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Ramshot True Blue

Chris iliff

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I don't know what you consider concrete info but I found that at 7.8gr my primers looked fine and I was getting 167 pf. I tried 8.0 and was seeing right around 170 pf however my primers had become very flat, some top hatted and signs of excessive flow. Two tenths of a grain safety margin was not enough for me. I have much better performance from Silhouette without the pressure signs. YMMV

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I have used Tru Blue ever since i went to 9mm Maj for open. I have never heard of a spiking problem and all my chrony shots have been around a SD of 5 up to a maximum of around 12. I never got that low af SD with VV N350 and i was barely getting it in the case. Here are the loads that i run just for info

124 Montana Gold TMJ

Federal small Pistol primers i use 8.2 gr PF of 167

WInchester small Riffle primers i use 7.9 PF 167

all in Speer once fired nicke plated brass

With the Federal Small pistol primers i do get some pressure signs with flattening of the primer. I dont have that problem with the Winchester small riffle primers.

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