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Glock .22 Lr Conversion Upper


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Glock 22 lr conversion upper

I’ve been playing with the idea of getting .22 long rifle conversion upper for my Glock and plinking steel with it.

I’m sure this topic has been covered before, but the search function didn’t dig up any threads.

Who has one that they like (or don’t like). Advantage Arms, Ciener, Marvel? What’s a decent price?

Last question: for those of you that have one, do you actually shoot it or does it just sit in the safe?

Thanks for your thoughts.

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Alright - I did some more searching and found some threads.

It looks like most guys like the Advantage Arms model the best, but EricW had some mixed results with his.

Any updates from the guys that use these conversions?


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Advantage Arms, the Target model. Love it. I do keep it at home when practicing for important matches - I'll end up backing off my grip and stance too much.

Runs great with CCI MiniMag which is $3.75 per 100 at my range. Groups between 3/8 and 1/2" at 25 yards. It's the first and only gun I can shoot off a rest worth a dang.

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Bought an advantage from glockmiester a month ago

Got about 500 rds through it - on my 34 bottom.

RUNS GREAT. Very fast

I got the LE version 'cause it looks like a regluar glock.

I'm using it for practice and the occasional steel match.

BTW - advantage says DO NOT DRYFIRE, so if you're doing dry drills, convert back to the glock top

My experience with other conversions has been positive. I have a kimber conversion that I run on a kimber and a ciener for my bushy M4 AR. I think conversions are THE thing for practice - same trigger, similar weight, same controls, cheap, no blast. The kimber and the ciener are very accurate. I haven't sandbagged the advantage yet. Might do that this weekend.

I shoot the piss out of the ciener and the kimber. I fully intend to do that with the advantage.

Best all around ammo I've found is Remington Thunderbolt. It seems to be a little dirty, but it has plenty of snap to work the actions. Works all of the above plus a Walther P22 which is notoriously fussy. Cost is about $2.10 per hundred. I used some Wolf match stuff and shot touching groups off a bag with the kimber at 25. The thounderbolt opened up to about 3/4"

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Now I take the G35/.22 top end and a few full mags of CCI MiniMag with me every time I shoot the new G17 open gun.

The "timing" or returning the gun to target is almost the same for both guns, which I have to constantly remind myself because the 9Major's blast and concussion are about 100-1000 times greater than the .22 Glock. The gun lift [zero] is the same and the muzzle lift [6" on a 15yard target] is really close.

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For the guys that have the Advantage Arms upper - a few questions:

1. What ammo are you using?

* a 40 grain high velocity round?

* lead or copper coated bullet?

* The copper coated bullets are more expensive, but wouldn't they run cleaner?

2. How often do you have to clean them?

* do they need to be cleaned often?

* do you need to keep them pretty wet with oil?

3. Are the mags trouble/maintenance free?

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Mine can with a big sheet of paper in it with ammo suggestions, let me go grab it...

OK...my Advantage Arms (AA) kit that I kept (I was signed up as a dealer for them, but didn't pursue that...no money in it)...my kit didn't run great, so I didn't use it much. I finally decided to see why. It seems it had a bad extractor. Seems like it didn't have a good heat treat. It was soft and didn't extract well.

So, I finally gave a call to AA, they said to send it, and all the mags, in and they would have a look. A while back, they sent me back the kit and the mags. I don't know if what they sent is all new or what...it works fine though.


The placard that comes with the kit says,



Symptoms: Failure to feed, stovepipes, mis-fires and light strikes


Recommended brands:

1. CCI Mini Mags

2. Remington "Golden Bullets"

3. Remington "Thunderbolt"

4. Most any other 40 grain "High Velocity" ammo.

Not recommended: Federal, PMC or 35 grain "Hollow Points"

When I took mine to the range...of course...all I had was a box of loose federal ammo (likely a box of 550 rounds or so from Walmart?).

It ran with that just fine, if I downloaded the mags a round or two. Since I use it for practice or steel challenge...no problem.

All the mags seem to be of equal quality...no issues. (other than they are a bit tough to load by hand...no biggie)

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My problem turned out to be the large variations in powder charges between various lots of Remmy bulk pack ammo - big surprise. As long as I kept the upper clean and lubed and ran CCI Mini Mags, I was golden. My gun hygiene is pretty poor, so I had to learn that the AA uppers need to be cleaned about every 2-300 rounds if you don't want to run into a bunch of malfunctions.

Looking back, I think the secret to making the AA conversion work would be skeletonizing the slide. That's the weak link: the large slide mass. Cut that down to about 1/2 and I think it'd be the bees knees.

Personally, I'm just running my MkI and am perfectly happy with it, and it eats just about every kind of ammo I put in it (read: likes the cheap stuff).

CCI Mini Mags ran me about $2/50 all told and I can load 9mm for $3.50/50, so the hassle of running the upper didn't merit the savings. If I was buying factory 9, the economics would be substantially different.

Thus, I finally sold the AA upper I bought from Flexamundo.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've had the J.A. Ciener Glock conversion for about a year and a half. I've been pretty satisfied. I usually shoot whatever .22 LR ammo is on sale at Wal Mart. To keep the reliability up you do have to clean it every few hundred rounds. Particularly, you have to clean the chamber. It's not like the stock Glock where you can shoot cheap, dirty ammo all year with virtually no maintenance.

I've found the unit great for practice drills, and it fits all my holsters just fine. The mags seem to be a bit thicker than stock Glock, and I have to loosen the tension on my mag holders.

The mags I have were "Clintonian" 10 rounders, and I've been thinking about contacting Mr. Ciener about converting them to hi cap. Probably would be cheaper to buy new "Post Ban" mags but I figured I'd ask him.

My only complaint would be that it took about 6 months after my order for Mr. Ciener to deliver the unit. I called a few times while I was waiting for delivery (he answers his own phone) and he explained that he was having problems with employee turnover in his shop that was creating a backlog. Hopefully he's solved this problem by now, but you might want to ask about it when ordering.

Erik Forry - Delaware

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