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2005 Tactical Challenge 29/30 Oct 05

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just to give everyone a bit a flavor-It is runnin AND gunnin-and some nice penalties for booboo's-The stages are IPSC-like except we make you crawl a bit, and maybe force you to shoot in awkward positions. Usually no calls for cover and we do transitions on about half the stages or more.

You can preview last years designs here............


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Last year's scoreing used this (I pretty sure this is right) system:

" Scoring: We will use hit factor scoring. Each stage is worth 100 points, we will add up the shooters percentages of the high score for each stage and that is your score for the match. High score wins. The match will be scored as follows. A=5, B=4 C=4, D =2, Miss penalty is -20, Failure To Engage (FTE): -10 Points, Hostage (N/S) is -40, (only one hit per target counts). There will be a Procedural Penalty for faulting lines, failure to take cover etc. This will be 10 Points. There will be a Failure To Do Right penalty. The FTDR penalty will be 60 seconds added to your time. "

The rest of the rules can be found at: obcat.com

You have to scroll down and click on Tactical challange then click rules.

Anyway, if you are comfortable shooting USPSA I think you will enjoy this match as well.


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...


I think what Goerge is saying is that if you are comfortable shooting USPSA, you'd be comfortable at our match. I don't think he was comparing scoring systems.

As to the scoring, I am the RP (responsible party) It was my idea that you should be well rounded and to have each stage count the same towards the match. I've shot 3-gun where time plus was used. It works well and is certainly faster to calculate, but it is only fair as long as all the stages have about the same expected times. If you run Time-Plus and there is one stage that is say three times as long as the rest, it is possible that a really good rifle shooter will so skew the results as to be able to win the overall match while actually doing quite poorly in all the shorter courses.

By the way, we are scheduled to shoot the last weekend in October again this year. Look for a few new challenges this year.

Jim Norman

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  • 3 months later...


Old Bridge, NJ

We are holding three special matches this year.

July 31 One day only, a rifle match, Open, Limited and Tactical. This will be essentially the same as one of our regualr matches, except shot with a rifle or carbine instead of a pistol.

August 27, Saturday, Shoot our Shotgun only match, Then come back on Sunday and shoot pistol.

October 29 & 30, the 2005 Tactical Challenge. COme out and shoot, 12 stages over two days. Pistol, rifle and shotgun, alone and together.

Applications for all three matches are posted on the OBCATS.com website.

Jim Norman

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  • 2 months later...

OK Everybody.

Crunch Time is here. It is the end of the first full week in September, the OB/CATS 2005 Tactical Challenge is scheduled to take place on the last weekend in October. We need your applications in now!

You don't want to miss this match. It will be our usual level of insanity.

Look for 12 stages, 6 on each day. You will shoot Rifle, Pistol, Shotgun, seperatley and in combination, there will be physical challenges, but none so great that the average 3-gunner can't get through them.

We plan to shoot rain or shine.

Download your application today fromm www.obcats.com

Jim Norman

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  • 1 month later...

I'm not Jim either,;) and Vlad is right-100 yds max. To make up for the short distance we make you crawl and shoot thru ridiculously small ports and the like. This year we will have a van to shoot out of, as well as another pick-up truck(maybe).

Currently we will have 12 stages (6 per day) and start time will be 9AM. We are setting up Thurs afternoon and all day Friday-any and all help is appreciated.

Round count will be similar to last year and will be posted as soon as we know enough! Expect around: 130 rounds per type of gun. Last year we had 128 pistol, 134 rifle, 117 shotgun of which 21 were slugs.

If you bring 250 of each (750 total) you should have no problemmos-just in case you have a re-shoot or two.

P.S. The match is FULL!!! :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Day One is DONE! NO DQ's and everyone is having fun! Last minute entry by Bruce Piatt will make it challenging in LTD :blink: ..............for second place :lol:

Next year we are talking about a one day format with 9 stages versus the 2-day 12 stage format. We will most likely get more shooters who can attend one day versus the two day deal and it will be A LOT easier on the match staff!!!! :D:D:D

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Another match is done and over.

Thank you to everyone that made this match possible. We shot 12 stages, 9 of which were two-gun only three one gun. There were movers, shooting from odd positions, flipped birds, multiple solutions to the problems presented.

The build began at 8:30 on Friday morning and teardown was completed about 6:30 PM on Sunday. The match required 370 hits to complete or over 24,400 rounds!

Results will be posted as soon as I can get them complied.

Look to the OBCATS website after the first of the year for information on next year's match. If you are thinking of joining us, reserve the 5th weekend in October now.

Jim Norman for the OBCATS crew.

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After unfortunately having to miss it last year, it was delightful to be back this year. The match has improved considerably in the last couple of years. Stages ranged from merely challenging to downright grueling for the circumferentially challenged; I know I requested a forklift on more than one stage, to get me back up from prone. The shooting was challenging ---- but quite doable if you knew your Zeroes. Stage design had a serious cool factor ---- from the full size van we got to shoot out of, to the newly designed slider, to the ammo can activator on another stage, to the creation of Dennis the Dummy. Props worked well the entire match.

The most gratifying thing though was that there were 18 or so students from the U.S. Military Academies Combat Weapons Team who were sprinkled in small groups through out the match. With all that we often hear about the "declining quality of youths today," I was amazed by their composure, demeanor and grace. (Not to mention their stamina ---- at the end of day one, when we were racing the setting sun to complete the day's shooting, the four cadets on my squad hustled 40-50 yards downrange to patch and score the six far targets after every shooter, allowing us to radically shorten clearance times.) I've never been more proud and grateful to be an American........

I'd like to publically thank Dave Marques, Jim Norman, John Soltesz, John Kruszka, Bill Rosenthal, Vlad Gabrielescu, George Post, and the many other members of the Old Bridge Team for another incredible match. Thanks Guys!

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It was quite a match. I'm sore all over and today I went back to the range to figure what happened to my rifle. It was shooting 8" to the right for some reason though it started zeroed. I think I knocked it around to much while tooling around inside the van.

But all the pain and rifle anguish aside the match was GREAT. As Nik mentioned, the youngsters from the military where great and worked hard both days, hard enough that we had time to actually sit down and relax every now and then because they taped, and reset like champs. We had almost zero problems and the match was smooth and fun.

My only regret is I'm not 100lb lighter. Oh well, I droped 30lb since the last years match, so I have something to work on for next year. I can ran and move, but getting into tiny low ports is kinda of a pain when you are more spherical then others.

Edited by Vlad
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