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USPSA Match (6.14.14)

I was able to get one more match in before our baby's birth (just days away) by pulling the Father's Day card.


And it went pretty well. The first stage was pretty rough and I had a bad plan because I thought one of the targets wasn't available on the other positions, thinking it was multiple targets. Bonehead move, and executed even worse. The key to the stage was going 1 for 1 on the steel and I was moving way to fast to do that. Glad to have that one out of the way. The second stage, I was still going a bit to fast and not calling every shot and didn't get A's on everything so I decided to do WHAT I KNOW I'm supposed to do and call every shot. Don't rush. Go match speed. It turns out my match speed is just about as fast as my speed mode, I just forget that sometimes. After that, the rest of the match was great. I was still first in B class Production by almost 30 points and 4th in Production overall, just behind 2 M's and an A who took first.

Moral of the story? Call every shot!

It sure was a ton of fun and I shot an 78% on the classifier which was the icing on the cake.

And sorry if this all sounds boastful. Just excited about what all of the practice is doing for my game and reporting the results.

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One of Steve Anderson latest Podcast makes emphasis in that... Call your Shots....he mentions that like zillion times...haha

Cant wait for June 22 to use my newly adquired CZ Shadow

Love CZ

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  • 1 month later...

Wow, it really has been a while since I posted here. Having a child really takes up some time!


I did get to slip away after some cajoling with my wife, being a classifier match and all, and shot my first official IDPA classifier. I wasn't expecting much since I haven't dry fired in quite some time, and even less live fire. But I just "Andersoned" it and called every shot, didn't rush, and didn't let my mind get in a hurry.

Well, I'm pretty excited to report that I shot it in 106.95 and made Expert in SSP! I think I was 20 points down over all and there was really only one shot that I didn't call. It was because I did rush a close target, the 5 yard retreating target, and pulled a -1. I came in second place overall and the winner got me by less than .2 seconds. If I had taken my time I wouldn't have been second. It really doesn't pay to rush.

Pretty happy about the match!

I'm gunning for A class in USPSA next.

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  • 3 years later...

Whoa! Has it really been that long since I posted here? Yikes. 

Had a great little dry fire session tonight after being out of town for a bit. Spent an hour on the basics, draws and reloads. Still refining my technique since moving to the Walther Q5. 

6 Reload 6 and El Prez were all around 4.40 with good shots and trigger pulls. 

I have to get tuned up for the match this weekend since it’ll likely be the last one until January. 

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53 minutes ago, Brophy-J said:

Welcome back Q5 brother.

Right on!!

Ya, really digging the Q5. I'd never even seen one before and shot the Walther side match at Nationals and instantly fell in love with it. I think I was 14th overall at the side match with it, a box stock gun. I went back and asked them to shoot it again a few times to verify that I really did like it as much as I thought I did. Went home and bought one, shot it at a few matches, and bought a second one as a spare since I decided to run it exclusively for 2018.



Just ran out and did some trigger drills with it before work. I'll spend an hour or so with it tonight, too. Hoping to get my reloads and turn and draws under a second.

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Got over to the range for a few and worked on some 35 yard bill drills, as well as SHO/WHO bill drills out at 15 or so yards. Ended the day with a 7 yard bill drill to get back into "speed mode" and was still at my typical speed, 1.95 clean. Pretty tough practice and pretty hard on the self image. WHO shooting still evades me. I want to fight the recoil and push shots into the C zone. Work in progress.

Then cleaned about 2k of brass (Meh) and out for sushi!

Just wrapped up an hour of dry fire, working the basics, experimenting with my grip/draw. Still inconsistent and getting used to the switch to the Walther. Reloads were good until I got tired. Transitions tightened up after a bit, too.

Lots of shooting stuff today.


Now off to read Stoeger's Dryfire Reloaded (just bought on the Kindle).


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Dry fired for about an hour. STILL working on my grip/draw. Started coming in on the grip from the right side instead of up and then down into the beavertail. Pretty fast and consistent, but I really like getting mashed up in the beavertail. From the side is 90% of up and down. Hmmm. Need to experiment with it more.

Hands above shoulders, still experimenting with it, too. It gets fast after some warm up, but not a luxury when at a match. Not as fast as hands at side, but get it to about .90 and .80 when really warmed up. Hands at side in dry fire is typically .70 to .60 (all times without trigger pull). In live fire, times are around a second for 10 yards, and sometimes less if I can manage my tension.

Worked on lateral movement. I am faster than I thought I was. I did keep speeding up my movement and as long as I stay low, the gun is steady (enough).


My reloads went to crap when doing that, then I realized I was grabbing the mags at the base pad instead of a proper grip with my index finger down the front.


Note to self, visualize the perfect grip on each reload as you visualize the stage/drill! That seems to cure that.

Note to self, visualize gripping the gun front to back with the strong hand, and side to side with the support hand.

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I've been light on matches lately and it showed. Too many mistakes cost me the Production win (fell to 2nd and out of the Overall top 16). Steel dogged me (yanking the trigger on steel).

I clipped a barrel and got a Mike that I didn't call. Lost my mind on a Texas Star and had a standing reload. Very unusual for me. Looking at the video, the star was set upside down so the first plate off sent it spinning and the second one made it worse. It shouldn't matter, but I wasn't expecting it/lack of practice allowed it to affect me. I also had a magazine fall out during a string (guessing my support hand pressed it durning recoil?).

Reflecting back, I let the errors get under my skin, which did cause me to double down on my focus and tighten up my shooting, so not all bad.

The good stuff, I moved VERY well and even with all of the errors, still did well on my times. I stayed low and had really good/smooth speed, good transitions, and blazing reloads, which is a victory by itself.

One observation that was cool is that on one stage that required 3 shots per target, I split like I was shooting a Bill Drill. There is no reason I'm not doing that for normal 2 on paper targets, just automatically shooting like I used to. Need to fix that! 

Note to self, give steel the respect it deserves.

Note to self, reprogram yourself to shoot like you Bill Drill (aggressive and crushing the grip and focusing on trigger and sight tracking) 

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Live fire practice.

Worked on movement, entry/exit drills to be specific. Very happy with the practice session. I took video of myself doing all of the drills and pretty happy with the progress. My hits were pretty lackluster, but hits weren't the goal of the drills, so...
I needed some marksmanship practice so I shot the Leatham drill and did pretty well, 67A and 8C. Started "feeling the trigger" again, but still not where it needs to be.

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Dry dire. Short session, 20 minuets perhaps. Worked on the fundamentals with an emphasis on the turn and draw. Funny how you can never neglect the basics, there is always some extra speed hidden in there. 

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No fire...

Home from the hospital. My appendix failed and had to get it removed. Looks like I'll be out of commision for a little bit while I recover. 

I think in a day or two I'll pick up some dry fire of some sort. Light stuff like table pickup practice or trigger drills.


I signed up for the Shooter's Summit and started to listen to the speakers. Great stuff, totally worth the $37.

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2 hours ago, Brophy-J said:

Well that puts a damper on things. Rest up and enjoy the holiday man. Heal and start up dryfire when you can. You can probably practice week/strong hand only, from your bed.

Haha, indeed it does!


But going to try and make the most of it. Lots of little micro drills will probably be in order. Also gives me a chance to inspect gear, fix/replace worn items, get the next year's reloading supplies inventoried and ordered, etc.

Going to update my training program, too. I'll get it posted up here in case anyone wants to use it, too.

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