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Mag Well For Usp?


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I shot my first match with my H&K USP 40 last weekend. It performed like a champ, and I ended up doing pretty good with it. My only complaint would be the fairly un-beveled mag well makes quick reloads fairly hard.

Is there any aftermarket magwells for poly frame guns? somthing removable would be amazing, but I'm shure I'm hoping for to much.

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Jet funnel from HK. Not aftermarket, but it's all you will find, and it installs easy. It will require the use of the white mags. Not cheap by any means. A standard mag will not seat.

Edited by JayC
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Thanks for the info, that looks pretty nice. Do you know if its the 13 rounders that fit as opposed to the 10 rnd mags? or is there a special mag for the jet funnel? Not quite sure what you meant my "white" mags.

edit: Looking around online, I see what you mean by the white, or clear mags. they seem to be extremely rare. fortunatly it seems you can get standard mags to seat with some minor modification. I will look into that a bit more, as the Jet Funnel itself is pretty cheap. thanks again.

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Yep, Jet Funnel is it for HK USP's.

As M. Bane would say "cherubs and seraphim" inform me that HK is putting (or has put) together a factory production race gun for USPSA Limited and/or Production Division. These will be decked out with features including the funnel for jet fast reloads...

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there was an article about using SV mags in a USP. If you're going racing with a USP they might be worth a look.

wow. I will definatly look into that. Also good to hear HK is making a limeted gun.

edit: Dirty, do you recall where you saw that article?

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I saw that modification topic too, but I can't remember if it was here or at HK Pro. From what I understand though it is somewhat of a pain, and I'm not sure, but I think there may have been reliability issues. I'm going to have to try to find that again.

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