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Sti Damaging Brass


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A friend bought a new STI Executive .40 and he has put about 600 rounds through it. The other night we were reloading some of the cases fired in this pistol and as usual I started to check a few with a case guage. Out of 20 rounds, 8 would not fully go into the guage. I checked them an discovered a small burr on the side of the case on the forward edge of the extractor groove. I then checked all the brass that had been fired in the pistol and found that all the cases have a burr on this edge. Some are worse than others. I realise that this is being caused by the extractor, but wonder if anyone else is having the same problem, to the extent were some cases will not guage. The force of the action will probably cycle these rounds, but was just wondering. I have fired many pistols in my time and have never seen the brass getting burred like this.

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Some really knowledgable (try spelling that at 5:00 in the morning) will surely pipe in here shortly, but my humble guess is the extractor hook needs polishing and possibly radiusing. It sounds like has a sharp edge on it.

Wait for the smart folks to get up. :lol:


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Those burrs are on the forward edge of the case rim? If so on my gun they were from a LOT of extractor tension. It was enough to hang mine up a couple times when the burr kept the case from sliding up under the ejector after reloading. That extractor was smooth and polished and radiused as smooth as a baby butt.

I have not had the burrs since putting an Aftec in the gun.

Now if they are on the forward edge of the groove the extractor tip is too long and needs to be knocked back. Be very careful not to thin the hook at all, just shorten the nose of the extractor. I would be surprised if it wasn't hitting the barrel too if it is long enough to hit the forward edge of the groove.

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Hello: I also think your extractor is hitting the barrel. I would clean the pistol up and mark the barrel in the extractor area with a marker and shoot a couple of rounds through it. If the marker marks shows wear then the extractor is hitting the barrel. Now the next step is up to you. Shorten the extractor or relieve the barrel. Hope this helps. Thanks Eric

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I just got an email from STI re the problem with the extractor. They were very helpful and suggested they could shorten it to help, but there is only so much they could do without thinning the hook too much. They said the best fix currently is to install a 38/9mm extractor, and would happily do this under warranty. I have heard of the Aftec extractor and just wonder if I should fit one of these. Anyone have any experience with the Aftec extractor or have any views regarding this. Thanks to all who have replied so far. I appreciate it!!!!!!!!!!

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