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Green Eggs and Hamlet


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From the Washington Post Invitational contest -- Readers were asked to

combine the works of two authors, and to provide a suitable description

of the merged book.

"Machiavelli's The Little Prince" - Antoine de Saint-Exupery's classic

children's tale as presented by Machiavelli. The whimsy of human nature

is embodied in many delightful and intriguing characters, all of whom

are executed. (Erik Anderson, Tempe,


"Green Eggs and Hamlet" - Would you kill him in his bed? Thrust a

dagger through his head? I would not, could not, kill the King. I could

not do that evil thing. I would not wed this girl, you see. Now get her

to a nunnery. (Robin Parry, Arlington)

"Where's Walden?" - Alas, the

challenge of locating Henry David Thoreau in each richly-detailed

drawing loses its appeal when it quickly becomes clear that he is

always in the woods. (Sandra Hull, Arlington)

"Catch-22 in the Rye" - Holden learns that if you're insane, you'll

probably flunk out of prep school, but if you're flunking out of prep

school, you're probably not insane. (Brendan Beary, Great Mills)

"2001: A Space Iliad"- The Hal 9000 computer wages an insane 10- year

war against the Greeks after falling victim to the Y2K bug.

(Joseph Romm, Washington)

"Rikki-Kon-Tiki-Tavi"- Thor Heyerdahl recounts his attempt to prove

Rudyard Kipling's theory that the mongoose first came to India on a

raft from Polynesia. (David Laughton, Washington)

"The Maltese Faulkner" - Is the black bird a tortured symbol of Sam's struggles with

race and family? Does it signify his decay of soul along with the soul

of the Old South? Is it merely a crow, mocking his attempts to

understand? Or is it worth a cool mil?

(Thad Humphries, Warrenton)

"Jane Eyre Jordan" - Plucky English orphan girl survives hardships to

lead the Chicago Bulls to the NBA championship. (Dave Pickering, Bowie)

"Looking for Mr. Godot"- A young woman waits for Mr. Right to enter her

life. She has a loooong wait. (Jonathan Paul, Garrett


"The Scarlet Pimpernel Letter" - An 18th-century English nobleman leads

a double life, freeing comely young adulteresses from the prisons of

post-Revolution France.

"Lorna Dune" - An English farmer, Paul Atreides, falls for the daughter

of a notorious rival clan, the Harkonnens, and pursues a career as a

giant worm jockey in order to impress her.

"The Remains of the Day of the Jackal" - A formal English butler puts

his loyalty to his employer above all else, until he is persuaded to

join a plot to assassinate Charles deGaulle.

"The Invisible Man of La Mancha"- Don Quixote discovers a mysterious

elixir which renders him invisible. He proceeds to go on a mad rampage

of corruption and terror, attacking innocent people in the streets and

all the while singing "To fight the Invisible Man!"

until he is finally stopped by a windmill.

"Of Three Blind Mice and Men" - Burgess Meredith has his limbs hacked

off by a psychopathic farmer's wife. Did you ever see such a sight in

your life?

"Planet of the Grapes of Wrath" - Astronaut lands on mysterious planet,

only to discover that it is his very own home planet of Earth, which

has been taken over by the Joads, a race of dirt-poor corn farmers who

miraculously developed rudimentary technology and regained the ability

to speak after exposure to nuclear radiation.

"Paradise Lost in Space"- Satan, Moloch, and Belial are sentenced to

spend eternity in a flying saucer with a goofy robot, an evil

scientist, and two annoying children.

"The Exorstentialist" - Camus psychological thriller about a priest who

casts out a demon by convincing it that there's really no purpose to

what it's doing.

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Sorry, I had to run

Three coins in a Fountainhead

The forward looking Howard, carries the load of 3 daydreamers in another story of of the outnumbered "can do minority" doing the work of 4, all the while wishing he were a Mormon and enjoying the fruits of polygamy.

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Moby Dick and Jane

A primer on sea/see life. See Moby Dick. See Moby Dick swim. See Jane. See Jane swim.

Recently adapted by Bartleby the scrivner to the big screen as "Whale Rider" and nomicated for an Academy Award.

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No other literature majors out there? Sometimes I feel lonely!

I keep trying to come up with a two book merger using Hunter S. Thompson (Fear and Loathing)...but it needs refinement. How about a few ideas from the peanut gallery?

So far I was thinking something that rhymed with Fear...such as Beer or Cheer or Queer....Your turn!

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Carina, you get a gold star for yours. I was going to try one but couldn't come up with anything. I went to the bookshelf for inspiration and also considered Fear and Loathing.

Hey how about Fear and Lolita in Las Vegas? Run with it.

A sordid tale of a twisted, cross dressing half blind pedophile journalist with a queer eye, who in her beer induced drunken stupor is filled with self loathing, on the run in Las Vegas. Join with the men of the Lollita squad as they Hunt her, Thompsons loaded and ready to fire.

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A sordid tale of a twisted, cross dressing half blind pedophile journalist with a queer eye, who in her beer induced drunken stupor is filled with self loathing, on the run in Las Vegas. Join with the men of the Lollita squad as they Hunt her, Thompsons loaded and ready to fire.

We were fifteen steps outside of the Mirage when the caffeine started to take effect....

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Tightgroup said to one of them. "I'm working on a major novel about competitve shooting and the myriad of interpersonal relationships involved in just making it to a nationally competitive level. But right now I just need some company. Do you like chocolate chip cookies?"

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And Aikadale said to Tightloop...I have the recipe for great cookies, do you think I can get some personal instruction from Jake or Steve if I offer them some...at which point the Prairie Sage said to Aiki, Practice will get you there, cookies won't...MX5 agreed, Flex nodded in absentia, Sig Lady scoffed and took a picture of the group to host later on the loading bench thread....Shooter Grrl, asked for a cookie and a recipe for duck, while Big Dave continued to ...ride the storm out...

...meanwhile, Duane is planning a hostile takeover of Microsoft, financed by the sale of his comic books to Rhino and Kimel with some interim financing by shred and Jeffro...

The story goes on... :DB):P

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:D and a good story too! We should enlist the help of a moderator to split it off into its own thread. (that's a hint).

Mean while, back to the main topic of merging two books to produce another I submit the following for your perusal:

The Prisoner of Delphi, a novel set in the mythical kingdom of Ruritania. The book relates the adventures of Rudolf Rassendyll, a Microsoft programmer who impersonates the CEO of Oracle to save Sybase from extinction. An improbable but high-spirited tale filled with heroes, villains, boardroom intrigue, romance, and a devestating computer virus.

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