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People Conserving gas


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I drove to my Mom's house in sacramento the Saturday before easter. As always, I mentally prepared myself for the horrors to come.... anytime there is snow in the mountains, there is a massive hoarde of yuppies who flock there to stick their toes in the snow. Add to that the easter weekend, and it should have been the usual horrific mess taking >3 hours to go the 120 miles.

It wasn't. There was certainly plenty of traffic, but it was much less than any saturday I have seen in the last ten years. There was no 45 minutes bumper crawl through Tracy. The whole trip took barely over two hours.

I think it may be that Big Oil has finally pushed gas so high that people are not driving as much......

Cheapest gas around here is $3.60 right now. It just may be that they have finally pushed it too far and people are staying home.

I sure hope so, because that means they will lower the price back down to force consumption back up.

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Yup. They've had to add several more runs on our MAX (light rail) line because there wasn't enough capacity.

I've also noticed that there has been less traffic around town lately. There are still jams but its like the parking lots start a mile or two later than they used to.

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I drove to my Mom's house in sacramento the Saturday before easter. As always, I mentally prepared myself for the horrors to come.... anytime there is snow in the mountains, there is a massive hoarde of yuppies who flock there to stick their toes in the snow. Add to that the easter weekend, and it should have been the usual horrific mess taking >3 hours to go the 120 miles.

It wasn't. There was certainly plenty of traffic, but it was much less than any saturday I have seen in the last ten years. There was no 45 minutes bumper crawl through Tracy. The whole trip took barely over two hours.

I think it may be that Big Oil has finally pushed gas so high that people are not driving as much......

Cheapest gas around here is $3.60 right now. It just may be that they have finally pushed it too far and people are staying home.

I sure hope so, because that means they will lower the price back down to force consumption back up.

I paid $3.22 for reg unleaded yesterday in my wife's Pathfinder. The diesel for my F-250 is now at $4.00 a gallon. As much as I drive, this crap is putting a serious dent in my shooting pocket.

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I buy American petroleum products. If I'm going to pay the money, it will be to Americans, not other nationalities that want to use the money to build islands out in the ocean shaped like the continents. I'll be glad when the US Gov't steps up to the plate and does something about the rate we are paying for crude oil products. Here is a link to what I am talking about:


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Ran accross a few articles on energy supply, policy, etc. from Wall Street Journal yesterday and ABC today, and thought some of you might be interested:

Biofuels said to become crucial component of US energy supply

Ethanol may damp Gasoline profits

That last one about competing fuels is interesting: if there is serious competition between oil refiners and ethanol refiners, would that competition lead to competing prices? (ie price war) ?? Its not physically posible to build a gasoline refinery anymore. But building ethanol refineries/distilleries is still possible.



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I'm willing to bet the price is gonna keep going up. Probably to $4 - $5 per gallon for regular this summer. Unless that is people all of a sudden don't need gas to drive to work anymore.

I predicted some time back that Big Oil will crank the price up to over $4 over the summer. Out here in kali, we already have gas over $4 for some time now. I am betting national average will get up near $4 if not over before Labor Day.

Then, the "perfect storm" of miracles will occur and gas will start falling..... and be down around $2.60 - $2.80 just in time for the elction to take away the issue from the democrats who would use it. IMHO, Big Oil is very much aware if a dem prsident gets in and by some miracle they also carried enough seats in the senate to make 60: they would actually be able to do something which could not be filibustered or vetoed.

The first things they would o would be to cut off the government subsidies going to Big Oil. The second thing they would do would be to levy a windfall profits tax.

I still say: watch the price of gas drop as the election day approaches.

Then watch it shoot back up in the two months afterwards.

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Ran accross a few articles on energy supply, policy, etc. from Wall Street Journal yesterday and ABC today, and thought some of you might be interested:

Biofuels said to become crucial component of US energy supply

Ethanol may damp Gasoline profits

That last one about competing fuels is interesting: if there is serious competition between oil refiners and ethanol refiners, would that competition lead to competing prices? (ie price war) ?? Its not physically posible to build a gasoline refinery anymore. But building ethanol refineries/distilleries is still possible.



I may not be an expert on all this, but I do know ethanol is a scam. It takes more energy (and gas) to produce and transport it to be refined than it will replace in the fuel supply. It's a scam to throw agrobusiness a juicy bone.

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Ran accross a few articles on energy supply, policy, etc. from Wall Street Journal yesterday and ABC today, and thought some of you might be interested:

Biofuels said to become crucial component of US energy supply

Ethanol may damp Gasoline profits

That last one about competing fuels is interesting: if there is serious competition between oil refiners and ethanol refiners, would that competition lead to competing prices? (ie price war) ?? Its not physically posible to build a gasoline refinery anymore. But building ethanol refineries/distilleries is still possible.



I may not be an expert on all this, but I do know ethanol is a scam. It takes more energy (and gas) to produce and transport it to be refined than it will replace in the fuel supply. It's a scam to throw agrobusiness a juicy bone.

Do you have a source for that information?

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That last one about competing fuels is interesting: if there is serious competition between oil refiners and ethanol refiners, would that competition lead to competing prices? (ie price war) ?? Its not physically posible to build a gasoline refinery anymore. But building ethanol refineries/distilleries is still possible.

We shall see, I rather doubt it. I predict they will simply 'align" ethanol based fuels pricing on the same gouge level as gas prices and sell ethanol as the "clean" and "patriotic" alternative that reduces our dependence on foreign oil.

And people will be dumb enough to believe it.

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Ran accross a few articles on energy supply, policy, etc. from Wall Street Journal yesterday and ABC today, and thought some of you might be interested:

Biofuels said to become crucial component of US energy supply

Ethanol may damp Gasoline profits

That last one about competing fuels is interesting: if there is serious competition between oil refiners and ethanol refiners, would that competition lead to competing prices? (ie price war) ?? Its not physically posible to build a gasoline refinery anymore. But building ethanol refineries/distilleries is still possible.



I may not be an expert on all this, but I do know ethanol is a scam. It takes more energy (and gas) to produce and transport it to be refined than it will replace in the fuel supply. It's a scam to throw agrobusiness a juicy bone.

Do you have a source for that information?

I'd have to go look for it now, but it's been thoroughly covered on TV and net media.

I was all in favor of ethanol until I read the facts on it.

some off the search engine:


The Ethanol Scam: One of America's Biggest Political Boondoggles


The Ethanol Scam



The ethanol scam

December 19, 2007 - 5:55am


New energy legislation is careening toward a calamitous collision with American lives, especially ethanol provisions that will hike food prices and foul the environment while saving little or nothing on fossil-fuel consumption.



Ethanol is the Largest Scam in Our Nation's History

NICHOLAS E. HOLLIS / Agribusiness Examiner, i.255, 6jun03


Ethanol's promise may be a ‘scam’


The American Ethanol Scam

by Andrew


Ethanol's a Big Scam

Edited by bountyhunter
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Here in the UK our government claims that it is trying its best to get us out of our cars & onto the poor public transport system & uses green issues as an excuse to tax fuel to the maximum, I paid £1.12p a litre that equates to $10 a gallon only yesterday.

Your still getting off light when you look at the bigger picture !

I would gladly pay $4.00 a gallon that would be a 60% price drop over here.


Edited by Neil Smith
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Here in the UK our government claims that it is trying its best to get us out of our cars & onto the poor public transport system & uses green issues as an excuse to tax fuel to the maximum, I paid £1.12p a litre that equates to $10 a gallon only yesterday.

Your still getting off light when you look at the bigger picture !

I would gladly pay $4.00 a gallon that would be a 60% price drop over here.


Used to hear the same thing from countries in Europe, but it's not a realistic comparison. If I can bicycle from one side of a country to the other in half a day, they really can't claim to be on the same page as a country that was designed to be spread out and connected by highways.
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