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Muscleman Lite

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Some of you know of or have even shot this match in the past, for those that haven't a short description. It was a team event with one carrying rifle and pistol the other shotgun and pistol. Rifle targets out to 800 shotgun slugs at 100, flying clay birds all in one stage stretched out over 1.5 miles. Shortest time ever run was 33 min. and change.

In an effort to increase the number of participants we have come up with a more conventional format although keeping with our core values of marksmanship and natural terrain shooting.

My question is would there be interest in shooting a match that still has targets out to 600 in a multigun format with stages that might take more than 3 minutes to finish. We are thinking 8 stages over two days with 4 stages shot each day. Even with this lite version total match capacity would be under 100. As far as divisons this has always been a run what ya brung match in heads up competition. For this match we would recognize open, tactical with the only difference being a bipod can be used on rifle because of the longer shots and mor. I would appreciate impute as to likes, dislikes or complete disinterest.

Thanks Keith

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Dirtypool40, yes web site is muscleman3gun.com but the new format is not decided on yet so no new rules just what has been used in the past.

Scout454, both MOR and Semi Auto. Minimum round count in the past has been around 75 for each gun, expect that to creep up a bit for rifle.

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Sounds like a good way to get larger participation. Only thing that has kept me from coming in the past has been coming eight hours for one "long" stage, then not knowing the results for a couple days.

One thought though, especially if you plan on longer shots than a typical 3-Gun match. How about making bipods optional on all rifles and have one class for scopes, one for irons? If everyone is going to run stages with a pistol and a long gun, race holsters may not be suitable, and you might just start a trend.

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Paul, by making bipod use in tactical legal all divisions would be able to use them. We have had a no race holster rule from the beginning, I had a leather holster made for my STI that is very secure but a little slower than Kydex. If you have a holster that works for RM3G chances are it will work for this match as we will use the same mode of ditching the used gun as they use.

As to Irons IMHO you would have to be nuts to want to shoot irons at this match. Just the Texas star at 300 yd. with 9 in. plates is reason enough to have a scope. Some rifle shots require 2 min. of accuracy out at 400 yd. I try to keep accuracy requirements at 3 min. and above but Joel will tighten things up if you don't watch him real close.

Still Praying, don't know your age but we had an 80 year old shoot it last year with his grandson and that was the long format. I've been telling those who ask that its all the fun and shooting of past Muscleman matches without the pain. Thanks for the opinions and suggestions its helpful. Keith

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we talked to a few people (Mel K, Pat K and others) about this at a match last month in Texas. It sounded like a great concept, but the idea of traveling quite a distance and then only shooting 1 stage over 4 days was enough to sterr us away from it.

So, if you can change the match structure to a multi stage concept that keeps people busy for several days, we would be interested in hearing more.

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