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Video Taping Yourself Shooting


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I just bought a digital video camera and figured I could also use it as a training aid. I was trying to think of all the ways to use it. I have thought of the following:

Watch my General technique

Use slow on draw.

Various angles on draw

Various angles on reloads

Shooting drills


I am also going to have people tape me shooting local matches so that I can watch for improvement.

Anyone have any great ways that they have used a video camera to help improve.

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Outdoors or under very bright light try using the "Sports" mode (usually very high shutter speed). Videos slowed down when taken under this mode usually end up clearer instead of just a blur on a specific frame you may want to review. ;)

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Tape some other shooters too. Good and bad runs. Learn from what others do right...and wrong.

I was thinking of this also. I am going to take it to a match this weekend and do that. I wish I would have had it when I was RO'ing at area 4. I could have set it up on a tripod and got some of the GM's going through.

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Outdoors or under very bright light try using the "Sports" mode (usually very high shutter speed). Videos slowed down when taken under this mode usually end up clearer instead of just a blur on a specific frame you may want to review. ;)

I just found that in the manual when I was reading it yesterday. That is definately on my "things to try" list. :)

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A couple of my new friends videod me at Area 4 a couple of weeks ago. I have 3 stages they videod of me and it has been a wealth of information. I have played them over and over, nitpicking what I did wrong, and what I did right. That's really the only piece of advice I have, take the videos at face value and find out what you did wrong, how you could correct it next time. Also look for what you did right, that reinforces your practice regimen.

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A neat thing to do is to run two people's video on your computer at the same time to see what they are doing and what you are not.

What video software are you using? Is it true split-screen?

Several years ago Erik Warren and I shot a stage at the Silver Buckle match in exactly the same time. I had video taped him with his camcorder and vice versa. We set the camcorders up and replayed the videos at the same time. It was very interesting to watch me scoot ahead on the movement sections only to have Erik chase me down on the steel. If Erik still has his video I would love to put it together into one split-screen video.

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What I do is open a video through Quicktime of myself and a separate video of the shooter that I want to watch. I then put them side by side and study them and see where my weak points are a so I know what I have to work on. It is one of the best ways to get better once you get past the basics.

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