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My Daughter


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/proud papa mode on/

Took my 9 year old daughter to her second match (junior 22 rifle match) yesterday. Nothing major, just an informal match to get kids interested in shooting. She shot it last month and scored 213 out of 400 possible and ended up 4th place in the Marksman division This time, she was much more relaxed and calm as she was shooting. She ended up shooting 319 out of 400 and made the Sharpshooter division, placing 2nd in that division, 3rd overall in her age group (7 to 12 year olds) and high overall girl in her age group. She was stoked and I was tickled pink. It really does my heart good to see her developing a love of the shooting sports. What really tickled me the most was the comment she made as we were leaving. One kid, about a 10 year old boy, made the Expert division, shooting 354 out of 400 (really impressive considering he was shooting a club owned rifle that he had fired about 20 rounds through before the match began). My daughter told us her goal at the next match is to beat that kid :D . My wife and I were proud.

/proud papa mode off/

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Yes, I remember you talking about the last match she shot. Really great to see her so into it that you both returned this month. I see so many folks (adults supposedly) who seem interested, and say they will come back, but never do for one reason or another. Nice to see her developiong a real sense of competion too.

I talk with my friends while we drive to local club matches about why more females dont particpate in this sport, and we have come to the conclusion that most women just dont have that competitive gene that most men do. Noitice I said 'most'. Their are exceptions to the rule, but you'd think there'd be more all accros the USA because it dosent take any different skills for a girl than it does for a guy.

But children are the furture of our shooting sports so .... bring 'em out by the car full! ;)

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I had my daughter (10 year old) out with me last year shooting some matches. I started her on a Walther P22 pistol. She was VERY accurate with her shooting and she was extremely cautious with her gun handling skills. Most other competitors commented on how safe she was :D .

During the middle of the year, I loaded up some real soft shooting 40 caliber minor loads for a G23 pistol I had. She went out and shot that in practice and I THOUGHT she was ready to use it in a match. During the match she was having the brass come right back into her face (poor kid). I should have stopped her right there as she was ducking down after every pull of the trigger. Like and idiot, I didn't do that and it cost me my shooting buddy. 3 stages in, a piece of brass landed on her right arm and it burned her, she tried to fling it off with the gun in her hand. The gun NEVER broke the 180, but she was so traumatized by that she never pulled the trigger again. I am SOOOO bummed out. She had great form and was a very accurate shooter.

I've tried everything to get her back into shooting, but nothing helps. My ex-wife doesn't help much either as I think this was the break she was looking for, in finally winning the gun battle against me (she is anti-gun).

Lesson learned:

DO NOT push your kids into a larger caliber until such time they are REALLY ready for it.

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/proud papa mode on/

My wife and I were proud.

/proud papa mode off/

And you have every reason to be! :wub:

I want to say thank you for teaching your children about safety and firearms. I cant handle knowing the children of shooters cant safely handle one or use one! It should be mandatory for all children

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so sorry to hear about your daughters experience. My kid does not like shooting my production gun (92FS) as she says it kicks too hard. I will let her stick with 22's until she is ready to move on up to the bigger guns. I am thinking around 12 years old she will be ready.


I could not agree with you more on teaching children gun safety and how to handle/shoot firearms. My rule with my daughter has always been "If you ever want to see/touch/handle one of my guns, just ask and if I have the time, I will get it out of the safe and we will do it together". She started showing interest at about 5 and started shooting at 7. I got her a Savage 10Y single shot 22 bolt action when she was 8 and a Ruger 10-22 for her 9th birthday. I am teaching her to clean and maintain them now. I had her out at the range one day last year and she was loading the factory mag for the 10-22 when she looked up at me and said "Dad, someone really needs to make a magazine for this thing that holds more bullets." :wub: I almost got teary eyed when she said that :D . She got a 25 round mag in her stocking at Christmas.

Thanks for all of the kind words guys. I will pass them on to my kid.

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Bierman -

Things will only get better, when she beats the kid who won it this month. I like to teach females how to shoot, because (unlike us) if they don't know how to do it, they KNOW that they don't know how to do it. Nothing motivates a female more in competition than beating a male at something he thinks he should win.

I help train 4-H rifle and pistol instructors for Texas 4-H Shooting Sports. If your daughter isn't already involved, and if you're interested, PM me and I'll get you connected. 4-H teaches kids the right way, the safe way, and the result is a shooter that can most likely clean your clock in her event.

[edited to reflect that I'm in the same state as Bierman]

Edited by Genghis
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