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VV Powders & Velocity


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Those of you that have used VV powders do they actually produce the higher velocities shown in the manuals or is that sales hype. I’ve only used them in rifles and they do work well but didn’t know about handgun loads. Looking to put together a good SD load that has good vel without high psi. Something that could be loaded down from max but still provide higher velocities and good accuracy. 
Thanks for any info. 

Edited by Farmer
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The published specs are from a test barrel.  Chance of your results matching theirs is close to zero.  There are just too many variables involved.  My 5.4" SV required 5.7g N320 to make 170 pf when it was new.  Then it was down to 5.4g.  Now, after approx. 70k rounds, it's 5.2g.  That's for the same velocity with the same bullet weight from the same barrel.  Changes to temperature, elevation, brass, primers, or just about anything else, can also make a difference.  In terms of velocity and accuracy, VV powders are excellent quality and very consistent.  That's why they're so popular.  But getting a low SD on your reloads really has more to do with your reloading process than the powder you use (although the former may dictate the latter).

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I'm thinking your looking for a good Self Defense load vs low Standard Deviation from your reloads...........  ;)


After using VV powders for a LONG TIME, I totally agree with ltdmstr in that I've never expected to duplicate VV's published loads as they are from test barrels in a controlled environment.  I do think that the reload your after is possible with the right combination of bullet/VV powder/same headstamp brass, etc.  Your rifle reloading techniques should agree with that.


IMO, look at the VV reloading data to see what similar results you can find for your desired bullet/powder combo.  Then as always, load up a ladder and run across the chrono. 


There should be others here that reload their own SD ammo that can offer more details.


Good luck!  


PS:  be sure and grab a copy of Darrell's load data!  Has a wealth of information!



Edited by HOGRIDER
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3 hours ago, HOGRIDER said:

I'm thinking your looking for a good Self Defense load vs low Standard Deviation from your reloads...........  ;)


After using VV powders for a LONG TIME, I totally agree with ltdmstr in that I've never expected to duplicate VV's published loads as they are from test barrels in a controlled environment.  I do think that the reload your after is possible with the right combination of bullet/VV powder/same headstamp brass, etc.  Your rifle reloading techniques should agree with that.


IMO, look at the VV reloading data to see what similar results you can find for your desired bullet/powder combo.  Then as always, load up a ladder and run across the chrono. 


There should be others here that reload their own SD ammo that can offer more details.


Good luck!  


PS:  be sure and grab a copy of Darrell's load data!  Has a wealth of information!



Yes, I should have stated self defense/hunting load. Been loading since the 70’s so I’m aware of the fudged numbers in the manuals. My 708 Rem out of my handgun was the most accurate and gave the highest vel with VV powder so I was thinking it may do the same with the smaller variety. 😄 Thanks for the link, I had forgot about his fine work. 

Edited by Farmer
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1 hour ago, ltdmstr said:

Ok, duh on my part.  Sorry about that.

Hey no problem, I should have been more specific. Too many acronyms now days. 😄 I did try a few PD JHP 124 today with Silhouette and HS6 with pretty good results. Got over 1230 fairly easily and still under max, just need to play with things a bit more. 

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