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I Need Some Tips On How To Slice The Pie Better


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Thanks to everyone, I felt much more secure in engaging the targets around the barricade and barrel in the classifier over t he weekend and made up some time. Thanks again.

Oh yeah, for my results, try the 'Bragging Section.' That should give you a clue... :P

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think it's interesting that the subject of trying to go as fast as possible when "slicing the pie" is discussed in an IDPA context. Of course, even in a real defensive situation, it's probably a good idea to "make haste" after that first shot is fired around a corner.

The really interesting thing to me is what I see in IDPA matches with respect to a lot of people who consider themselves "tactical" and specifically wont' shoot in USPSA matches. They (and this is my real life experience and not referring to anyone in this topic) seem to be the same people who blaze around the cover as fast as they possible can! :rolleyes: By contrast, when I shoot with them, I try to follow their so-called "principles" and "spirit" by actually trying to use cover, especially when "slicing the pie." That typically means I'm moving even more slowly and deliberately than I usually do (in USPSA matches), so I end up with far slower times than the Tactical Tommies. :ph34r:

It's almost as if they're engaged in a level of "gaming" that far exceeds anything done by most people they might derisively label a "gamer."

It's . . . ironic. B)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well I guess all the tips worked.

Matt those are the same things I use, with one minor exception.

The CoF will dictate your postition on the wall, Close vs Far.

In some situations its better to be close to the wall for less movement in others its reversed. Watch, youll see what I mean.

NOW to the Bragging

We just shot the AR State IDPA Match.

TSC or (Matt) as I know him, had the fastest time of the match.

Beating Ernie Langdon ( in CDP)

Congrats Matt.


Larry P

PS he will be slowing down soon though, both the IPSC and IDPA groups have threatened to Kneecap him.

Good Job Bud!

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Thanks Larry. I had forgotten about this thread. I initally started it for some help on the classifier, then when that worked, I moved on. I have been incorporating much of what has been said in this thread and apparently it did work!

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Mr. Captain . . . I'd stay away from Larry if I were you. He CHEATS! He actually PRACTICES! :rolleyes:

So do you blaze around the cover when slicing the pie with regard only to the competition aspects? Is it even possible to do otherwise and do well in the match?

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So do you blaze around the cover when slicing the pie with regard only to the competition aspects? Is it even possible to do otherwise and do well in the match?

Not Mr. Captain, but I can tell you that the answer to the question is "No." Some folks have the attitude that the people who "blaze around cover when slicing the pie" at a match don't know how to do it "for real," i.e. slow and careful. Of course we do - at least some of us. We just choose not to, in that venue.

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rhino, thinking back over the entire match, I am pretty sure that I wasn't blazing around cover. I was trying to keep 50% of my body behind cover and engaging targets. Usually that meant scooting over after shooting a target to acquire the next one. I didn't really feel fast at this all day, and I never have felt fast, hence my original question. Larry can probably back me up on this, since he SO'd a stage. I know what it feels like to just run flat out around corners and I don't think I was doing it. In any case, since the majority of the SO's know I shoot USPSA also, if I had 51% of my body exposed I would have gotten a procedural, and I never got one the entire match.

Now as to what the onlookers saw when I was going through the stages is another thing. Their perception would probably be completely different to what I was seeing.

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Matt Cheats like that but he does it MORE! :o

And you DEFINATELY couldnt tell I am ever a problem for Matt by my scores at that match. I think Matt got his share of good match and mine too :unsure: I started that match with a HUGE FUBAR and it went DOWNHILL from there, I just never seemed to get ANYTHING right. I was really Dissapointed with myself. :(

To answer your question, its not BLAZING around corners, its a constant controlled fluid movement cut to the minimum to get the job done.


I would reply (I agree) but this thread would get all Tac-tickily on us!


You did better than a LOT of people on your pieing. No details I just remember thinking you did very well on cover.

Larry P

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