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MO Fall Classic

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Went to help set up stages for the Fall Classic. All are pretty straight forward with a few swingers, clamshells, and a Texas Star thrown in. Mostly 24-32 rd field courses with ports, stairs, and doorways. No rope yanking, going prone, windmill spinners or long distance shots. Most are fairly close with some no shoots thrown in to keep it from being too simple. Pretty much even for all divisions with no real advantage for any. Overall looks like another great run and gun match.

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Next weekend, Oct 1,2,3 at the COPS range. It is listed as Rolla, MO. but is actually just east of Ft. Leonard Wood off Hwy J south of I-44.

Probably about a 4-5 hr drive from you.

If interested, might check with club contacts (Fletcher or Delp) from this site. I don't have the entry form still on my computer or I would post it.


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I'll be there with my 11-yr-old son Sam. We'll both be shooting revolvers. We've heard this is a great match and we're looking forward to it.

My wife and daughter are tagging along on the road trip from Iowa, but they're a bit concerned they won't be able to find anything to do on Saturday while Sam and I shoot. Can anyone make any recommendations regarding shopping, sightseeing, etc.?

Mike Carmoney

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Probably the closest thing that may be of interest (but may cost you money) is if they head up to Osage Beach and the outlet mall. 130 stores or something like that. Probably 45-60 minute drive. Of course they could go to Springfield but that's about 90 miles west on I-44.


Hope you can make it. Jeff & I (From good ole Squad 13) will shoot Friday and RO Saturday. Weather is iffy so bring rain gear. Also, Sunday AM temp may drop to 40. Dress accordingly.

Stages are not necessarily revolver friendly but nothing that you can't handle. You are probably used to that anyway.

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Hi all,

There is rain forcasted for this weekend here in Linn Creek, which is just south of Osage Beach with cool temps. Sunday morning the low is forcated to be in the 30sF, so bring your warm rain jacket. The outlet mall would be a good place for the wife & daughter, also there is some minature golf or regular golf available.

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Hopalong: Sorry we didn't get to shoot on the same squad with you..."Young Sam" and I would have enjoyed watching your wheelgun work--congratulations again on your Revolver division overall victory. The good news is that the guys in our squad (none of whom we had ever met before) were great guys to shoot with.

spd522: As you know, the girls did make it down to the outlet mall at Osage Beach. After watching me in the shoot-off this morning, niether of them is going to listen to any lectures from me about "wasting" money....! Thanks again for the suggestion.

Great match--I enjoyed seeing several old buddies, and it was really nice to make new friends as well. We're looking forward to returning to Rolla for the Mo. Steel Challenge match in June "05, and hope to be at the 2005 Fall Classic as well.


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Great Match !!!!!! :)

If you like shooting a whole bunch of rounds in ONE DAY this is the Match to go to..... :D

We ((I was shooter number 126) so that tells you how many shooters they had show up for this thing.) shot 10 stages, and right at 300 rounds in not only 1 day but we were done by 4:00 (my squad)

NOW, to all the members in Squad 20 thanks for putting up with this Southerner I can't remember a better squad to shoot with ( especially for a bunch of Yankees, and a few mid westerners) :lol:

Squad 20 came out of the match looking pretty good, we had I know of for sure (and may miss some so don't hurt me too bad when you see me again)

5 out of a squad of 10 bring home hardware :rolleyes:

here are overall results:

OPEN Sherwyn Greenfield

Limited Emanuel Bragg

L - 10 Rick Watkins

Production Matt Who ?

Revolver Sam Keen

3 out of the 5 are BE.com'ers so congrats go to all and a little extra go to EB and that Who fellow in Arkansas.

The stages were as stated before pretty straight up, unless you shoot a revolver,

but here is the deal, if it is trouble for one it is trouble for all so nothing gained or lost.

most arrays were 8 shots or could be engaged from other spots, I have not shot a match this year that was so challenging to figure out how to shoot the stages because the options of shooting them were so many.

One stage in particular I would like to shoot several more times as my squad mate Jay Christensen and I figured out 5 different ways to shoot it( with a Revolver ).

This match could easily have been won by any body in any division as it did not lend itself to any particular type of divsion better than another, that is a good job of stage design, and set up so Good Job goes to all who did it.

In closing I recomend to anyone that even thinks about shooting it to go do it it is a blast.

Carmoney, The pleasure was mine. You and "Young Sam" are a class act as is the rest of the Carmonies. Sam made quite an Impression on everyone there, that is a result of good parenting and guidance.( See what I mean about any Sam shooting a revolver has to be COOL ?) ;)


Oh yeah, Congrats go to Larry Treen for Missouri State Revolver Champ.

This is the first time I have talked with Larry and He is a class act too. :)

1 more thing, Jay Christensen shot the match after having food poisoning and being sick all night and half the match, he gets a special hats off as he shot a hell of a match while doing it. :D

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The Fall Classic is always a fun time, you never know if you'll be shooting in the rain, snow, or if you might have sunshine like we did this past weekend!!

Congrats to all the winners, and to Larry Fletcher, Bob Delp & the club guys for

making it a big success. and congrats to that guy that kicked my butt in the shootoff!!!!! :o

See ya next year!!


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