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New range in Cleveland county,(Shelby NC) Not trying to rant or blame

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OK guys need some input!

There is a new NC dept. of resources range open up in Cleveland county(Shelby NC) My home town!

Via my brother ,He has kept me up to speed on when it opened, and what they have to offer.

My question is, that only about 1 week after opening ,The new 250 yard rifle range was shut down, Due to rounds going over the berm, I was told by my brother and checking out the local news, on the net. That the reason it was shut down is there is a house not 200 yards behind the rifle berm. And that rounds have been hitting the house and barn

The head range officer went to the house and while there heard a round whiz over his head ,went right back up to the range and shut it down! They have since put up a plywood wall on top of the berm! And reopened.

My question is what butt head engineer would build a rifle range with a house right in the line of fire, even if it is behind the berm?

I have found out that the reason rounds were leaving the range is that shooters were sitting their targets only halfway to the 250 yard line and shooting to low, I've seen photos, and they have boxes built to shoot through so as not to shoot over the berm ,But the rounds were hitting the ground and skipping over the berm!

What are your thoughts?

And is this just a case of the higher ups wanting to get the range open so they can get the money coming in?

Not trying to rant here ,Just want to hear your thoughts!

And mods if this is in the wrong place or not the right content ! Sorry for its placement


Edited by ghost21
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They have since put up a plywood wall on top of the berm! And reopened.

That must be some thick plywood, to stop .45 and .223 rounds. :surprise:

I guess someone in town doesn't like the people who live 200 yards

behind the berm. :roflol: :roflol:

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OK here's a report for the new shooting range in Shelby/Cleveland county!
Me an my brother went Saturday morning range wasn't to crowded, went can checked in, I now have a certified range card( fro watching the safety video. Once we were checked in, Went to the lower pistol bay, The one that is covered, if in case of rain. Well that was A real disappointment. They were letting them shoot rifles there along side pistol shooters. I will not shoot beside rifle under the cover, to damn load!
Went to the bay with the steel targets, Only one person and his wife there shooting! Only one (1) range officer on duty. He set up a table and we shot on the opposite side of the range! I have to say that he knew his stuff. Very helpful and friendly , I only met the one RSO and The one that I think was the head RSO! the RSO (who was riding around in a golf cart, Seemed like he didn't know a lot about reloading ,He ask a lot of question)! I do have to say that in the check in office, only one of the ladies actually knew what she was doing the others didn't even know how to work the kiosk. We shot for about 3 hours, put about 500 rds. downrange . Didn't shoot any steel But I will be back and shoot that double Texas star!

And for anyone that doesn't know the 250 yd. and short rifle range is CLOSED down till further notice . From what I saw of the new improvements, they have created ricochet plates out of the new baffles they built to stop rounds from leaving the range , BUT form what I saw from the car, you have a very small window to shoot at the berm! And the new baffles have plywood ,with AR500 steel on top of them , since AR rounds wont penetrated AR 500 who knows where they will end up, yes the plywood will slow them down < But (and its JMO ) I think a lot of rounds will be bouncing to the ground right in front of the firing line. because of the AR500 steel. Especially if shooters shoot to high to much

Cleveland county does have a great place to go shoot pistol and hopefully soon rifles, And if it is kept up to the level it is now! And not allowed to go and get run down. It should be a great place for years to come. I will say this if they play their cards right and get GSSF interested and other shooting discipline's ! It will be a great place to go and shoot pistol matches.

All in all I was impressed with the place! But I do not like the idea of letting the rifle shooters shoot right beside the pistol shooters in the lower pistol bay! IMO the cover reverberates the sonic boom from the rifles to much under the cover, Its almost like shooting a rifle indoors .

And one last note, We asked about the brass that is left on the range, The RSO working our bay told us If its on the ground we can have all of it we want, But if its in the bucket NO !They are going to be selling brass, so they pick it up to offer for sell, He had no idea of a price or quantity, He said that they did not have enough to start selling it yet.
Bottom line I will be back, as soon as I get back up to Shelby and my dads on a weekend that I'm able we are going to go again and this time that Texas star is mine!

"A government should be afraid of its people , Not the people afraid of its government"

AMEN ! Marshal83

Update !, NO plywood on the top of the berm Just AR500 covered baffle's at the firing line!

The following is a update form range visit:

New report on range visit in Cleveland county, I know this look strange but I mess up the placement of the report

Edited by ghost21
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