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South FL DV 4/10 2-30 IN Gunsmithing it up


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Hey all. Just recently ran past this forum and there are some very good reads. I don't want to promise I'm not going to hide in the shadows and read for hours but I can tell you I'd be happy to help if anyone needs some experience. I've been working on firearms for a dozen years and was in the Army Infantry for a number of years as well. My experience includes: ARs of all calibers, Ruger MKs, Glocks, 1911s and 2011s, CZ75s and variants as well as many Remington and Mossberg pump actions, and more. But I don't want to try and compile a list of the guns I don't like to work on because they're all pretty much the same once you get down to brass tacks. Good to be here. Thanks for the acceptance and let me know if I may be of assistance to anyone who needs do-it-yourself tips as I've been able to keep a few buddies from ruining a firearms with minor part replacement. 

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WPB!?! I live in RPB. Small world. Last shoot sports I took part in was a few weeks ago at okeechobee shooting sports... It was a tactical pistol and carbine class for inexperienced first timers. And my buddy Chaz who ran the thing asked me to come along and give some critique. As far as it went I had a great time and got to really dial in a fresh match gun and an even fresher carbine. I don't participate in the ipsc or any of the mainstream steel competitions because of how banged up I got- was medevac'd off an objective in 2011 and so I cant move as well as I'd like. I've got a va appointed Neuro surgeon appt next month as a matter of fact. Here goes surgery. Lower back. Ughh. But I do take part in tactical pistol and carbine outings. I like to run stages from time to time with my associates but I don't do it during actual competitions. If you need someone to help you in Palm beach let me know. I've got a great home base with Chaz at Battle Brothers.  We mainly deal with prior and current military service members and Leo affiliated personnel. 

Edited by srREXed
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And I wish I had enough space to reload, I've had my eyes on a few Lee and RCBS setups for a number of years. I really really really want to 'pull the trigger' on some parts and dies but the wife would probably pull the trigger on me. Lol

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We currently run three monthly steel-type matches at the OK Corral range next to Okeechobee Shooting Sports.  You are welcome to come and shoot carbine at any of them.

If you are up to it, come shoot with us on Sunday, we have our action steel match.  Some movement required, but nothing excessive (for now).

We usually have a large number of noob shooters, so we'll be gentle with you.  ;-).

If you would like more info, just PM me.


Mario F.

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30 minutes ago, Big Guy said:

We currently run three monthly steel-type matches at the OK Corral range next to Okeechobee Shooting Sports.  You are welcome to come and shoot carbine at any of them.

If you are up to it, come shoot with us on Sunday, we have our action steel match.  Some movement required, but nothing excessive (for now).

We usually have a large number of noob shooters, so we'll be gentle with you.  ;-).

If you would like more info, just PM me.


Mario F.

Noob shooter?!? Rofl I would totally appreciate the kid gloves... I only shot with the new guys on a handful of occasions. I don't do too much instruction because my buddies are the ones with the NRA certs, so I'm normally just trying to help instill the basics. Being aware, alert and following the basics. You never can be too safe with newer shooters. Normally with my Infantry buddies we run squad designated drills and cqb live fires. That's the stuff I love to do and feel most comfortable as long as I don't need to eat dirt or go from prone to standing more than a few times. My sciatica ( nerve damaged in the lumbar region) gets tweaked after a few body movements from the ground back up so that's when I need to slow down and take it easy. As far as the team and squad sized live fires go, I don't think I'd be comfortable with new guys(or girls) with those kind of movements. Of course if they are new, they won't be doing that kind of shooting as of yet. You definitely need to train with someone for a while before you can trust their skills enough that they won't ID (I coined the phrase 'ignorant discharge') or Friendly fire you during a movement. Muzzle awareness

I'd love to take you up on your offer to come and play, but my 2year old goes to school during the week and the wife works on Sunday. If he was old enough to control himself I'd consider bringing him with but he's still too little. I could honestly say it would be a blast though... I don't want him to grow up so fast, but I can't wait until he is old enough to take part in the big boy sports. I'll be in touch sooner or later to set something up. Always fun meeting new shooters regardless of experience. This Sunday is for sure a no-go but if you keep in touch with me for future shooting outings I'd probably end up meeting you and your people at some point. Thanks for the warm welcome btw. Always get a kick out of the noob jokes. It's like I never left the military

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It will be great to have you shoot with us.  Just ask for Mario.  I'm the big loud guy, you'll spot me right away.    ;-) 

OK Corral's monthly schedule is:

-1st Sunday: Action Steel (USPSA stages but only steel targets)

-3rd Saturday: Outlaw Steel (i.e., incorporate paper targets and steel but on a timed scored basis)

-4th Sunday: Steel Challenge


We are currently working on brining USPSA matches back to OK, but is a slow process due to current range limitations.

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