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Selfish People In Charge


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Again! Yes, AGAIN!

Some of you read my "trying to retire from the Marine Corps" hate rant last year before the board crash. Sadly it was lost in the conversion, and I did not have the stomach to re-write it. Well.... Now I have chapter 2.

21 years of honest and faithful service, and in the first week of June I went to see my Commanding Officer to discuss things like terminal leave, Permissive TAD, and detachment dates. We agreed on a detach date of 15 September. Based on that I made plans for a retirement date of 1 January, which met all the parameters, as long as the CO approves my PTAD and retitement leave going from 15 Sept to 1 jan.

Yesterday he balked! Told me in a meeting 'I don't remember that conversation nor that date" and "We'll be briefing this in November to the CG." blah, blah......

Now I'm left with 2 choices. Ask to retire on 1 Jan as planned, hoping I'll get me terminal leave so I can be ready to work on 1 October. If he denies my leave at the last minute, I'll lose another job offer.....

Or, run a short fuzed retirtement request for 1 October. That costs me about 4 grand cash, and then puts my family at great risk if the job offer vanishes, as I can't support a family of 5 on my retirement......

Bend over Tom, the "needs of the Corps" comes first. BULL SH1T! This guy just doesn't want to operate without me. Said I was the only qualified person in the Corps to do the job, and therefore I'm too critical. I wonder how many times that's been said? For 228 years the Corps has gone on, and I know it will after I'm gone, so..

Why do some people think they can be so f-ing selfish as to screw my family, not once, but twice now.

This Sucks!

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In my time in the Army one of my NCOIC's (22 years in) always reminded me of a two star General he worked directly for and a pet peeve this General had. He said if one of your soldiers is too important to you that you can't let them go on leave, to school, etc.. then YOU are doing something wrong.

When that General was commanding and found out there were soldiers in his command being denied leave or schooling because they were too important, life became very tough for the person who was not treating soldiers fairly.

Sorry to hear of your problems, especially after such distinguished service. I hope it works out for you and your family.

Neal Wegner

Sierra Vista, AZ

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Get out whenever you have the chance. You know what? 6 months down the road after you retire, they won't even remember who you were or what you did, someone else will be in your office, in your chair doing your job. Don't let them make you think your too critical to get out, because it's all B.S. Sempre Fi.....Yeah Right!!!

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