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Rockcastle USPSA Monthly club match - Oct 27

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Howdy folks,

This time around we're running a match with four classifiers and one extra-long field course.

The stages are:

CM 09-01 Six In Six Challenge

CM 03-09 On The Move

CM 99-10 Times Two

CM 99-27 Lefty's Revenge

36 round field course (yes, I said 36 rounds.)

As usual we'll open registration at 9am and shooting begins 10-10:30. Cost is $20.

In case you need directions, here's the host range's site: Rockcastle Shooting Center

Hope you come out to shoot with us, and come early for breakfast or stay after for dinner at the lodge!

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I have been in contact with Nick quite a few times and not sure if it is too late to change, but I had 10 shooters at least planning to show up to shoot a standard USPSA type match. We have 8 shooters over from London, England this week to shoot here in Madisonville to prepare for an American USPSA type match. If this is just going to be a classifier match then we will probably have to change our plans or see if something else is available. Can you please pm me or post here. I also have heard from some other shooters from my area that will probably skip since it is just classifiers.


Phillip Gamblin

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Hi Phillip,

I certainly understand your concern and wish there was something I could do to help. As far as I know it's too late to roll back, but all those decisions (such as having a special classifer match) come from over my head anyway. I agree the turnout will be affected by this.

@TwoShot at least you'll be able to see a lot better when all is done! Good luck brother!



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Stoked about this weekend. Started with a local pistol match to kick it off last night where my wife shot better than I did. Headed to RC tomorrow for this pistol match and then to Cincinnati for a 3-gun match on Sunday! I will get some rest when I get back to work ;) This will give us both the classifiers needed for our first rating.


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It was well worth it fighting the traffic through the I-65 detour, good thing I forgot about the time change. Thanks to MD Jerry Dillard for getting everything ready and ROing my squad. 4th place finish is my best yet. I look forward to shooting with all you guys again.


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