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Warren worked his magic again


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To much time on your hands isn't always a bad thing. but the problem is when you act on little or no knowledge of a subject. I was stuck at home last week due to the snow and began getting the urge to tinker with my open revolver. I wanted to "carmonize" the hammer on it. I have a dremel, probably enough ability to get it done and just enough knowledge of how to do it to be dangerous. Then it struck me, send Warren Moore an email with a few questions about it. About an hour later my phone rings and it's Warren on the other end. Instead of simply responding via email like most people would have done, Warren takes the time to call me about m my questoin. We discussed a few things then I asked the question....how much to have you do it? His answer was all I needed to hear to decide he needed to do this surgery, not me. I called Warren last Friday and asked if he was free to work on my gun on Saturday, sure was his answer, bring it on over. So, we took the family to K.C. and spent a couple of nights in a great hotel by the airport. Saturday I took the gun to Warren. When I got there we discussed what I wanted done to the gun........my list had grown. After he looked it over he came up with a few other suggestions of things to do that would enhance both the guns performance and hopefully my shooting of it. The list was pretty long of what he was going to do to the gun starting with "carmonizing" the hammer, then re arching the main spring, re tuning the trigger, reaming the forcing cone, lightly chamfering the muzzle, cutting the underlug down and re contouring it, adding a trigger stop to the back side of the trigger and taking out the end shake on the cylinder by stretching the crane instead of putting in a shim. He also checked all the screws on the stick shift and mounted the Aimpoint C3 I won last year in my grab bag at the Bianchi Cup. I thought the gun had a pretty nice trigger from when he worked on it a year ago. It is simply amazing now after last Saturday's work, I couldn't be happier with the gun now. Everything Warren did to the gun has a purpose. He talked me out of doing a few things to the gun that I had questions about and I'm glad I listened to him, Warren knows his stuff and I respect his opinion. Before I left with the gun and a big grin on my face Warren commented that my gun is now a top notch Action Pistol revolver, there simply isn't much else that can be done to it at this point to make it any better he said. I believe him, the gun handles and feels much better now. From the smoother trigger pull to the faster hammer fall, and the balance of the gun, it all works together well. All the shake (of the gun) as been eliminated after the hammer fall too which is really something, the carmonized hammer and trigger stop work well in concert. The hammer strike increased by a full pound as a result of the work he did, that should really help to eliminate any light primer strikes. I really appreciate Warren taking the time on his Saturday to work on my gun too, not many gunsmiths would do that. I'm glad I didn't tinker with the gun now!

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Warren taught me how to shoot and has built many revolvers for me. I would never sell any of them. I have watched Warren help people like that for years, he does it because he enjoys helping people. I don't know to many people like that.

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The gun in question started out as a PPC gun so it wasn't originally optimal for Bianchi. The basic accurate gun was there, but each game has it's special equipment. I was able to add about a pound to the hammer fall while maintaining the 6 pound trigger pull.

Thanks for the kind words guys! It's the friends you make along the way that makes the journey worthwhile. :)

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Warren is a great gunsmith and human being.

All the work he has done for me is top shelf stuff. He has kept me from making some mistakes because I didn't know what I really needed. I wish my budget could keep up with my wish list. His stuff is functional and beautiful.

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Here's a picture of the work that Warren performed on the gun. The gun was loaded with snap caps when the picture was taken.

There are pictures of the early version of the gun posted under the title "Warren knows his stuff" in the Bianchi Cup forum.


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