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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Newer member & Armorer from south of Houston


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DC here.  I joined because a friend referred me to a classified ad here and I'm staying because of all the great info! I am an Armorer for Sig, CZ, M&P and Glock.  My current quiver contains Sigs, CZs and M&Ps; I start with them stock, then upgrade them to see how good I can get them to be. I am just starting to reload.  


I shoot IDPA at my local club (so far) which is the PSC Shooting club.  Our matches are the fourth Saturday of the month, come and join us!  Non-members are most welcome!  Most weekends you will find me there on Range 2 in Bay A if it is available when I get there. I've built my own cover walls and am practicing as close to match scenarios as I can. I have .22 conversions for one Sig and one CZ and I shoot them most. Why? Because I can feel when I am doing the right things and when I'm doing the wrong things due to the lower recoil. My goal is to be as good as I can be so I am constantly working to improve.  


If you are in the area south of Houston look me up, especially if you are a PSC member. In addition, I will happily bring in guests to shoot for free any time (as long as you shoot safely).


Shoot often and shoot safe.  

Keep the muzzle downrange.

An average day shooting is better than some days at work (but not all when you love what you do).




Edited by DCSigCZ
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21 hours ago, SCTaylor said:

Welcome DC. I'm up in Spring Branch but have been shooting in Galveston primarily at GRPC's USPSA matches.


Thank you, SC. Our (PSC's) USPSA Match is the second Saturday of each month. Sign up on PSCShootingClub.com. Let me know if you are going to shoot so I can meet you.

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