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Diameter Of Slidestop


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STI Edge (not mine). New slidestop measures .200" in diameter and the original is .199"

How likely is this .001" difference to cause problems with lockup to the barrel feet? Do slidestops come in different sizes like barrel links?

I think I read somewhere this can lead to shearing of the barrel feet or breakage of the slidestop. Any grounds for worry?

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Check out the "barrel fit" tip from Jerry "The Burner" Barnhart: http://www.jerrybarnhart.com/jbtips.htm

Thanks, Kyle. That's an interesting tip he wrote.

I also was able to reach my FLG finally (he's a bit busy preparing for the Shot Show) and he is of the opinion .001" isn't going to be an issue.

What he suggested is for my friend is to color the radiused portion of the barrel feet with a magic marker, cycle the gun about 50-100 times and inspect the wear pattern. If the feet are only contacting on the slidestop at one small, single spot it might be something to monitor, but contact on more than one spot would be good to go.

Jerry mentioning "the next larger size" makes me think SS's are sold by size, but I can't recall ever seeing them sold that way any where (doesn't mean they aren't; just means I may not be very observant).

Edited by ima45dv8
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