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I am loading 230 gr Zero's on my XL650. The recipe calls for 4.0 of clays, win primer, OAL of 1.200.

What is an acceptable variance on the OAL?

Sometimes I can't dial in the exact 1.200.



Posted (edited)

+1 on the overall length

1.200 seems awfully short unless you have a flat or hollow point bullet.

Some variance in OAL is normal. Slight differences in the ogive (profile) of the bullet will cause the seating stem to engage the bullet a bit higher or lower.

I set the nominal length and am happy if I can get +/- .003 OAL.

If you have trouble dialing in the nominal seating length, a Redding competition die may cure that.


Edited by tlshores
Posted (edited)

I better double check the AOL. I thought that was correct, it might be 1.250 because it is a round nose bullet.

Thanks for the warning.


+1 on the overall length

1.200 seems awfully short unless you have a flat or hollow point bullet.

Some varience in OAL is normal. Slight differences in the ogive (profile) of the bullet will cause the seating stem to engage the bullet a bit higher or lower.

I set the nominal length and am happy if I can get +/- .003 OAL.

If you have trouble dialing in the nominal seating length, a Redding competition die may cure that.


Edited by 1911jerry

Jerry, I havent loaded any FMJ from Zero, but I load their 230JHPs, and when I do load JHP it is around 1.240-1.250. Most rounded FMJ ogive bullets are loaded to between 1.250 - 1.260. 1.200 is really kind of short for reliability in the .45. Rule of thumb is load the FMJ until it wont fit in your magazine, and then reduce by .005 and try that cycling into your chamber. In a pinch I just used a factory 230fmj that worked in the gun and left the seater there. :D

As far as overall length, unless you are using the same lot of brass expect at least a .005 variance on your overall length with the .45 cases. I fought that for years thinking I was doing something wrong. :blink: Once your press has all the stations full with cases check the OAL and adjust as you go. It will take about 10 cases or so, but then they will be pretty darn close. I just loaded up 3k using this method and the last round miked just like the first one that I got right! :ph34r:

Good luck, DougC

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