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Training-plan for the next season ......


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Well, here in Italy the 2007 season is just finished: I am quite happy because I've reached the goal that I've planned at the beginning of the season (shooting at an average of 80% in PD, and passing from B to A class.) and now I want only to rest for a couple of months (a recovery-break is very important ....).

In this period I'll have time to think about my training-plan for the next season: any suggestion for "how-to-do" it ?

I've just identified my weak-points, and in the future I'll work a lot on these but .... apart this, any other thing to do ?

Edited by Stefano
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Great thread idea. Please allow me to share my training plan from here to next October ;)

-Cardiovascular workout 6+ hours a week

-Dryfire 6+ hours a week

-Livefire practice at least once a week

-Constant management of my diet...no sugar, processed flour

-Daily review of my mental management goals and affirmations

At least for me Stefano, my newest challenge is trusting myself with the skills that I have, and getting back to the "All Time Winner" mindset. Lanny Bassham's book (as sold by Brian Enos and Steve Anderson) is a huge part of that equation.

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Great thread idea. Please allow me to share my training plan from here to next October ;)

-Cardiovascular workout 6+ hours a week

-Dryfire 6+ hours a week

-Livefire practice at least once a week

-Constant management of my diet...no sugar, processed flour

-Daily review of my mental management goals and affirmations

At least for me Stefano, my newest challenge is trusting myself with the skills that I have, and getting back to the "All Time Winner" mindset. Lanny Bassham's book (as sold by Brian Enos and Steve Anderson) is a huge part of that equation.

Nice Plan.

Your program seems very-well-done and balanced !

It covers all the elements of our game: tecnical, phisical and mental ...

Last year I've read "Thinking Practical Shooting" by Saul Kirsch and I've found an entire chapter related to this.

Too many times our focus is ALL for the tecnical side of the game, and almost nothing is left to the mental training.

From this side the best reading for me was "With Winning in Mind": very exaustive and useful book for our needs !

Returning to the training plan, I would like to break the live fire program in some different parts, as to cover all the tecniques that are the most important for my level of skill: in other words, I've listed all my weak areas, and I try to build the program working mainly on these arguments ...

Now I ask myself also if it could be useful a brief period (like 2 months or so ...) of shooting in ANOTHER division, as example just during the off-season, just to avoid the risk of "loosing interest" in the game itself.

From my point of view IPSC shooting (at a certain level) can be confused as a work instead as a (funny) sport, and I was thinking that sometimes having some changes can be a good thing ....

I am not saying that I'm just boried, but I want only to avoid the risk ! ;)

I've shooted since now in Production, and I was thinking to have a little "break" (only during this winter ...) shooting in Open or in Single Stack ... :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

What do you think about ??

Edited by Stefano
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Lanny and Steve Anderson both talk about immediate pay value and its importance to maintaining interest and focus. The immediate pay value of working out is an overall sense of accomplishment and relaxation...whereas the the long term pay value is weight loss and fitness.

The same goes for dryfiring/livefiring. The immediate pay value for daily practice is that I know that it brings me one step closer to being the shooter that I desire to be. (There is nothing like getting stomped on in a major match to stoke this fire). The long term pay value will be becoming the shooter that I desire to be.

Stefano, it sounds like you are taking Sauls book to heart, and that is certainly a good thing! If you feel like switching divisions, give Limited a try with your Production gun. Pick up some Arredondo basepads and play around with 24 rounds instead of 17-19. (Just a thought ;) ) This way you will continue to know your gun and sights while shooting from a different angle.

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Look around you. If you have a whole stack of things left undone or pressures from work or elswhere that can be taken care of with a little extra time, take the two months off and clear your list...and your mind.

If you're young and have no wife, kids or outside responsibilites you are much more likely to be able to shoot straight through without sacrificing other parts of your life. Taking the time off does not mean to stop the physical and/or mental work and ending up starting at zero every new year.

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I plan on contnuing my work out regimen 3 days a week ( along with proper diet) and have my garage set up "ala Micah" to include dryfire drills this winter. I've been shooting PPC once a week in the winter and figure that helps along with the casual indoor shooting at my BIL's warehouse.

Can't hurt...

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In addition to what's already been said:

I'd look at the match calendar and plan your schedule around that as much as you can, giving yourself time to peak and rest for and after big matches.

Well, speaking about "skeduling the next season" .... the times will be shorter due to the fact that the World Shoot will be in the second half of August 2008 ... :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

So, I suppose that we have to rest only a couple of months, and re-start with training ASAP (not later than January ...).

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