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Anyone still smoke?


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Isn't most of it eventually sold in Asia these days? :blink:

Yep. Good Kentucky Burley going to foreigners while Americans smoke God only knows what. I quit about 23 years ago and just before that I was buying a Canadian cigarette that was made with tobacco of all things. Business before pleasure I guess....

As H.L. Menken once said, "No one ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public." :D

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Heck, there was a recent documentary (probably on Modern Marvels or some such) about cigarette production/factories, and they frankly admitted that many of the ingredients in some types/brands were materials swept off the factory floor! Really! They admitted it!! Bleh!!!! :sick:

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Still using sticks huh? When you buying one of those fancy new harvesters? My dad and I grew some burley in southwest VA while I was in high school and college. I did my graduate work in flue-cured though. A lot of the smaller flue growers in southside VA are now growing burley though. It's funny, if I had waited a couple years I could have done my research on burley. The research station I was at is now growing as much burley as flue-cured. Well I could have anyway but Lexington is too far and that bright orange in Knoxville makes me nauseous.

Sorry about the rant, I've been away from the tobacco world for a couple of years and I miss it bad. Nothing like the smell of a tobacco field when it's 90-95 degress at topping time. Good stuff, thanks for sharing AikiDale

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Those pictures bring back fond memories. As a teenager my brothers and I cropped tobacco one summer by hand in South Carolina. The farmer was our neighbor and we figured it couldn't be that tough. I think I lasted two or three days. Maybe less. Hardest work I have ever done. I gained a ton of respect for the workers around me during that brief stint as a cropper. In fact, one of those workers cropped my row during the first day because I coudn't hold my lunch. And she was in her late fifties, early sixties. Fond memories.

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See if you can take some of that burley and drop it on the floor of a cig manufacturer so they can sweep it up. Dear lord cigarettes smell bad these days. <insert puking icon here> I nearly gagged to death on the way home today.

I *like* the smell of burley on the other hand....

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