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Hurricane Katrina Animal Rescue


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I pitched in tonight at the ASPCA/Humane Society that is rescuing many (all?) of the animals from the New Orleans area. Its amazing. Every night when I get back from work, there is a line of 20+ cars and vans packed with animal carries with everything from birds to Labs. There are several hundred, if not thousands dogs of all kinds being cared for. Nevermind the cats, rabbits and other pets.

As soon as they're processed, they're put in a clean crate, fed and watered. They're walked multiple times a day and fed regularly. If they have a messy cage, it is changed nearly immediately. The staff is made up of volunteers from all over the US, including vets and just regular people pitching in. I worked with a girl from Louisville who just came for 3 days.

I made a cash donation on site, even though they recommended giving to my local chapter. Although I don't exactly agree 100% with everything either organization says, the animals needed all the help they could get. Most were in pretty good shape, others that are coming in are a bit rough (malnurished, dehydrated, etc.).

The staggering thing was the number of Pit Bulls. This was the first time I've been around one, let alone the hundred or so I saw tonight. And, all were sweet and very docile. I asked one of the people working there how many there were and they stated nearly half of the rescues were Pit Bulls. The handlers have no problems with them, but the dogs have gotten agressive, occasionally, with other dogs. I really don't want to think about what their fate is.

If you want to support the effort, check with your local Human Society or other Pro-pooch org and they're likely to have the skinny. And, if you're near Gonzales, LA - look up the Expo Center. That is where the action is.

Edited by BigDave
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As someone who raised pit bulls for over 20 years I want to tell you that is the personality that a true pit bull is supposed to have. They should be docile around people. But watch out when they get around other dogs or you could have a heck of a fight on your hands especially if the two dogs are ov the same sex.

Stay safe while you are down there.


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Wife and I have been volunteering there.

Got a panic phone call on Friday night, four days after the Storm. A load of 35 to 50 cats were on the way and help was needed to unload and set them up in temporary housing. Worked until 0100. They were all rescued from a vets office where people had boarded the animals while the people evacuated out of town. Most have been reunited with their owners.

Cats in general did not fare well through the storm. Big dogs survived better than little dogs. One Vietnamese Pot Bellied Pig was rescued. The mules that pull the carriages in the Quarter are there. Name the critter and it's probably there.

Help is needed to care for the animals. Cash is fine but showing up to help is better. If you can't make it down to Gonzales, check with your local animal shelter to see if you can help there. Many animals are being transferred to other areas. If any displaced families are looking for their pets, go to http://www.petfinder.com/disaster/ for more information.

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Seems like only now is the pet rescue part of this story making into the news. Thanks for the front line story BigDave!

And thanks to everyone that is pitching in to the help!!!

It is tough to know whether to donate to the humans or the animals; they both need help. I have been giving more to the animals because I know if I was in the situation of being separated from my critters that getting them back safe and sound would be just about the most important thing to me.

Edited by kimel
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Well, figure that nearly every household down there may've had a pet (or two) and then do the math.

My one experience with a pit bull was an EXTREMELY positive one: Went to visit a friend and I knew they had one. She took to me right away, leaned on me the whole time I was there (naturally I petted her a lot--god, they're solid all over), and her owner said, "Wow, she doesn't do that with just ANYONE... she really LIKES you!" Well, I rather liked her as well, so it made sense. She was a good dog.

I get along famously with Dobermans, too. B)

It's interesting that we're taking pretty good care of the animals in Louisiana as well. It may not have been the first thought on everyone's mind until people were forced to leave them behind... finding out that many actually survived. I wonder how many drank the water and died, though... :ph34r:

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My evacuation plan includes my pets :) It also includes all the hotels on the major interstates at 100miles, 200miles and 300miles that take pets! After watching the coverage of the rescues and the damage of Katrina, my hallway coat closet is now evac central - we're ready!


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