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MultiGun at PCSI Range, Circleville Ohio

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Who where the guys going around taking all the pictures? Anyone have their email address? I bet he got some cool ones.

Chris C.

That would be me. Took 358 total pictures and did get quite a few lucky shots. They are currently a bit large to post but will work a few down and put them up later. I'd be willing to provide a disk to any Clubs/shooters who would like one. In turn, we (PCSI) would love to have any pics/videos you could provide of the match.


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Who where the guys going around taking all the pictures? Anyone have their email address? I bet he got some cool ones.

Chris C.

That would be me. Took 358 total pictures and did get quite a few lucky shots. They are currently a bit large to post but will work a few down and put them up later. I'd be willing to provide a disk to any Clubs/shooters who would like one. In turn, we (PCSI) would love to have any pics/videos you could provide of the match.


Count me in. I'll send you a PM.

Chris C.

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Man that one of me on stage 2 seems so slow. I think that was the hardest stage of the day. And the plates were so heavy. Every shot on that stage demanded respect. I felt like I got lucky with only having to take 2 extra shots. Some folks ran out.

Thanks for posting the videos.

Chris C.

Edited by Chris Conley
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Chris...Chris....Chris....where are those weak hand loads at? <_<

Gary, remind me never to shoot 3 gun in your division when I make GM.

No weak hand loads for me. I figure Daniel H. does fine without them. B) And yes Gary is a badass.

I'll bet you're up for the next one.

Chris C.

Edited by Chris Conley
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The above link worked for me. Here are the overall, combined.

1 Welborn, Gary A21499 M Tactical Major 1095.3779 100.000%

2 Etchison, Lon A24498 A Tactical Major 1018.0591 92.941%

3 Conley, Chris A54693 C Tactical Major 988.9439 90.283%

4 Stouffer, Bob A31894 B Open Major 926.9765 84.626%

5 Scott, Mike A56088 C Open Major 821.4305 74.991%

6 Holtzhauer, Frank TY47389 B Tactical Major 803.5399 73.357%

7 Thompson, Todd TY47686 U Tactical Major 790.9839 72.211%

8 Rausch, Chad L2690 U Tactical Major 779.2725 71.142%

9 White, Brian A49434 U Tactical Major 734.9766 67.098%

10 McLaren, Chris TY48670 B Limited Major 728.5593 66.512%

11 Craig, Michael TY56961 B Tactical Major 718.5572 65.599%

12 Conrad, Jason A57535 U Tactical Major 703.0648 64.185%

13 Steele, Rick L2137 B Open Major 670.5880 61.220%

14 Deskins, Jim A57437 C Tactical Major 667.0292 60.895%

15 Davis, Ryan A60496 C Limited Major 656.4601 59.930%

16 McCord, Jerry TY30950 B Tactical Major 638.1915 58.262%

17 McDowell, Mike A47043 B Open Major 627.6965 57.304%

18 Kimball, John U Tactical Major 610.0444 55.693%

19 Lemmons, Bob A46361 U Tactical Major 568.5677 51.906%

20 Robinson, Scott U Limited Major 543.9532 49.659%

21 McLomis, Millard A56749 C Tactical Major 542.9257 49.565%

22 Merrill, David U Open Major 520.5057 47.518%

23 Ormeroid, Steve U Limited Major 503.9953 46.011%

24 Stewart, Brian A58105 D Tactical Major 488.0126 44.552%

25 Karph, Tim U Tactical Major 478.9858 43.728%

26 Miller, Wayne U Tactical Major 466.8200 42.617%

27 Forshey, Tim U Tactical Major 446.2176 40.736%

28 Steer, Terry U Tactical Major 401.7896 36.680%

29 Book, Terry U Tactical Major 383.6200 35.022%

30 Bach, Phillip U Open Major 302.0269 27.573%

31 Alty, Greg U Open Major 299.3966 27.333%

32 Hughes, Kelly A59335 U Tactical Major 231.8288 21.164%

33 Anthony, Chris U Tactical Major 174.3688 15.919%

34 Anthony, Diane U Tactical Major 173.3631 15.827%

35 Gilpin, Dwight U Open Major 111.3449 10.165

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Did they have the stage scores or just overall

Each division has a final results page and a page that breakdowns the results stage by stage. Then there is an unofficial results page that combines all of the divisions so you can see how you compare to all of the other competitors. Go to http://www.defensivepistol.org/2008PCSIMultiGunScores.html to see all of the results.


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If I had known I was going to be in Open class I wouldn't have plugged my shotgun and would have brought my Open pistol. Maybe I checked a wrong box somewhere. PM on the way, Mike

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Did pretty good except for the last stage. Right after I shot I realized I should have gamed it and shot the 6 steel rounds as fast as possible, take the mikes and fly through the rest of the stage. Oh well need to think of those plans sooner next time

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Did pretty good except for the last stage. Right after I shot I realized I should have gamed it and shot the 6 steel rounds as fast as possible, take the mikes and fly through the rest of the stage. Oh well need to think of those plans sooner next time

How is it O.K. to accept mikes? I didn't look much into the scoring part of multigun, but aren't there penalties for missed targets?

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Did pretty good except for the last stage. Right after I shot I realized I should have gamed it and shot the 6 steel rounds as fast as possible, take the mikes and fly through the rest of the stage. Oh well need to think of those plans sooner next time

Slowing down for the shot will let you hit that steel. Look at the hit factor on that stage.... One dropped A will hurt you. Anytime you shoot rifle try and get all A's and hits on steel. There will be someone else just as fast getting all his/her hits. And they will beat you. ;)

Planning for mikes is just an excuse for not doing you homework. If that is what you're weak on we'll I guess that's what you need to practice next time at the range. I don't mean to come across rude but that's just the way it is.

Chris C.

Edited by Chris Conley
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I may be wrong, but I think he's talking about the shotgun steel. The 2 flipping clay birds weren't worth shooting IMHO. Skipping them saved a lot of time on your slug reload. I skipped the clay birds completely and ended up winning the stage. Most of us mortals don't reload the shotgun fast, so skipping the clay birds is a viable option. Since they are no penalty mikes and they were only worth five points apiece, the benefits to skipping them outweighs hitting them. Last year at the KY Multigun, there was a similar scenario and the guys who won the stage skipped the clay birds.

Once again, that's my humble opinion. I talked with Mike about this stage and in the future I wouldn't be surprised to see the clay birds worth more points so that engaging them is a necessity.

Of course, if he's talking about another stage, forget everything I just wrote :unsure:

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A couple years ago at Benning, they had clays on flippers, but they treated them like disappearing targets, you had to engage them (that's code for send a load of birdshot somewhere down range, even if the bird has allready hit the ground), but there was no penalty for the miss. Just a different way to do it and offering clubs another option.

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I may be wrong, but I think he's talking about the shotgun steel. The 2 flipping clay birds weren't worth shooting IMHO. Skipping them saved a lot of time on your slug reload. I skipped the clay birds completely and ended up winning the stage. Most of us mortals don't reload the shotgun fast, so skipping the clay birds is a viable option. Since they are no penalty mikes and they were only worth five points apiece, the benefits to skipping them outweighs hitting them. Last year at the KY Multigun, there was a similar scenario and the guys who won the stage skipped the clay birds.

Once again, that's my humble opinion. I talked with Mike about this stage and in the future I wouldn't be surprised to see the clay birds worth more points so that engaging them is a necessity.

Of course, if he's talking about another stage, forget everything I just wrote :unsure:

I'm pretty sure he was talking about the rifle steel on stage 6.

Chris C.

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Kinda hard to hit them when you can barely see then without optics on the gun and takes way more time than just skipping them would have done. Full size ipsc target not bad with the iron sights but those vertical steel especially were hard to see with the iron sights and the mini poppers wernt that easy either. Kinda hard to hit something you can barely see. The time benefit would have been alot more valuable than the hits on the steel in limited.

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I tried that "skip the hard rifle steel" strategy at a multi-gun match once. I threw some shots in the general direction of the plates and moved on. What I forgot was that...while I didn't get failure to engage penalties...I did get penalties for the mikes.

Six targets would be 6 mikes...60 points down. Minus another 30 (6 Alphas given up) would be 90 points down. Nobody but Lon had a > 3 hit factor (hit factor = points per second). At a 3hf a shooter would have to save 30 seconds to skip those steel rifle targets and that 90 points. At a 2 hf, the shooter would have to save 45 seconds.

On the shotgun targets, I assume everybody here had 8 rounds or more in the SG. There were 6 SG steel and those 2 birds. Should have been enough ammo to not have to reload for the SG steel and birds...therefore... if you could hit the birds, you had ten points to gain. At a 3hf, you had a little over 3 seconds to do so and still be ahead. At a 2 hf, there was 5 seconds to do so. As long as you could hit the birds, they were likely worth taking. [edit to add: Birds were worth 5pts each]

I did see that most of the shooters on the squad that I watched hit both of the activators one right after the other. That tended to throw those birds at about the same time and height...making them harder to get. I would have probably went...activator...static steel plate...activator...bird...bird. That would have gave the birds a bit of a spread, which I think would have made them easier. The transitions to those birds would have been about a half second each or so (maybe 3/4s). Doing it like that, even if I just got one, I could be ahead.

(yeah...I know I didn't shoot, but I can game a stage like a mo-fo. :) )

I'll probably make some suggestions to Micheal on things that will bring the hit factors up a bit (and maybe speed things up by an hour or more for the match). All in all, I think Michael did a great job with his first Multi-gun match...first USPSA match...and first time using the EZ scoring software.

All the competitors that I saw...had great attitudes as well.

What a nice start.

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Well said Flex. If the club keeps the matches going you'll have a bunch of hardcore 3 gunners before long. That's a good thing. Can't wait to see some of you Buckeyes down here in a couple of weeks.

Chris C.

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Ya the time savings would be high but I probibally spent over half the stage time on those targets where the other ones could have been a run and gun as the ranges were pretty close. I figure If I would have just blown the steel my time would have been over a min quicker by far which would have easily made up the difference. With the optics its alot harder to makeup that time as it just takes less time to hit the longer shots with a scope. With Iron sights the farther shots usually take alot more time. Its usually the higher the hit factor the easier it is to have a mike as it costs you less, if a very large chunk of time is saved from those tarrgets It would be a benefit

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