and how to distiguish a well made one from one that was slapped together. There's a reason that 1911s and 1911 pattern guns like the 2011 have been winning 50 yard bullseye matches and practical pistol matches since the inception of the sports. Other than that. There's no reason to compare apples to oranges. Shoot what you like best and learn about it.

Edited by Steve J
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I do like "kiss" and "reliability" like an AK its not the most accurate but it will go bang and work. Not a cadilliac but it will get you home everytime. But I like too much stuff I guess is my problem. If I need to hit stuff at 50 yds I only use a revolver my autos or I just can't do a whole lot at 50yds unless its a man size target. If I would stick with one gun I may be quite profecient but its hard.

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+1 to what Steve said.....also 1911s are just sexy. Most of the .45s I've owned have ran fine out of the box with round nose bullets. Some needed a little polishing or touch more to the feed ramp to be 100% with JHP or SWC. The 9mm and .40s I have need a touch more work but not a whole lot. Also mags, mags, mags. Take a 2500$ custom gun and put a cheap 5$ mag in it and watch it puke. Take the same gun and put a nice Tripp, Wilson, etc and it will run like a swiss watch. Like Steve said when it was only Colt they had control over everything like Glock does, now not so much.

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