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Hey can you post something like this?


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Hi All!

This is my first ever try at making a difference for us little guys and gals. Recently when I attempted to buy brass for reloading on Ebay I was met with this.....

Hello everyone…In mid-August, we will be updating our Firearms, Weapons and Knives Policy to place more restrictions around gun-related items. Once these changes take effect, we will prohibit listings of any firearm part that is required for the firing of a gun. This includes items like bullet tips, brass casings and shells, barrels, slides, cylinders, magazines, firing pins, trigger assemblies, etc. Please read the Firearms, Weapons and Knives Policy for more details on our current policy.

As you may know, eBay does not allow the listing of any items which are regulated by individual states or the federal government; however, there are still a large number of firearm-related parts that are legal and are widely available in retail stores. These items have also historically been allowed on eBay.

After learning that some items purchased on eBay may have been used in the tragedy at Virginia Tech in April 2007, we felt that revisiting our policies was not only necessary, but the right thing to do. After much consideration, the Trust & Safety policy team – along with our executive leaders at eBay Inc. – have made the decision to further restrict more of these items than federal and state regulations require.

This new update continues to encourage safety among our community members and brings our policies in the U.S. and Canada in closer alignment with our existing policies in other markets around the globe.


Matt Halprin

Vice President, Trust & Safety

So far anyone that has asked why this was done has been given this bogus reply:

Dear [everyone who asked why],

Thank you for your recent email to Matt Halprin in regard to changes to

our Firearms, Weapons and Knives policy. He has asked that I review

your email and respond on his behalf.

Let me start by saying that I understand that this is a very

frustrating situation. Before choosing to discontinue use of your eBay and PayPal

accounts I hope that you would allow me the opportunity to explain why

we have chosen to amend our policy.

Like the rest of the nation, eBay was deeply saddened and shocked by

the events at Virginia Tech and we felt that it was not only appropriate,

but necessary, to revisit our related policies. While nothing purchased

on our site was illegal in any way, we felt compelled to ask ourselves

some tough questions and ensure we do everything possible to provide a

safe and trusted marketplace. After careful consideration, we decided

to expand the scope of our existing policy to specifically restrict any

part that is required for the firing of a gun.

We have always valued an open and transparent marketplace; if items are

legal to buy and sell in an unrestricted manner we allow them on our

site. However, there are some items that while legal, may not be safe

for our marketplace. In these instances, our applicable policies go

beyond the law to ensure that our marketplace is safe.

After careful consideration our executives and our Trust and Safety

team determined, that while legal, any item required to fire a gun has no

place on eBay. All of our policies are under constant review. As the

Internet and the way our communities use the Internet evolves, our

policies and our marketplace must evolve with it. We determined that

this policy change was in the best interest of promoting a safe

marketplace for all members.

I understand your frustration regarding this matter and apologize for

the inconvenience it caused you.



Office of the President

I submit to you this is nothing more than a thinly veiled attempt to further the agenda of gun control. Car parts remain on Ebay while thousands are killed by cars every year and yet Ebay states

"We have always valued an open and transparent marketplace; if items are

legal to buy and sell in an unrestricted manner we allow them on our

site. However, there are some items that while legal, may not be safe

for our marketplace."

How can policy continue if Ebay supports a safe marketplace?

The list of unsafe items is endless and yet we are told these very very few will be restricted. Please join me in emailing to share your feelings on this "new" policy.

Matt Halprin

Vice President, Trust & Safety @


And as is stated by Ebay's response to these questions

"we felt that revisiting our policies was not only necessary, but the right thing to do.",

for me the right thing was to close my account and help others

"ask ourselves

some tough questions",

is this really how you want to be treated by a company YOUR money makes work?

And if you agree or disagree (one of our few remaining American rights) please send this on so that others may be informed, THX

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Good post!

One point to everyone RE: EBAY:

Its not enough to threaten to close YOUR account. EBAY calculated the loss of revenue not just from the sales of all gunparts, reloading supplies, etc. but rather, the loss of all VENDORS who sell prohibited items. Obviously, they DO NOT NEED US AND THEY DO NOT WANT US AS CUSTOMERS.

Actions speak louder than words.

To get EBAY's attention, here is what we must do: convince a significant portion of the vendors of non-firearm related products to boycott EBAY. The owners of ebay don't care what you think, its sad to say. They don't care about the loss of our profit $$ either. Its got to be bigger than us to work.

Who can name the next largest GENERAL internet auction site that competes with Ebay? (no I am not talking gunbroker - they are too tiny to matter at all. I am talking general merchandise like ebay).

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And, as a couple of us pointed out recently, eBay allows questionable pornographic material sales ("adult material"--yeh, right) but seems to think that's permissable... but not shooting sport items. Talk about hypcritical! :angry2:

maybe we can get the brass and bullets listed as "adult material". We couldn't show pictures though. Might have too many "immature" viewers. :devil:

tongue inserted fully in cheek


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They banned the sale of tobacco for years and years but last I checked you could still buy "collector tins" of pipe tobacco (unopened of course and many of very recent manufacture) as well as "collector boxes of cigars". They always have this statement about how the tins/boxes are unopened to preserve the collector value of the items yada yada yada.

So, try listing brass as "collector brass casings: inert, for collectors only" and see if it works.

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Y'all are arguing against blind emotion using facts and logic.

You'll never win that way.

In some ways I really agree with you. I guess for me it's about not just laying down and taking it. Please everyone or anyone, copy and paste the post, change it with more facts and reason, email it to your shooting and non shooting friends alike. I m no writer, heck just barley a shooter (look at my name on the forum), I'm sure someone in this group could come up with a much better email to send out.

As people most all the folks I've met since joining USPSA are really the best kind of people. And as A people I feel Americans don't like being pushed around by big company's that know whats best for us. Send out the emails, who knows, maybe we can help another company, one that thinks we are adult enough to make our own choices. Again I say I vote with my wallet, NOT ANOTHER DIME to someone or something trying to ram this no guns/no hi cap mags/no freaking once fired empty vulcan brass castings cuz (their words not mine) "MAY have been used" to harm someone else BS down my throat.

Sorry, got to start the slow deep breaths again :wacko:

I plan to post a copy of the email I sent out on every pro shooting sports forum I can find. Enough is enough!

(no air molecules were hurt in the writing of this post :rolleyes: )

Edited by VeryBadshot
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