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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Black Fiber Optic

Steve Anderson

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Does any one make a black fiber optic rod?

It would seem to be a good idea for someone who has a fiber sight and wants to try a black sight sight picture, as well as for someone whe likes black sometimes and colored fiber other times...



I tried the FO and then decided I didn't like it. Instead of replacing the front sight, I just used a black magic marker to color it in. I colored the dot, the top and the front of the rod.

Now when you can clearly see a round black spot in the center of the serrations, you know you've got the right focus.


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A quick blast of sight black is how I switched back and forth recently, it wipes right off with a dry tissue if you want the fiber back. The downside is that it wipes right off, if you don't want fiber you have to be sure the sight doesn't touch anything before you get to the line.....

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