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The Fish


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That is ENTIRELY too much prep time for the Arkansas match, I suggest you wait until May 12 to start getting ready! :P

NO rain here, but still was not able to get any shooting, dry fire or even reloading done. :(

Oh well, I guess I'll get plenty of practice at the Safety area at Little Rock. <_<

See you there, oh and by the way........I DO have a Boat if you need to borrow it. :lol:


(Treen going to make it?)

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Thanks Hop - I'm sure you'll be just fine; not like you've got to start from zero!

Finally stopped raining; parts of the Metromess down here got over 7 inches of rain last night. Looks like there were lots of little tornados that were spinning all around my house, thank goodness we dodged 'em all at my place last night.... :ph34r:

Treen's not coming up/down to Little Rock. Something about there not being any easy way to get from BFE Missouri to Little Rock... You should call and harrass him, Hop!

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No workout today, optional day off and I'm letting my shoulder heal up.

Found this quote today:

Identity is the concept that refers to this aspect of existence; the

aspect of existing as something in particular, with specific

characteristics. An entity without an identity cannot exist because it would be

nothing. To exist is to exist as something, and that means to exist with

a particular identity.


To make the translation to our shooting world, this got me thinking as to how do I percieve myself as a shooter. Substitute the word "shooter" for "entity" and it really hits home for me.

Lanny speaks to this, of course, with our messages of self affirmation. Neat to see that people have been thinking about that stuff for about as long as there's been rational and logical thought recorded.

I shall think on this as I go through the gun katas tonight....

I move with agression

I focus on each shot

I shoot and train like a champion

I can do it

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Printed off the Arkansas Sectional stages and hit every start position X 10 as near as I could replicate.

Added about 10-15 mintues of reload drills and there you have it.

Loaded up some bullets for this weekend and called it a gun night. Will hopefully get to shoot Saturday AND Sunday - it seems like forever since I've been able to do that thanks to either the weather or my work and I'm really looking forward to it!

Big decision for the weekend is do I shoot the AR or the FN for the carbine side match at Porter's..... :unsure:

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Good, if not easyish day at the gym today. Strongly considering getting a membership at a gym that has more wieghts for me to play with once my shoulder heals up....

As a result of having to go easy on the shoulder/trap area I did more ab work; I figure some core work is always good.

Made some more bullets tonight for this weekend's shooting fest and in preparation of next weekend's Arkansas Sectional. Will get to test ammo Sunday, so I gotta make what I've got work! ;)

Dry fire tonight consisted of working on the stages from the Arkansas Sectional and making an educated guess on direction of travel and reloads. Did 10 reloads to my best guess on each stage as to the direction I'd be moving at the match. And then did some more just for fun. :)

I move with agression

I focus on each shot

I shoot and train like a champion

I can do it

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Probably my best workout at lunch today since I hurt my shoulder last week. Was able to do full weight on bench, rows, and leg press/curl. Cut my max lift for OHP by 2/3rds and was able to do 6 sets of 3 just about pain free. A bit tight now, but it's very bearable.

Looking forward to shooting this weekend!!

Goal of nuthin' but A's at Porter's match tomorrow. :lol:

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Had a blast at Porter's match today. Got to shoot with two GM's (Dick Burkhart and Mick), and David Langille, who's been busting my chops in A class lately...

Started rocky for the first couple of stages and then started to get on it better. I think my subconscious mind is telling me it doesn't like the new holster I'm using (a Garcia's version of the Ghost), as the draw stroke is completely different and I'm really not comfortable with it.... Going back to CR Speed tonight for tomorrow's match.

Hung around and shot the 2 gun side match; a couple of stages of rifle and pistol and had fun. Gotta get used to stashing the pistol before the transition to rifle because that just plain felt wierd setting down the pistol. :wacko:

In fixing the trigger from the DTC meltdown, we also put in a lighter recoil spring at 14lbs. The gun is definately tracking differently with the 14 vs. the 16#; not bad, just different. I think by the end of the match today I was starting to get the feel for it and it was feeling more natural. Going back to the holster I'm comfortable with is going to be nice as well.

All in all, lots of lessons learned - my setup and getting into position was just ugly today, but it's something that I'll focus on tomorrow.

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Hell, Hop, I hope I can keep up with you and your wheelgun!

Here's some video evidence from yesterday's match:

That pesky Texas Star stage

Long field course, actually kinda tricky here - very easy to re-engage a target and leave a few out there with no holes in 'em...

Best run of the day, I'm pretty happy with my reload here, setup on the first port could have been better, gun came up late. Fixable though...

OK, off to get ready for Greeville and the special classifier match!!

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Shot a fun match today.

I can honestly say I've never been this absolutely disgusted with my shooting. Ever.

I've got more on my mind, but I don't quite think what I want to say is printable here in this polite forum. :ph34r:

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Well, I've curtailed my lifting since this weekend, only lifting very light and still not putting much pressure on my injured shoulder. Done a LOT of sleeping and general rest as well.

Other than some group shooting yesterday at the range in between teaching someone to shoot, I really haven't picked up my Limited gun all week; of course there's been some generic fondling, but that's about it.

Feeling a lot better mentally after getting some rest and I'm looking forward to hangin' out with my buds and having fun this weekend at Arkansas.

I'll report on the match when I get a chance.

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Ya'll missed a great match!

Just in, and I'm too damn tired to post a full report, but the match was very good.

Brain worked, gun worked, had several very good stages. Got lost on one large field course, which probably cost me a podium finish, but overall I'm very pleased with how everything came together this weekend.

More than anything else, this match opened my eyes to the potential of very good things to come.

More later as I get some rest.

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Flat Head! :lol:

It was good to see you again after 2 years, keep up the physical stuff you looked kind of like one of them there real Atheletes!!!! :)

Glad you had a good match, even more glad you are able to gain from it towards that goal of yours.

The Dallas crew kicked ass!!!! they were getting called out for all kinds of wins......too many to remember or list.

I wish Larry had been able to make it, but maybe next time.

Keep up the good work, see you again at A-4.


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Thanks alot Hop! See you soon at A4.

Lots of good came out of the Sectional. I finished a decent 10th ovl limited:

10 Birdsall, Derrick A52911 A Limited Major N N 1113.1678 75.35%

And 4th A.

Had 9 pretty solid stages, and 3 that just killed me.

Stg 2:

Good run for me, chose to go to the right rather than the left; felt it was quicker.

6 Birdsall, Derrick 43 A Limited 119 0 18.51 6.4290 108.4514 83.42%

Stg 3:

Another good run - with one little exception - I threw a hurried mike trying to get off the last target on the left array prior to the last port. Visual patience....

14 Birdsall, Derrick 43 A Limited 145 10 20.25 6.6667 116.5774 72.86%

Stg 4:

This one hurt. Short two string stage, Virginia count. I had my focus on, but I was too concerned that I had more to lose than to gain here and shot dreadfully slow. This was a trend throughout the match - the short stages ate my lunch because I shot too conservatively. I need to find a happy medium here.

25 Birdsall, Derrick 43 A Limited 71 0 10.92 6.5018 50.8743 63.59%

Stg 5:

Match killer. Longer field course, first one after lunch and I was a little bit flat. Poor stage prep before and not paying enough attention to detail basically caused me to get lost in the course and take a lot of extra steps to get to where I needed to be. More focus on stage prep will cure this from happening again.

28 Birdsall, Derrick 43 A Limited 142 10 25.78 5.1202 88.5522 57.13%

Stg 6:

Excellent recovery here, solid 6th place finish. Trusted the front sight and took some little chances on shooting targets farther out on the move than I'm entirely comfy with.

6 Birdsall, Derrick 43 A Limited 139 0 19.40 7.1649 124.2954 85.72%

Stg 7:

Another solid stage here, felt like I floated right through this one.

6 Birdsall, Derrick 43 A Limited 132 0 13.65 9.6703 119.7084 85.51%

Stg 8:

Strong finish to the day; I was totally tanked and really had to work mentally to focus throughout. Just ran out of energy, bonked. This will be cured by making sure to include more food in my range bag!!

7 Birdsall, Derrick 43 A Limited 143 0 19.66 7.2737 115.4507 76.97%

Stg 9:

This stage will stick with me because this is the one time in the match that my mental program really sucked. I was all worked up to not hit the no shoot and tagged the sucker right in the middle of the head. What makes me the most irritated about this is that I NEVER do that in my mental programing. I think part of me knew I was shooting a good match after Saturday's stages and tightened up a bit, and again tried to shoot too conservatively. I will do better at the next match to get my focus on positives, and not negatives.

30 Birdsall, Derrick 43 A Limited 54 20 16.25 2.0923 23.4712 39.12%

Stg 10:

Good recovery, went 1st I believe on this stage and did a good job of purging my disgust over the 1st stage of the day. Solid run, good hits, but another "effort" mike after getting in a hurry to get off a target to the next array. Again, visual patience. Blew my footwork at the beginning of the stage, but recovered nicely and did it on the fly; I don't think it cost me too much...

18 Birdsall, Derrick 43 A Limited 144 10 27.23 4.9210 122.2991 78.90%

Stage 11:

Classifier stage. Again, shot too conservatively. I will need to find a happy medium between hosing the short stages and putting in the right amount of effort.

17 Birdsall, Derrick 43 A Limited 93 0 18.21 5.1071 69.0279 69.03%

Stage 12:

This one left me with a good feeling for the match overall. Got good hits, movement was crisp and was the best finish of the match for me.

5 Birdsall, Derrick 43 A Limited 129 0 16.32 7.9044 118.9678 88.12%

This match really showed me that when I focus and run my program, I can run close to the big dogs. With more time in the saddle, I expect to be running with the big dogs. ;)

Interesting Lanny Bassham side note. For Space City, my "position" goal was to finish in the top 16 Limited shooters and I finished 14th.

For this match, my position goal was to finish in the top 10. And I finished 10th.

Isn't that interesting?

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Damn, been sick as a dog all week. Not much done other than sleep. And sleep.

Getting everything ready for the switch to SS. Press converted, and setting up gear this weekend. Will shoot the NM Sectional, A4, and Texas Limited in SS division and then hopefully get ready for limited nats...

Hopefully we'll lose the provisional off of Single Stack and I look to compete there with a vengance next year. ;)

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Draws and reloads today. Off and on most of the day, just working on getting the gun out and finding the front sight and hitting smooth reloads.

My first sponsor's goodies arrived in the mail today - a new holster and 6 new mag pouches, courtesy of Comp-Tac. I'm absolutely thrilled that I'll be using Gregg's gear in Single Stack division and I don't think you can say enough good things about Comp-Tac's stuff and customer service!

Will be shooting IDPA tomorrow - can't wait to get some trigger time! :)

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Had fun at the IDPA match today - dang it's getting hot! Just about over my cold or flu or whatever it was. I'll be glad when it's completely gone!!

Spent some practice time after the match working drills. Shot for group at 15 yards, 25 and 50. Pleased with the Spartan, shooting for group at 50 yards, it kept 23 out of 24 in the lower A zone, and one D zone flyer....

Spent the day at home after the match fiddling with my two 1911s and have come to the conclusion that I really like one more than the other; all it needs is a new front sight to lose the fat one that's in there right now and it'll be ready to run. One feels better than the other; it's just that simple. ;)

Looking forward to the SS challenge it's my goal to be one of the premier SS shooters around. I am very much looking forward to walking that path.

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Man I sure would like to get off 15 hour days so I could do something that has to do with shooting.....

Got into the state idpa, gonna shoot the next two wed nights and I'm gonna hit the last two DAPS uspsa matchs this month also. Gotta make up for the lack of dryfire the last week and a half. Hope to see you at one of the matches

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Another good workout today - for the next couple of weeks while my body is recovering from my shoulder injury and being sick, I'm on two days a week lifting, and maybe a couple days light cardio in between. Working bench, squats, OHP, rows, and curls. My right shoulder's coming along nicely - I'm able to lift light weights OHP without any pain during the lift and I'll continue that trend for the near future - until I'm able to lift and then not ache afterwards in my shoulder....

I've been getting aquainted with my 1911s - as mentioned before, I'm going to make a run on the Single Stack division. Matches start this weekend with an IDPA match tomorrow and USPSA on Sunday - it IS kinda nice to just shoot the same stuff from one game to another.

Match reports as they come in; all in all I'm excited for the prospect!

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