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Pit Bull Attack


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My father and his dog were attacked by a pit bull today. He was strangling the pit bull when its dirtbag owners showed up.

Get this: 911 refused to send the police or sheriff, because the pit bull bit the dog, not my dad, even though it knocked him to the ground. I guess precious Alpine, CA law enforcement resources can't be diverted to vicious dog attacks when they need to catch border-crossing Mexicans.

I fear for my small nephews.

I'm glad he's all right, hope the dog is.

I have been attacked three times here in kali and was injured twice. It's what I hate most about this place, they would not even issue a permit for open carry to me to protect myself. They really don't give a crap if people get victimized, they just hate guns.

This one hits close to home. The city I live in just passed a ban on "violent breeds" including pits and rotts. I don't own either of them and never plan to because I personally feel that they are two of the more aggressive breeds and I don't want that responsibility. However, the idea of banning a breed because of irresponsible owners just seems wrong. Something akin to banning guns because some people misuse them.

Guns have no inherent disposition to be violent and guns can not dig their way under a fence and tear a child's face off his skull in about half a second.

The fact is that animals can and do have inherent disposition to wildness. It's the reason you can not raise a tiger from birth and KNOW that he will always be peaceful (just ask Roy).

Pit bulls have been intentionally bred to be vicious, which means the "vicious gene" is floating in the gene pool in a ratio that causes it to surface whether you want it to or not. I realize many "pit bulls" are not violent, but many are and there is absolutely no way to predict if or when they will "go off".

All animals can POSSIBLY attack people, but pit bulls are the one breed where considerable genetic manipulation has taken place to increase aggression.... and they all possess the basic equipment to do massive amounts of damage almost instantly.

Edited by bountyhunter
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We are now wondering far off the original topic, but pitbulls were indeed bred to be aggresive. Towards other dogs. They are fighting dogs, not dogs of war. They are not any more aggresive towards humans then other breeds, but they often come in contanct with humans as they attack other dogs, such as in the example the started this thread. Note that kids and adults have been killed by labs, rotweilers, german shepherds, and even collies, and yes pitbulls. Pitbulls are fast becoming the second most popular breed of dog after labs, and yes you will hear more about such attacks because there are more of them outthere. For some reason no one complains when they get bit by a lab, but as they breed labs bigger and bigger I'm guessing that will change too.

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This is the hate forum (read the rules to see what it's about, if you haven't lately). This thread has turned it a discussion..with debate...and has drifted off topic.

I'm closing it.

If EW would like to open it back up, that is his call.

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