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Fixed time classifiers


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We shot Baseball standards again today and got me thinking about the HHFs for it..

I was looking at the classifier thread:


And there was this quote: as far as it goes, i think all fixed time classifiers high hit factors are the same.

Which is true.. I'm just wondering why? Specifically, for revolvers , when one string is 3 reload 3..

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We shot Baseball standards again today and got me thinking about the HHFs for it..

I was looking at the classifier thread:


And there was this quote: as far as it goes, i think all fixed time classifiers high hit factors are the same.

Which is true.. I'm just wondering why? Specifically, for revolvers , when one string is 3 reload 3..

Because it's theoretically possible for the big dogs to score the maximum # of points, and because that number is as much as anyone can achieve. Fixed time is an anomaly, in that it's not really a high hit factor --- whatever you score, net of penalties, is what you earn in raw match points on the stage.....

Shoot 40 points --- get 40 points. Shoot 80 points, get 80 points. What the stage winner gets is totally irrelevant to what you get....

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Baseball standards was the first par time classifier i ever shot and i thought the misses counted against you so i tried to get everything in four seconds, including a reload, what a disaster. I still laugh about it. The way these par time things work is, your hit factor is your score, minus any penalties for going over your alloted time. The HHF or shooting 100% on this one is 120. On others the HHF is the max points available for that particular classifier. Your only scored for the points you get, misses don't count against you. 114 gets you a 95% or GM class, 102 is 85% or M, 90 is 75% or A, 72 is 60% or a B. ect. These % are for limited so you will have to check for other divisions.

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  • 3 weeks later...

You were supposed to get a full stage briefing, including the part that says

Penalties for:

extra shots

extra hits

overtime shots

no shoots

If you were given the full briefing and just did not notice that there was no penalty for misses, I guess it's just a lesson learned about Fixed Time stages.

However, if you were not given the full stage briefing, the RO should have given you a reshoot, and given you and all shooters remaining the FULL stage briefing.

Richard Schennberg

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