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Slide not locking back on empty mag


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I have a STI VIP 3.9" barrel and I just starting having problems with slide not locking back, mainly at matchs. I have switched followers with new STI followers and springs with wolffs springs. If I put a empty mag in the pistol and rack the slide it will lock back. Any clues? I checked 10 pages of searching back posts. Blaster

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I've seen a few different things cause the slide not to lock back. Mag followers, you've already replaced. Thumb riding to close or touching the slide stop and preventing it from moving up into slide lock notch OR, worn out slide stop are pretty common.

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If the slide locks back pretty firmly, I.E. the slide stop goes fully into the notch when hand cycling, I would say your probably riding the slide with your thumb pretty good. If that isn't it then have you changed your loads any or changed anything else at all?

OH, did it stop locking back when you changed the followers? Sometimes new followers are tight in the magazine and therefore don't pop the slide lock up quick enough.

Another thing, if your shooting limited a lot of people don't want the slide to lock back, just make sure you know where to reload.

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Back to the range today, I got 2 out of 4 to work . I was looking in Brownells catalog and they also sell SV traditional followers,Arrendendo followers and teflon followers for STI mags beside STI factory ones. Has anyone have success with any of these? Blaster

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I am having the same problem on a Briley Target model I purchased last week. Got 2 brand new Wilson Mags with the pistol and neither one worked. Tech at Wilson suggested I look at the slide stop itself. Took it out and examined it closely. The slide stop was worn out, to put it bluntly. It had taken a good beating at some time in the past. I replaced it initially with one out of my Springfield and it worked fine. Called Briley about it and they are shipping me a new one for a nominal fee. It wasn't the mags at all. I did have 1 of 4 officers size mags quit in another Briley I have and Wilson sent me a new follower and problem solved. Obviously, when 1 quits and 3 work, it must be the mag. When none work, look at something else, like the slide stop. Hope it helps.

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