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My most embarasing moment


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Woo-hoo!  A forum for "war stories."

It was January or February of 1990 and I was attending the Leatham Shooting Institute (LSI.)  Yup, I was fortunate enough to receive instruction from TGO himself.  Now, let me set the stage a bit.  I'm still fairly young (24) and am VERY enamored with Rob.  I mean, this is Rob-freaking-Leatham!  My hero!  And I'm right here, in his back yard, ready to glean /every/ little piece of information that he utters.  I'm totally jazzed and excited.

Now, the way it worked was like this.  You attend his class on day one.  On day two you had the option to shoot in a local Rio Salado match in the morning before class started.  Well, TGO is shooting the match so you know I'm going to shoot the match too.  Any opportunity to watch this guy is one I'm going to take.

So, I'm on a stage getting ready to shoot.  TGO is on the clipboard and Lyle Wing is running the timer.  The course of fire requires you to perform a weak hand transfer and fire six shots.  No problem - weak hand doesn't scare me.  Having my hero watch me shoot, well, that's another thing.  The timer goes off and I grab my gun with my strong hand and attempt to pull it out of my holster.  I guess I was a bit too excited as I somehow managed to twist the gun in the holster during the draw.  This caused my compensator to become bound in my 008 for just a second.  The result of this was my hand slipping off of the gun and my beautiful .38 Super tumbling out of the holster and onto the ground.  $hit!

After the initial scare wore off the embarrassment set in.  Of all the places to do this it had to be in front of TGO.  Doh!  Rob wasn't too hard on me - at least not at first.  I think he gave me about 30 seconds to recover before saying something like, "That was pretty good.  I didn't teach you that did I?"  He continued the barbs throughout day two.  I think his best one was as we were walking down to score targets later that day.  He stopped me, grabbed his gun, mimicked dropping it on the ground and said, "Quick, who am I?"

Or course the abuse didn't stop with Rob.  My buddy Roger, who attended LSI with me, made it a point to tell his wife (also an IPSC shooter) on the phone that evening, "You'll never guess what Mike did in front of Robbie!"  He then told her not to say anything to anyone else.  I thought this was a kind gesture until a few days later when I start to get phone calls from my other shooting buddies.  "Hey Mike, I heard you dropped your gun in front of Leatham!"  Turns out, my good old buddy Rog told his wife not to say anything so he could do it himself.  Hey, what are friends for?


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I blew the exhaust pipe off my '81 Camaro passing Robbie and Jack Wiegand on the way to the range at the '92 North American Champs. Looked real cool blowing past him 'til there was this big bang....ever heard a 350 running only with headers?  Of course they stopped and asked if I needed a hand, I declined and limped my poor, obnoxiously loud, car the rest of the way to the range.


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  • 2 months later...

I have an embarassing "what not to do 'to' Robbie story."  

I had been shooting in the local club matches at Rio Salado for a few months and was just getting the hang of running the clock and all the other stuff you do when you R.O., or so I thought.  Then Rob comes to the line and I run through the litany of commands to begin his run.  Everthing starts off pretty much like normal and he is working his way rapidly through the course when he just stops and looks at me with this amused/confused look on his face.  I had no idea why but everyone was giving me this same look, well some of the looks weren't too damn amused, and then he tells me I beeped him again!  I had kept my thumb over the start button and inadvertantly bumped it right in the middle of the run.  I felt about an inch tall and dumb as a box of rocks.  Fortunately Rob was pretty nice about the whole thing and that made me feel a little less bad.  Now if I could just get my hands on that memory erasing gizmo from Men In Black.....

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  • 7 months later...

I know it's an old thread but I have one too...

Finally got the bucks and gear together to go shoot the Single Stack Classic in 2001.  Always wanted to and always wanted to see Robbie shoot.  Turns out he had the chance to watch me first.

We shot on Saturday and he showed up to pick up a shotgun he'd had built for SOF or Limited I think.  Anyway, he's wondering around scoping out the courses, and wanders up just as I get to shoot the turning target standards.  He's talking to the gun smith, and watching us, timing out the target presentations.

String one was at 25y and 2 each on three targets. That went fine, at least at that range I looked fast and you couldn't really score the targets.  

However on string two (1 each reload 1 each) my mag hung up a sec.  So, knowing I had to rush and time was ticking I rush through the reload, and start blazing the last three rounds. Getting the last round off was a bit of a rush, sort of a 25y index/point (I'm sure Taylor or Ayoob would have some fancy name for it).

The round strikes just as the targets face away and.......cut the head clean off the target.  I still have it.  

Robbie muttered something to the gunplumber about that not being the way to clean a set of standards and wandered off.

Ok maybe not as scary or memorable (for TGO) as the others, but all mine.

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There are a couple of different ways to post a photo.  

If your internet service provider gives you free web space you can put it there and then put a link to the image in your post.  

If you are not in to that you can go to a site like Ofoto and put your pics there.

Once your picture is out there use the ikoncode image tag which can be found by going to the "help" section at the top of the forum and then to "View Ikoncode tags" at the bottom of the window that pops up.

There are other methods that work just as well but one of those two should work.

I hope that made sense.


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